(By authority conferred on the director of the department of licensing and regulatory  
affairs by sections 19 and 21 of 1974 PA 154, and Executive Reorganization Order Nos.  
1996-2, 2003-1, 2008-4, and 2011-4, MCL 445.2001, 445.2011, 445.2025, and 445.2030)  
R 408.42001 Scope.  
Rule 2001. This part pertains to the demolition of structures by manual or  
mechanical means and to the safeguarding of the employees in this operation.  
History: 1979 AC; 1981 AACS.  
R 408.42023 Definitions.  
Rule 2023. (1) "Balling" means to demolish by mechanically swinging a  
weighted ball.  
(2) "Clamming" means to demolish by use of a clam bucket.  
(3) "Competent person" means a person who is experienced and capable of  
identifying an existing or potential hazard in surroundings, or under working conditions,  
that are hazardous or dangerous to an employee and who has the authority and  
knowledge to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate the hazards.  
(4) "Demolition" means to dismantle, tear down, or raze.  
(5) "Hazardous substance" means a substance that is toxic, corrosive, a strong  
sensitizer, flammable, or explosive.  
(6) "Manual demolition" means stripping or demolition by hand labor.  
(7) "Mechanical demolition" means demolition by powered equipment other than  
hand-held tools.  
History: 1981 AACS; 1998-2000 AACS.  
R 408.42031 Demolition generally.  
Rule 2031. (1) Before the start of a demolition operation, an employer shall ensure that  
all of the following are done:  
(a) An engineering survey of the structure and equipment is conducted by a competent  
person knowledgeable in demolition to determine all of the following:  
(i) The condition of the foundation, roof, walls, and floors.  
(ii) Whether any adjacent structure will be affected by the demolition.  
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(iii) The utility service entering the building.  
(iv) Any other conditions and equipment affecting the safety of an employee.  
(b) An employer shall ensure that there is a written report of the survey at the field  
office until the completion of the job. The report shall include information such as the  
name of the person conducting the survey, date of the survey, and hazardous substances  
and dangerous conditions found and their location. In an emergency situation, a survey is  
not required. If a field office does not exist at the demolition site, then an employer shall  
file the written report of the survey at the employer’s main office.  
(c) An employer shall inform utility companies of the planned demolition. An employer  
shall ensure that utility services are shut off, capped, or otherwise protected from damage,  
except as specified in subrule (2) of this rule.  
(d) An employer shall ensure that glazed sash and doors and other glass that might cause  
an injury shall be protected or removed before demolition starts.  
(2) If an employee is required to work in a structure that has been damaged by fire,  
flood, or explosion, then an employer shall ensure that the affected walls and floors are  
shored or braced before manual demolition starts.  
(3) If an area or item, such as a pipe, tank, or bin, is known or suspected to contain a  
hazardous substance, then an employer shall ensure that testing is performed and the  
hazard eliminated before demolition is permitted to begin.  
(4) An employer shall ensure that manual demolition of structural components starts at  
the top of the structure and proceeds downward so that each level is completely dropped  
before the next lower wall and floor is dropped, except that if a connection portion is a  
different level, then that portion may be removed first. This requirement does not prohibit  
the cutting of a floor for the removal of materials if the requirements of R 408.42044 are  
complied with.  
(5) An employer shall ensure that an employee shall not be exposed to weather  
conditions during demolition work if weather conditions constitute a hazard.  
(6) During manual demolition of a structure of skeleton steel construction, the steel  
framing may be left in place, but an employer shall ensure that all structural supports are  
cleared of loose material as the demolition proceeds downward.  
(7) An employer shall ensure that an employee is not permitted to work on a floor below  
a floor opening when demolition is conducted on the upper level, unless the employee is  
protected by a solid barricade not less than 42 inches high and located not less than 6 feet  
back from the projected edge of the opening above.  
(8) During demolition, an employer or his or her designated representative shall make  
daily inspections to detect hazards and unsafe conditions. An employer shall ensure that  
an employee is not permitted to work where hazards exist until the hazards are corrected  
by shoring, bracing, or other effective means.  
History: 1981 AACS; 1998-2000 AACS; 2013 AACS.  
R 408.42032 Guarding floor and wall openings.  
Rule 2032. The provisions of Part 45. Fall Protection, being R 408.44501 et seq. of  
the Michigan Administrative Code, shall be complied with for all portions of the  
structure where there is employee exposure to the conditions covered by that part.  
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History: 1981 AACS; 1996 AACS.  
R 408.42033 Means of egress.  
Rule 2033. (1) When an employee is required to be inside  
structure being  
demolished, only a means of egress designated by the employer shall be used and  
maintained. All other means of egress shall be closed off.  
(2) The means of egress shall be free of hazards. During manual demolition,  
the means of egress shall be supplied with an illumination intensity of not less than  
10 candlepower.  
(3) A means of egress shall be guarded to protect an employee from falling  
(4) An employee entrance to a multistory structure to be demolished shall be  
protected by a roof canopy for a distance of not less than 8 feet from the structure. The  
canopy shall be not less than 1 foot wider on each side than the entrance and shall be  
capable of sustaining a load of 150 pounds per square foot.  
History: 1981 AACS.  
R 408.42034 Material chutes and drops.  
Rule 2034. (1) The area onto and through which material is to be dropped shall be  
completely enclosed with barricades not less than 42 inches high and not less than 6 feet  
back from the opening and the area receiving the material. Signs warning of the hazard of  
falling materials shall be posted on the barricades at each level containing the barricades.  
(2) Where material is dropped through more than 1 level, the opening shall be enclosed  
between the upper and lower levels, an enclosed chute shall be provided, or the  
intermediate levels shall be barricaded as prescribed in subrule (1) of this rule. If the drop  
is more than 40 feet inside the building, only an enclosed opening or chute shall be used.  
The chute or enclosure shall extend through the ceiling of the receiving level.  
(3) A material chute shall be constructed to withstand any impact load imposed on it  
without failure.  
(4) A material chute, or section thereof, at an angle of more than 45 degrees from the  
horizontal shall be entirely enclosed, except for an opening equipped with a closure at or  
about each floor level for insertion of materials. The opening shall not be more than 48  
inches in height measured along the wall of the chute. At all stories below the top floor,  
the openings shall be kept closed when not in use. The chute shall fit the floor or wall  
opening or the open space shall be closed.  
(5) Where material is dumped from mechanical equipment or a wheelbarrow, a toeboard  
or bumper not less than 4 inches thick by 6 inches high nominal size secured to the floor  
shall be provided at each material chute opening.  
History: 1981 AACS; 2013 AACS.  
R 408.42041 Removal of chimneys, stacks, and walls.  
Rule 2041. (1) During manual demolition, a wall or ceiling shall not be permitted to fall  
on a floor of a building unless the floor is capable of sustaining the impact.  
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(2) A chimney, stack, or wall shall not be permitted to stand alone without lateral  
bracing unless it can withstand the force of the wind and other uncontrolled forces. A  
chimney, stack, or wall shall be left in a stable condition at the end of each shift.  
(3) During manual demolition, a wall serving as a retaining wall to support earth shall  
not be demolished until the load against the wall has been removed.  
(4) A wall serving as a retaining wall for debris shall be capable of supporting the  
imposed load.  
(5) A wall serving as a bearing wall for an adjoining structure shall not be demolished  
until the adjoining structure has been underpinned.  
(6) Safety access to and from the top of the chimney or stack shall be provided during  
manual demolition.  
History: 1981 AACS; 1996 AACS; 2013 AACS.  
R 408.42043 Removal of structural steel.  
Rule 2043. (1) During manual demolition, structural steel shall be removed column  
length by column length and tier by tier without overstressing any member.  
(2) Structural steel members shall be lowered from an upper level by mechanical means.  
History: 1981 AACS; 2013 AACS.  
R 408.42044 Manual removal of ceiling and floor systems.  
Rule 2044. (1) A floor upon or above which an employee is working and which  
will be weakened by manual demolition shall be shored to support the intended load.  
(2) An opening that is cut into a floor for disposal of materials shall not be more  
than 25% of the total floor area, unless the lateral supports of the removed flooring  
remain in place.  
(3) An opening that is cut into a floor shall extend the full span of the floor  
between supports.  
(4) Before a floor is demolished, debris and other material shall be removed  
from the area and adjacent areas for a distance of not less than 20 feet.  
(5) Before demolishing a floor arch, debris and other material shall be removed  
from the arch and other adjacent floor area. Planks that are not less than 2 inches by  
10 inches in cross section, full size undressed, shall be provided for, and used by, an  
employee to stand on while breaking down a floor arch between beams. The planks  
shall be located so as to provide a safe support for the workmen if the arch  
between the beams collapses. The open space between planks shall not be more than  
16 inches.  
(6) A safe walkway, not less than 18 inches wide, formed of planks not less than  
2 inches thick if wood, or of equivalent strength if metal, shall be provided for, and  
used by, employees when necessary to enable them to reach any point without  
walking upon exposed beams.  
(7) Planks shall be laid together over solid bearings with the ends overlapping  
at least 1 foot.  
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(8) A floor arch to an elevation of not more than 25 feet above grade may be  
removed to provide storage area for debris, if the removal does not endanger the  
stability of the structure.  
History: 1981 AACS.  
R 408.42045 Mechanical demolition.  
Rule 2045. (1) Mechanical equipment shall not be used on a floor or other working  
surface unless the floor or surface is capable of supporting the imposed load of the  
equipment and the anticipated material loads.  
(2) Equipment used in mechanical demolition shall comply with both of the following:  
(a) Only be operated by a qualified and authorized employee.  
(b) Meets the requirements prescribed in the applicable rules of Part 10. Lifting and  
Digging Equipment, and Part 13. Mobile Equipment, R 408.41001 et seq. and  
R 408.41301 et seq. of the Michigan Administrative Code.  
(3) A floor or wall opening shall have curbs or stop logs, as prescribed in R 408.42034  
to prevent mechanical equipment from running over the edge.  
(4) Only those employees necessary to the operation of mechanical demolition  
equipment shall be permitted in the demolition area at any time.  
(5) The weight of a demolition ball shall not be more than 50% of the crane’s rated load  
based on the boom length and the maximum angle of operation that the ball will be used,  
or the weight shall not be more than 25% of the nominal breaking strength of the line and  
connection by which it is suspended, whichever is the lesser.  
(6) The crane boom and load line shall be as short as possible to accomplish the job.  
(7) The ball shall be positively connected to the load line with a swivel connector to  
prevent accidental disconnection and to prevent twisting of the line.  
(8) Roof cornices and other ornamental stonework shall be removed before pulling a  
wall over, except when balling or clamming.  
History: 1981 AACS; 2013 AACS.  
R 408.42046 Demolition by use of explosives.  
Rule 2046. Explosives handled, transported, stored, and used in demolition shall be as  
prescribed in General Industry Safety Standard Part 27. ‘Blasting and Use of Explosives,’  
R 408.42701 et seq. of the Michigan Administrative Code.  
History: 1981 AACS; 2013 AACS.  
R 408.42047 Storage of debris.  
Rule 2047. (1) Storage of debris or salvaged material on a floor shall not exceed the  
allowable floor load.  
(2) Storage space into which material is placed shall be blocked off by a barricade or  
wall when hazardous to an employee, except for an opening used to place or remove the  
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material. The opening to the storage space shall be kept closed at all times when not in  
(3) In a building having wooden floor construction, the flooring boards may be removed  
from not more than 1 floor above grade to provide storage space for debris, if falling  
material is not permitted to endanger the stability of the structure.  
History: 1981 AACS; 2013 AACS.  
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