R 408.11104 Definitions; C to F.
Rule 1104. (1) "Clinch ring" means a series of hog rings pressed into a circular
form integrally meshed through the buffing material.
(2) "Coated abrasive" means abrasive grains bonded to paper, fibre, or cloth,
usually fabricated in various forms, such as a disc, endless belt, and sheet.
(3) "Compound" means the abrasive in a bond mixture applied to the buffing
wheel or part in a cake or liquid form.
(4) "Flange or end" means disc or plates between which a buff with a metal or
fibre center is mounted.
(5) "Fixture" means the support used to hold or guide a part being buffed or
History: 1979 AC.
R 408.11105 Definitions; O to W.
Rule 1105. (1) "Off side" means a place above or below the center line of a wheel,
depending on rotation of the wheel, where a part or compound will be thrust away from
the operator.
(2) "Open spindle lathe--hand jack" means a machine on which buffing or
polishing wheels are mounted and run.
(3) "Polishing wheel" means a full circular disc of a material, generally a
product of the loom, compressed felt or sheepskin, that is plied and laminated.
Abrasive grain is glued or cemented to the periphery and when cured is used to remove
fine scratches and imperfections.
(4) "Safety guard" means an enclosure for protection from emission or accidental
(5) "Wire brush wheel" means a full circular disc of wires held in place by a hub or
History: 1979 AC.
R 408.11111 Operator personal protection.
Rule 1111. An operator shall:
(a) Be provided with and use eye protection, as prescribed in Part 33.Personal
Protective Equipment, being R 408.13301 et seq. of the Michigan Administrative
Code, such as goggles or a face shield when polishing, buffing, or abrading.
(b) Be provided with, at no expense, and use a belly pad or apron when hand
(c) Not wear loose clothing.
History: 1979 AC; 1983 AACS.
R 408.11115 Guards.
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