R 281.427 Certification; renewal requirements.
Rule 7. (1) An applicant shall complete all of the following requirements to renew
certification as a prescribed burn manager:
(a) Apply to the department on a form prescribed by the department.
(b) Provide proof of satisfying either of the following requirements to the
(i) Completion of at least 8 hours of training related to prescribed fires, as
approved by the department.
(ii) Attendance at Michigan prescribed fire council annual meeting.
(c) Provide 1 of the following proofs to the department of having participated
in prescribed burns. Such proof shall be submitted on a form prescribed by the
(i) Submit a prescribed burn manager certification number for at least 2 completed
(ii) Participate in 5 burns, documented and verified by a currently certified
prescribed burn manager.
(iii) Complete the department's Michigan prescribed burn manager course.
(2) An applicant who fails to renew certification within 1 year from the expiration
date of his/her previous certification may renew his or her certification, but only after
completing all of the requirements for original certification contained in R 281.426.
(3) Burn manager recertification will be valid for a period of 5 years from the
date of issuance of the renewal.
(4) A person who has been convicted of a felony under Chapter X - Arson and
Burning of the Michigan Penal Code, MCL 750.71 to 750.80 or under section 51510 of
Part 515 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, MCL 324.51510,
shall not be recertified as a prescribed burn manager.
History: 2007 AACS.
R 281.428
Decertification; point assessment;
recertification process.
Rule 8. (1) A certified prescribed burn manager who has been convicted of a felony
under Chapter X - Arson and Burning of the Michigan Penal Code, MCL 750.71 to
750.80, or under section 51510 of Part 515 of the Natural Resources and Environmental
Protection Act, MCL 324.51510, shall be immediately decertified and will be
ineligible for recertification.
(2) The director may decertify a certified prescribed burn manager's certification
for a period of not less than 1 year in either of the following situations:
(a) The manager's practices and procedures violate Michigan law or
department rules, or constitute a threat to public health, safety, or property.
(b) The manager accumulates more than 15 points during any 2 year period. Points
shall be assessed according to Table 1 and may be assessed for more than 1 infraction
per incident.
(3) A manager who has had been decertified by the director under subrule
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