Rule 3510. (1) The following federal occupational safety and health administration
(OSHA) regulations, that are effective August 3, 2015, are adopted by reference in these
(a) 1926.1202 “Definitions.”
(b) 1926.1203 “General requirements.”
(c) 1926.1204 “Permit-required confined space program.”
(d) 1926.1205 “Permitting process.”
(e) 1926.1206 “Entry permit.”
(f) 1926.1207 “Training.”
(g) 1926.1208 “Duties of authorized entrants.”
(h) 1926.1209 “Duties of attendants.”
(i) 1926.1210 “Duties of entry supervisors.”
(j) 1926.1211 “Rescue and emergency services.”
(k) 1926.1212 “Employee participation.”
(2) The standards adopted in this rule are available from the United States
Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration website:
(3) The standards adopted in these rules are available for inspection at the
Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, MIOSHA Regulatory Services Section,
530 West Allegan Street, Lansing, Michigan, 48909-8143.
(4) The standards adopted in these rules may be obtained from the publisher or may be
obtained from the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, MIOSHA Regulatory
Services Section, 530 West Allegan Street, P.O. Box 30643, Lansing, Michigan, 48909-
8143, plus $20.00 for shipping and handling.
(5) The following Michigan occupational safety and health (MIOSHA) standards are
referenced in these rules. Up to 5 copies of these standards may be obtained at no charge
from the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, MIOSHA
Regulatory Services Section, 530 West Allegan Street, Lansing, Michigan, 48909-8143
greater than 5, the cost, as of the time of adoption of these rules, is 4 cents per page.
(a) Construction Safety Standard Part 9 “Excavation, Trenching, and Shoring.”
R 408.40901 to R 408.40953.
(b) Construction Safety Standard Part 14 “Tunnels, Shafts, Caissons, and
Cofferdams.” R 408.41401 to R 408.41483.
(c) Occupational Health Standard Part 504 “Diving Operations.” R 325.50301 to
R 325.50348.
(d) Occupational Health Standard Part 665 “Underground Construction, Caissons,
Cofferdams, and Compressed Air.” R 325.62991 to R 325.62996.
History: 2015 AACS.
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