issue a temporary permit to operate the facility for a specified period of time. This
period of time shall not exceed 90 days for the facility to be brought into
compliance with the standards. While operating under a temporary permit, the rules of
sanitation and humane treatment of the animals set forth in these rules shall be
complied with.
(4) A licensee shall notify the department promptly of changes in name, address,
management, or substantial control of ownership of his business or operation.
(5) A person whose license has been suspended or revoked shall not be licensed in
any manner during the period in which the order of suspension or revocation is in effect.
A partnership, firm, or corporation in which such a person has a substantial financial
interest shall not be licensed during that period. A person who has been an officer,
agent, or employee of the licensee whose license has been revoked, and who was
responsible for, or participated in, the violation upon which the order of suspension
or revocation was based, shall not be licensed during the period in which the order of
suspension or revocation is in effect.
History: 1979 AC.
R 285.154.4 Records.
Rule 4. Records shall be maintained pursuant to section 5 of the act.
History: 1979 AC.
R 285.154.5 Shelter; box stalls and pens; slip stall or tie areas.
Rule 5. (1) A facility shall provide a shelter or barn which is large enough to
comfortably accommodate all animals during inclement weather. This shelter shall be
structurally sound and maintained in good repair to protect an animal from injury. The
construction of the shelter shall provide for proper drainage so that the floor can be
maintained in a dry condition.
(2) Box stalls and pens shall be of adequate size and height to allow animals to move
about in a normal manner and to lie down comfortably.
(3) Slip stalls or tie areas shall provide adequate room for an animal to stand normally
and to lie down comfortably.
History: 1979 AC.
R 285.154.6 Tack.
Rule 6. (1) Equipment shall be kept in satisfactory repair and condition so that it will not
cause undue stress, pain, or injury when used on the animals.
(2) Tack shall be kept clean to prevent the spread of disease or ectoparasites.
(3) The storage area for tack shall be kept clean and be so constructed that it can be
maintained properly. Debris shall not be allowed to accumulate in this area.
History: 1979 AC.
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