(By authority conferred on the commission of agriculture by section 2 of Act No. 91 of
the Public Acts of 1915, being S285.32 of the Michigan Compiled Laws)
R 285.537.1 Application of rules.
Rule 1. (1) These rules are the basis for determining quality and size of cucumbers for
pickling as they are received from or delivered by the grower to a brining plant,
packing plant, processing plant or loading station.
(2) These rules do not apply to the sale of cucumbers for pickling when the sale is made
by the grower direct to the consumer.
(3) These rules do not prohibit the purchase of, or contracting for pickling cucumbers
on a field-run basis, by the hundred-weight. If the value of field-run cucumbers to the
grower is established by sizing or grading, grades no. 1 through no. 4 shall apply.
(4) The grower shall receive compensation for all cucumbers for pickling used in any
manner by the processor for or in the preparation of human food.
(5) All cucumbers for pickling shall be purchased according to the standards and
grades prescribed by these rules.
History: 1979 AC.
R 285.537.2 Quality standards.
Rule 2. Cucumbers for pickling shall consist of cucumbers which show characteristic
color and which are fairly well formed, fresh and firm, but are not full grown or ripe;
which are free from decay and from damage caused by dirt, freezing, sunburn,
mosaic, or other disease, insects, mechanical, or other means.
History: 1979 AC.
R 285.537.3 Grades.
Rule 3. Cucumbers shall be graded as follows:
(a) No. 1 grade cucumbers shall be not over 1 1/16 inches in diameter.
(b) No. 2 grade cucumbers shall be over 1 1/16 inches but not over 1 ½ inches in
(c) No. 3 grade cucumbers shall be over 1 1/2 inches but not over 2 inches in
(d) No. 4 grade cucumbers shall not meet the requirements of grades 1, 2, and 3 but
have an economic value and be fit for use in the preparation of human food products.
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