Rule 7. (1) Dispensing facilities at a vehicle manufacturer's proving grounds or other
testing facilities, or at the facilities of a manufacturer's agent, that are used exclusively for
the testing of vehicles, components, or materials are exempt from these rules.
(2) At a vehicle manufacturer's assembly facility, the fueling of production line
vehicles before sale for in-plant relocation or distribution, or both, is exempt from these
(3) Gasoline that is in compliance with the federal requirements and specifications
for RFG as defined in the clean air act amendments of 1990, 42 U.S.C. §7545 et seq., is
exempt from these rules.
(4) Gasoline that exceeds the vapor pressure limits does not violate these rules if the
gasoline is separately stored, sealed, clearly labeled, and not used until it is in
compliance with this rule. The label shall state that the gasoline is prohibited by
Michigan law from being sold, dispensed, supplied, offered for sale, offered for supply,
transported, or exchanged in trade in the areas specified in R 285.561.2 until the specific
date that the gasoline is in compliance with these rules.
History: 1997 AACS; 2009 AACS.
R 285.561.8 Gasoline; compliance.
Rule 8. (1) If field analysis shows that the vapor pressure is 7.0 or less, then the
gasoline will be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements in section 3 of
the act.
(2) If field analysis shows that the vapor pressure is above 7.0 psi, but is not more than
8.0 psi and the gasoline contains between 9.0 and 10.0% ethanol by volume, then the
gasoline will be deemed to be in compliance with the vapor pressure requirements in
section 3 of the act.
(3) If field analysis shows the vapor pressure is between 7.0 and 7.5 psi, then the bills
of lading and other delivery documents are subject to review by the department to
determine the source of the gasoline. If the bills of lading and other delivery documents
show RFG was delivered and the gasoline is registered with the department under
section 6(12) of the act and meets all of the specifications in the registration, then the
gasoline will be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of section 3 of the
History: 1997 AACS; 2009 AACS.
R 285.561.9 Stop use orders; seizure; fines and penalties.
Rule 9. (1) Gasoline that is not in compliance with these rules shall be subject to stop
use orders as provided for in section 7(5) of the act and section 13 of 1964 PA 283,
MCL 290.613, or seizure as provided for in section 7(5) of the act and section 15 of 1964
PA 283, MCL 290.613.
(2) Administrative fines and civil and criminal penalties are specified in sections 10,
10a, and 10b of the act.
History: 1997 AACS; 2009 AACS.
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