R 400.511 Reconsideration of eligibility for assistance.
Rule 511. Eligibility for assistance granted under this act shall be reconsidered
from time to time as circumstances may require, and such reinvestigation, including
redetermination of medical need, shall be made at least once in each 12 months.
History: 1979 AC.
R 400.512 Definition of acute illness.
Rule 512. "Hospitalization for an acute illness" is defined as in-patient care
in an approved hospital for: (a) an illness, injury, or defect which has arisen within 60
days immediately prior to date of entry into the hospital, or (b) admission to the
hospital for an exacerbation of an illness, injury, or defect which has existed more than
60 days prior to admission, or (c) surgery.
History: 1979 AC.
R 400.513 Nursing care; 90-day limit.
Rule 513. To qualify for nursing care in a licensed nursing home a person must
have received hospitalization for an acute illness and enter the nursing home for care
required for the illness for which the person was hospitalized within 30 calendar
days following discharge from the hospital, provided that not more than 90 days of
nursing care may be approved for any MAA recipient in a 12-month period,
beginning with the first day of admission to the nursing home.
History: 1979 AC.
R 400.514 Death of patient after application.
Rule 514. In the case of a patient who dies after application, services may be
provided under medical assistance for the aged if eligibility can be determined and
certification issued within 30 calendar days following death.
History: 1979 AC.
R 400.515 Assistance to Michigan residents.
Rule 515. The state department may pay up to 100% of the cost of medical
assistance for the aged services provided to: (a) Patients who have Michigan
residence but are without domicile in any Michigan county; (b) Patients who are
Michigan residents but are temporarily absent from the state.
History: 1979 AC.
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