(By authority conferred on the public service commission by section 7 of 106 PA  
1909, section 2 of 1909 PA 300, sections 5 and 7 of 1919 PA 419, section 6 of 1939 PA  
3, and sections 3, 9, and 231 of 1965 PA 380, MCL 460.557, MCL 462.2, MCL  
460.55, MCL 460.57, MCL 460.6, MCL 16.103, MCL 16.109, and MCL 16.331)  
R 460.2011 Scope.  
Rule 11. All electric, wastewater, steam, and gas utilities under the commission's  
jurisdiction shall use these rules when filing the following documents with the  
(a) Rate schedules.  
(b) Rules and regulations.  
(c) Standard customer forms index.  
(d) Special contracts.  
History: 1981 AACS; 2007 AACS.  
R 460.2012 Definitions.  
Rule 12. As used in these rules:  
(a) "Commission" means the Michigan public service commission.  
(b) "Effective date" means the date when the tariff sheet must be followed.  
(c) "Issue date" means the date the utility files a tariff sheet with the commission.  
(d) "Rate book" means the complete set of utility filings submitted in accordance  
with these rules.  
(e) "Rate schedule" or "rider" means the rate or charge for  
classification of service, including all special terms and conditions under which that  
service is furnished at the prescribed rate or charge.  
(f) "Rate sheet" or "tariff sheet" means any of the documents filed in accordance  
with R 460.2022.  
(g) "Rules and regulations" means the rules, regulations,  
classifications, exceptions, and conditions that the utility must observe when providing  
(h) "Special contract" means an electric, steam, or gas rate schedule for utility  
service provided to a customer under a negotiated agreement providing rates or rules and  
regulations other than those listed in the utility's rate book.  
(i) "Standard customer forms index" means a listing showing the number, title,  
and revision date for all standard forms, in any format (preprinted or electronically  
preformatted) that the utility uses to document contracts or other agreements that create  
Page 1  
or alter a customer's rights or responsibilities in dealings with the utility. Standard  
customer forms require a customer signature or are specifically referenced within the  
rate book for execution between the utility and customers.  
History: 1981 AACS; 2007 AACS.  
R 460.2013 Rescission.  
Rule 13. R 460.2001 to R 460.2008 of the Michigan Administrative Code,  
appearing on pages 4776 to 4782 of the 1979 Michigan Administrative Code, are  
History: 1981 AACS.  
R 460.2021 General filing instructions.  
Rule 21. (1) When the commission directs a utility to file rate schedules, rules, and  
regulations, or special contracts, the utility shall submit an electronic copy of the  
document in the form prescribed in the commission order.  
(2) When submitting filings, the utility shall also submit a transmittal letter listing  
the tariff sheets being filed, the reason or reasons for the filing, and the commission  
order or orders to which the filing responds.  
(3) After accepting a filing, the commission shall return an electronically  
stamped copy of the utility's filing and a filing acceptance letter to the utility. The  
acceptance letter, the utility's transmittal letter, and the stamped copy of the filing  
returned to the utility signify that the commission accepted the filing.  
History: 1981 AACS; 2007 AACS.  
R 460.2022 Size and form.  
Rule 22. (1) Utilities shall submit all filings electronically, formatted for printing  
on 8-1/2 by 11-inch sheets with a 1-inch left-hand margin.  
(2) The format of each filing shall include a blank 2-inch square area at the bottom  
center of each printed sheet to provide space for the commission's stamp of acceptance or  
approval and a 1-inch square blank space at the bottom right or left corner of each  
printed sheet to provide space for the commission's cancellation stamp.  
(3) Sections. All of the following sections shall appear in each rate book in the  
order shown:  
(a) Title page.  
(b) Index.  
(c) Table of contents checklist.  
(d) Description of territory served.  
(e) Index of cities, villages, townships, and counties served.  
(f) Technical terms and abbreviations.  
Page 2  
(g) Miscellaneous.  
(h) Rules and regulations.  
(i) Rate schedules and riders.  
(j) Standard customer forms index.  
History: 1981 AACS; 2007 AACS.  
R 460.2023 Numbering and general data to appear on each sheet.  
Rule 23. (1) Tariff Sheet numbers. Every sheet in each rate book shall be numbered  
using a decimal numbering system or equivalent, as described in subrules (3) and (4)  
of this rule.  
(2) Commission number and utility name. Each utility shall assign a unique  
commission number (M.P.S.C. number) to each rate book, which shall appear in the  
upper left-hand corner of every sheet. A suffix that denotes the type of service provided  
shall be used with the M.P.S.C. number, for example, M.P.S.C. No. 1--Gas. All of  
the following shall apply:  
(a) The utility name shall appear on each sheet under the M.P.S.C. number or at the  
top center of the tariff sheet.  
(b) Each utility shall designate its first rate book as M.P.S.C. No. 1.Unless the  
commission directs otherwise, each utility issuing a complete new rate book shall assign  
the next serial M.P.S.C. number to the reissue.  
(c) If a utility changes its name, its new rate book shall be M.P.S.C. No.1.  
(3) Original tariff sheet markings. Utilities shall mark "Original Sheet No. ...." in  
the upper right-hand corner of each original tariff sheet.  
(4) Revised sheet markings. Utilities shall mark a revised sheet in the upper right-  
hand corner with the serial number of the revised tariff sheet and the number or  
numbers of the sheet or sheets that the revised sheet replaces, for example,  
First revised sheet No. 5.1  
Cancels original sheet No. 5.1  
(5) Issue markings. Utilities shall mark all of the following information in the  
lower left-hand corner of every tariff sheet:  
(a) The issue date.  
(b) The utility issuing officer's name and title.  
(c) The city and state of the utility's main office.  
(6) Effective date. Utilities shall mark the effective date in the lower right-hand  
corner of every tariff sheet containing a rate schedule, rider, or rule and regulation, for  
example, Effective for service rendered on and after January 1, 2006. Effective for bills  
rendered on and after January 1, 2006.  
(7) Commission approval. Utilities shall mark every tariff sheet containing  
rate schedules, riders, or rules and regulations approved by commission order in the  
lower right-hand corner as shown:  
Issued under authority of the Michigan Public Service Commission, Case No. ..................... .  
(8) Change markings. Each utility shall use a system for marking revised tariff  
sheets so that the nature and extent of changes to rate schedules, rules, or regulations  
are readily apparent. When the utility creates an entirely new "original" tariff sheet  
Page 3  
for a new rate schedule, rider, or rules and regulations, all prior change markings may be  
History: 1981 AACS; 2007 AACS.  
R 460.2024 Description of individual sheets and sections.  
Rule 24. (1) Title sheet. The title sheet shall be the first numbered page (tariff sheet  
number 1 of the rate book and shall be marked as specified in R 460.2023.  
(2) Index. The rate book shall contain an index listing the number and/or letter and  
title of every rate schedule, rider, or rule and regulation in the rate book. Unless the  
commission staff allows otherwise, the index shall be amended whenever any change or  
addition is made in the rate book.  
(3) Table of contents-checklist. Each rate book shall include a table of contents-  
checklist that lists, in sequential order, each tariff sheet, the revision, and the effective  
date or cancellation date. Unless the commission staff allows otherwise, the table of  
contents-checklist shall be amended whenever any change or addition is made in the  
rate book.  
(4) Description of territory served. Each rate book shall include a list of the cities,  
villages, townships, and counties receiving services controlled by the rate book. If  
available, a map of the territory served shall also be included (on 8-1/2 by 11-inch  
(5) Index of cities, villages, townships, and counties served and applicable rate  
schedules. If the utility rates vary by location within the utility's service territory, then  
each utility rate book shall contain an index showing the cities, villages, townships,  
and counties served and the rate schedules that apply to each. If the utility rate  
schedules are uniform throughout the utility's service territory and each rate schedule  
clearly indicates that uniformity, this section may be omitted.  
(6) Technical terms and abbreviations. Each rate book shall include a glossary  
giving complete concise definitions of terms of art, technical and special terms,  
acronyms, abbreviations, and reference marks used in the rate schedules, riders, or rules  
and regulations.  
(7) Miscellaneous. Each rate book shall include a section for general information  
not suitable for the other sections. For example, if rates in certain cities, villages,  
townships, and counties are governed by franchise, permits, or agreements, then those  
agreements shall be described in this section.  
(8) Rules and regulations. Each rate book shall include an index listing all the  
commission-issued administrative rules that apply to the utility, which shall be  
incorporated into the utility rate book by reference in this index. Each rate book shall  
also include an index to and a copy of any utility-issued rules and regulations that  
supplement or modify the application of the commission's administrative rules to a  
customer. Each utility-issued rule and regulation shall be assigned a title and a unique  
reference letter or number. The 2 indices may be combined. Both indices shall clearly  
indicate any rate schedules to which a listed rule and regulation does not apply.  
(9) Rate schedules. Except for special contract rates (see R 460.2031), all rate  
schedules shall be placed in and made a part of the rate book and organized as follows:  
(a) Rate schedules shall be placed in the following sequence:  
Page 4  
(i) Rate schedules for residential (domestic) service.  
(ii) Rate schedules for rural service.  
(iii) Rate schedules for commercial service.  
(iv) Rate schedules for industrial service.  
(v) Rate schedules for municipal service.  
(vi) Rate schedules for general availability, miscellaneous, or special services.  
(b) Only 1 rate schedule shall be placed on a single tariff sheet. If an individual  
rate schedule requires more than one sheet, sheets that are continued shall be marked  
"continued to sheet No. . . ." at the bottom. Sheets that continue from a prior page shall  
be marked "continued from sheet No. . . ." at the top below the tariff sheet heading.  
(c) As applicable, the following information shall be shown with every rate  
(i) Who may take or use the service.  
(ii) The territory where the rate is applicable unless the rate is open to all territories  
served by the utility.  
(iii) Hours service is available unless the service schedules are the same as stated  
elsewhere in the rate book.  
(iv) Character of service, such as continuous, limited, or standby.Unless stated  
elsewhere in the rate book, each rate schedule shall display the current characteristics  
for electric service or the heating value for gas service for the entire territory served.  
(v) Rate or rates.  
(vi) Discount or other terms of payment.  
(vii) Minimum charge.  
(viii) The term and form of the contract used or a statement that no contract is  
(ix) The number and titles of any special rules or regulations in the rate book that  
apply to the rate schedules if those rules or regulations are not printed on the rate  
schedule tariff sheet.  
(d) Cancellations. All of the following shall apply:  
(i) Where the rate schedule is to be cancelled, the rate schedule tariff sheet or  
sheets shall be replaced with a revised tariff sheet, numbered according to R  
460.2023(4), that states "This sheet has been cancelled and is reserved for future use."  
(ii) If several consecutive tariff sheets are to be cancelled, the sheets may be  
replaced with 1 revised tariff sheet that lists the numbers of the cancelled sheets and  
the revised number of each sheet on the page and that states "These sheets have been  
cancelled and are reserved for future use."  
(iii) When any tariff sheet is cancelled, the table of contents-checklist shall be  
updated to show the cancelled page or pages.  
(e) Standard customer forms index. All of the following shall apply:  
(i) Each utility shall submit a listing, by number, title, and revision date, of all  
standard forms in any format (preprinted or electronically preformatted) that the  
utility uses to document contracts or other agreements that create or alter a customer's  
rights or responsibilities in dealings with the utility.  
(ii) Utilities shall give each standard form a unique reference number.  
(iii) Each utility shall maintain and make available to the commission a link to an  
electronic copy of all standard customer service forms.  
Page 5  
History: 1981 AACS; 2007 AACS.  
R 460.2031 Filing special contracts.  
Rule 31. (1) When a utility enters into a special contract to provide service in a  
manner or at a rate not specifically covered by its filed rate schedules or rules and  
regulations, the utility shall file an application for approval of the special contract with  
the commission.  
(2) If the commission specifies any modifications to the proposed special contract  
with its approval order, then within 30 days, the utility shall file a copy of the executed  
special contract, modified as required by the commission's order.  
History: 1981 AACS; 2007 AACS.  
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