upon receipt of the notification by the department, the permit to install shall become void.
If the installation, reconstruction, or relocation of the equipment, for which a permit has
been issued, has not commenced within, or has been interrupted for, 18 months, then the
permit to install shall become void, unless either of the following occurs:
(a) The permit to install specifies a termination date of more than 18 months.
(b) The permit to install is the subject of a formal appeal by a party other than the
owner or operator of the process or process equipment that is the subject of the permit, in
which case the date of termination is not later than 18 months after the effective date of
the permit plus the number of days between the date on which the permit was appealed
and the date on which all appeals concerning the permit have been resolved.
(5) Upon issuance of a permit to install, the emissions from the process or process
equipment allowed by the permit to install shall be included in the potential to emit of the
stationary source. Upon the physical removal of the process or process equipment, or
upon a determination by the department that the process or process equipment has been
permanently shut down, the permit to install shall become void and the emissions allowed
by the permit to install shall no longer be included in the potential to emit of the
stationary source.
(6) Except as provided in subrule (8) of this rule and R 336.1216, operation of the
process or process equipment is allowed by the permit to install. The department may
void a permit to install upon any of the following actions:
(a) A new permit to install authorizing the action is approved by the department in
accordance with subrule (2)(a), (b), or (d) of this rule, and the new permit to install
renders all portions of the old permit obsolete.
(b) All terms and conditions of the permit to install are incorporated into a
renewable operating permit, in accordance with the provisions of R 336.1212(5) and R
336.1213, and a source-wide permit to install is issued pursuant to R 336.1214a.
(c) All of the emission units, processes, or process equipment covered by the permit
to install are physically removed from the stationary source or the department makes a
determination that the emission units, processes, or process equipment covered by the
permit to install have been permanently shut down.
(7) The department may require either or both of the following notification
requirements as a condition of a permit to install:
(a) Not more than 30 days after completion of the installation, construction,
reconstruction, relocation, or modification authorized by the permit to install, unless a
different period is specified in the permit, the person to whom the permit to install was
issued, or the authorized agent pursuant to R 336.1204, shall notify the department, in
writing, of the completion of the activity. Completion of the installation, construction,
reconstruction, relocation, or modification is considered to occur not later than
commencement of trial operation of the process or process equipment.
(b) Within 12 months after completion of the installation, construction,
reconstruction, relocation, or modification authorized by the permit to install, or 18
months after the effective date of this rule, whichever is later, unless a different period is
specified in the permit to install, the person to whom the permit to install was issued, or
the authorized agent pursuant to R 336.1204, shall notify the department, in writing, of
the status of compliance of the process or process equipment with the terms and
conditions of the permit to install. The notification shall include all of the following:
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