(7) The manual provided by the crane manufacturer shall be readily accessible for
the crane operator's reference at the work site.
History: 2002 AACS; 2018 AACS.
R 408.11821 Certification; modification; guards; adoption of standards by
Rule 1821. (1) A top running or gantry crane consisting of a top running bridge with
single or multiple girders and a top running trolley hoist, erected or modified after June
24, 1973 and before April 9, 2002, shall be certified by a crane manufacturer or an
engineer knowledgeable in crane construction, that the new construction or installation,
or modification conforms to the ANSI/ASME B30.2.0 "Overhead and Gantry Cranes,"
Standard, 1967 edition, as adopted in R 408.11807.
(2) A top running or gantry crane consisting of a top running bridge with single or
multiple girders and a top running trolley hoist, erected or modified after April 9, 2002,
shall be certified by a crane manufacturer or an engineer knowledgeable in crane
construction, that the new construction or installation, or modification conforms to the
ANSI/ASME B30.2 "Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Single or
Multiple Girder, Top Running Trolley Hoist)," Standard, 1996 edition, as adopted in
R 408.11807.
(3) A top running or gantry crane consisting of a top running bridge with a single
girder and an underhung hoist, erected or modified after August 31, 1971 and before
April 9, 2002, shall be certified by a crane manufacturer or an engineer knowledgeable in
crane construction, that the new construction, installation, or modification conforms to
the ANSI/ASME B30.2.0 "Overhead and Gantry Cranes," 1967 edition, as adopted in
R 408.11807.
(4) A top running or gantry crane consisting of a top running bridge with a single
girder and an underhung hoist, erected or modified after April 9, 2002, shall be certified
by a crane manufacturer or an engineer knowledgeable in crane construction, that the new
construction, installation, or modification conforms to the ANSI/ASME B30.17
"Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Single Girder, Underhung Hoist)"
Standard, 1998 edition, as adopted in R 408.11807.
(5) Gears, couplings and other means of power transmission, except shafts, where
exposed to contact, shall be guarded as prescribed in General Industry Safety Standard
Part 7 "Guards for Power Transmission," as referenced in R 408.11807.
(6) A top running or gantry crane consisting of a top running bridge with single or
multiple girders and a top running trolley hoist may be modified or rerated if the
modifications and the supporting structure are checked thoroughly by a qualified
engineer or the equipment manufacturer and conform to the ANSI/ASME B30.2
"Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Single or Multiple Girder, Top
Running Trolley Hoist)," Standard, 1996 edition, as adopted in R 408.11807.
(7) A top running or gantry crane consisting of a top running bridge with a single
girder and an underhung hoist may be modified or rerated if the modifications and the
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