Rule 5817. (1) The employer shall ensure before the commencement of operations
near power lines and when the clearances cannot be maintained as specified in Tables
1-3, that the owner, owner representative, or utility are notified with all pertinent
information about the job.
(2) Any overhead wire shall be considered to be an energized line until the owner of
the line, his or her authorized representative, or a utility representative assures either of
the following:
(a) The line is de-energized and has been visibly grounded.
(b) The line is insulated for the system voltages and the task will not compromise
the insulation of the conductor and/or cause an electrical hazard.
Compiler’s Note: R 408.15817 is not being revised. This rule is included in the
proposed rule set to show the correct rule catch line. The current catch line has
unnecessary formatting that is being deleted.
History: 2008 AACS; 2013 AACS; 2018 AACS.
R 408.15821 Construction, modification, and remounting.
Rule 5821. (1) Aerial work platforms modified, remounted, designed, constructed,
and tested after December 28, 1974, but before the effective date of this rule, shall be in
compliance with the requirements of the following applicable American National
Standards Institute Standards:
(a) ANSI standard A92.2, “Standard for Vehicle-Mounted Elevating and Rotating
Work Platforms,” 1969 edition.
(b) ANSI standard A92.3, "Manually Propelled Elevating Work Platforms", 1990
(c) ANSI standard A92.5, "Boom-Supported Elevating Work Platforms", 1992
(d) ANSI standard A92.6, "Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms", 1999 edition.
These standards are adopted by reference in R 408.15810.
(2) A permanent label or tag shall be affixed to an aerial work platform modified,
remounted, designed, constructed, or tested after March 28, 1975, but before the effective
date of these rules, certifying compliance with subrule (1) of this rule.
(3) Aerial work platforms modified, remounted, designed, constructed, and tested,
after January 1, 2007, shall be in compliance with the requirements of the following
applicable American National Standards Institute Standards:
(a) ANSI standard A92.2, "Vehicle-Mounted Elevating and Rotating Aerial
Devices", 2001 edition.
(b) ANSI standard A92.3, "Manually Propelled Elevating Aerial Platforms", 2006
(c) ANSI standard A92.5, "Boom-Supported Elevating Work Platforms", 2006
(d) ANSI standard A92.6, "Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms", 1999 edition.
These standards are adopted by reference in R 408.15810.
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