(h) Winch assemblies that do not adhere to the inspection criteria in subdivision
(g) of this subrule, shall have a tear down inspection every 3 years.
(i) During any inspection, items found that may affect the performance of the unit
must be repaired before use.
(j) Documentation of the inspection shall include, but not be limited to, winch
model and serial number, name and employer of repair/inspection technician, date
and description of findings, parts replaced, and test results.
History: 2009 AACS.
R 408.42943 Gin poles used for personnel lifting.
Rule 2943. The employer shall ensure that gin poles shall meet the following
requirements when used for personnel lifting:
(a) A gin pole used for personnel lifting shall meet the applicable requirements
for design, construction, installation, testing, inspection, maintenance, modification,
repair, and operations as referenced in the ANSI/TIA-1019 2004 Structural
Standards for Steel Gin Poles Used for Installation of Antenna Towers and Antenna
Supporting Structures or as prescribed by a professional engineer.
(b) The following safe working load limits shall be applied for gin pole lifts:
(i) Wire rope, sheaves, rotating rooster heads, blocks, etc., used in the gin pole
lifting process shall meet the manufacturer's safe working load limits. In addition, and
for clarification, each component shall have a nominal breaking strength of no less
than 5 times the static load applied. Adequate consideration for inefficiencies such as
end fitting losses, D/d ratios, frictional losses, etc., shall be considered. "D" is the
diameter of the sheave and "d" is the diameter of the wire rope passing through the
(ii) Wire rope slings, chains, shackles, turnbuckles, links, hooks, etc. used to attach
the gin pole to the tower and/or to attach loads to lifting or tagging lines shall not exceed
the manufacturer's safe working load limits. In addition, each individual component, as
well as an attachment assembly, shall have a nominal breaking strength of not less than
5 times the static load applied. End fitting losses and actual positioning of connecting
parts shall be taken into consideration.
(iii) Lugs or other devices for lifting or attaching the gin pole in position shall
be, at a minimum, designed for the combination of all loads to be applied to the gin pole.
(iv) The load factors and factors of safety referenced in this standard are for lifting
of loads only. If personnel are to be lifted by a gin pole and its associated equipment,
then the complete unit capacity shall be reduced by 1/2.
(c) All rigging equipment (cables, slings, shackles, hooks, sockets, and similar
equipment) shall be inspected before each use. Defective equipment shall be removed
from service.
(d) Wire rope used for rigging shall be as follows:
(i) Have a steel wire rope core.
(ii) The sheave grooves in the rooster head and hoisting blocks shall be compatible
with the size of wire rope being used.
(iii) The sheave and block diameter shall be of the proper size as referenced by
the wire rope manufacturer with a minimum D/d ratio of 18:1. A less than 18:1 D/d ratio
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