from the Liquor Control Commission, Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs,
525 W. Allegan, P.O. Box 30005, Lansing, Michigan 48909, a cost of $43.00 each as of
the time of adoption of these rules.
(2) The commission may issue an outstate seller of beer license to the following
entities pursuant to these rules and the act:
(a) A person located in the United States who imports and sells in this state beer
made in a foreign country.
(b) A manufacturer located outside this state, but in the United States, that
manufactures and packages its own beer.
(c) A person located in the United States who purchases beer from a
manufacturer of beer located outside of this state, but in the United States, if the
amount of beer imported into this state by that person is 5,000 barrels or less per
calendar year. In addition, a person who is issued an outstate seller of beer license
under the provisions of this subdivision shall be designated by the manufacturer of
beer as its sole and exclusive sales agent in this state for a brand or brands of beer
produced by that manufacturer and shall be responsible for the quality of beer shipped
into and sold in this state.
History: 1979 AC; 1989 AACS; 2017 AACS.
R 436.1611 Labels and advertising.
Rule 11. (1) The sale of beer is prohibited in this state unless all of the
following provisions are complied with:
(a) The beer is packaged, marked, branded, and labeled pursuant to these rules.
(b) The beer label truthfully describes the contents of the container in accordance
with these rules and the federal alcohol administration act of 1935, 27 U.S.C., §201 et
seq., and the regulations under this act, being 27 C.F.R. part 7, subpart C §§ 7.20 to
7.29, subpart H §7.60 and subpart I §7.81 (2014). The provisions of 27 C.F.R. part 7,
subpart C §§ 7.20 to 7.29, subpart H §7.60 and subpart I §7.81(2014), are adopted by
reference in these rules. Copies of the adopted provisions may be obtained either from
the Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office (GPO),
of $37.00 each as of the time of adoption of these rules, or free of charge from
obtained from the Liquor Control Commission, Department of Licensing and
Regulatory Affairs, 525 W. Allegan, P.O. Box 30005, Lansing, Michigan 48909, at a
cost of $43.00 each as of the time of adoption of these rules.
(c) A brewer, outstate seller of beer, or wholesaler that is responsible for labeling
shall furnish proof, upon request, that valid certificates of approval for the label have
been obtained from the United States alcohol and tobacco tax and trade bureau and are
unrevoked under the provisions of the federal labeling requirements. If a certificate of
label approval is not required by the United States alcohol and tobacco tax and trade
bureau, the brewer, outstate seller of beer, or wholesaler must submit an electronic copy
of the label.
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