(c) A list of alternative providers in the service area that offer comparable voice
service with reliable access to 9-1-1 and emergency services through any technology or
(d) The number and segment or segments of customers that will be affected by the
(e) The method by which customers or interconnecting providers were notified of
the discontinuance, such as by first-class mail, within customer bills, or under the terms
of the interconnection agreement.
(f) The reason for the discontinuance.
(g) A statement of the provider’s prospective intent for the disposition of its license
and any tariffs on file with the commission.
(2) An exhibit attached to the notice in subrule (1) of this rule must include, but is
not limited to, all of the following:
(a) A copy of the section 214 of the federal telecommunications act of 1996, 47
USC 214, application filing with the Federal Communications Commission.
(b) A copy of the newspaper publication notice. The affidavit of publication from
the newspaper or newspapers must be filed separately in the docket once publication is
(c) A copy of the notice provided to customers.
(d) A copy of the notice provided to interconnecting providers, if applicable, as
provided for in section 313 of the act, MCL 484.2313. If not applicable, the provider
shall note accordingly in the notice to the commission.
(3) An incumbent local exchange carrier that proposes to discontinue service to a
geographic area, exchange, or exchanges, in addition to providing the materials listed in
subrule (2)(a) to (d) of this rule, shall provide to the commission a clear and detailed
description, including a map of the geographic boundary area to which the
discontinuance of service would take place and the segment or segments of customers the
proposed discontinuance applies.
(4) A provider that determines certain information in its notice is confidential may
file that information with the commission as provided under section 210 of the act, MCL
History: 2024 MR 6, Eff. March 21, 2024.
R 484.1013 Requirements for newspaper, customer and interconnecting
provider notices under section 313(5)(a) of the act, MCL 484.2313.
Rule 13. The newspaper, customer, and interconnecting provider notices required
under section 313(5)(a) of the act, MCL 484.2313, must include, but are not limited to,
all of the following:
(a) Information for customers to contact the provider.
(b) The proposed date of the discontinuance.
(c) The geographic area, exchange, or exchanges where the discontinuance will
(d) A list of alternative providers in the service area that offer comparable voice
service with reliable access to 9-1-1 and emergency services through any technology or
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