(i) “End user’s authorization” means the data or record indicating that the end user
has authorized a new local service provider to change the end user’s service provider or
view the end user’s customer service record.
(j) “Federal act” means the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Public Law 104-104.
(k) “Interconnection agreement” means an agreement between 2 or more providers
entered into under sections 251 and 252 of the federal act, 47 USC 251 and 252.
(l) “Line level” means features or activities associated with a specific line.
(m) “Local service provider” means the provider that administers and bills local
exchange and related services for the end user, and includes both of the following:
(i) A new local service provider.
(ii) An old local service provider.
(n) “Local service request” means an industry standard document used among
providers to request installation, changes, or disconnections of local services.
(o) “Loop” or “Unbundled loop” means the transmission facility between the
network interface on a subscriber’s premises and the main distribution frame in the
servicing central office.
(p) “Loss notification” means provider notification initiated by the underlying
network service provider at the completion of a service migration to notify the old local
service provider of the loss of end user facilities.
(q) “New local service provider” means the planned or actual provider of record
following the completion of the migration process.
(r) “New underlying network service provider” means a provider that provides some
or all of the facilities and equipment components used to make up an end user’s local
telecommunications service following the completion of the migration process or the
potential network service provider prior to service migration.
(s) “Number portability” means the ability of users of telecommunications services
to retain, at the same location, existing telecommunications numbers without impairment
of quality, reliability, or convenience when switching from 1 telecommunications
provider to another.
(t) “Old local service provider” means the provider of record prior to the migration
process or the current local service provider prior to service migration.
(u) “Old underlying network service provider” means a provider that provides some
or all of the facilities and equipment components used to make up an end user’s local
telecommunications service prior to the migration process or the current network service
provider prior to service migration.
(v) “Plain old telephone service” means the provision of a standard telephone line
and telephone number, as subscribed to by a residential or small business end user.
(w) “Primary interexchange carrier” or “primary interexchange carriers” means the
provider or providers designated by a wire line end user to carry intraLATA and/or
interLATA long distance traffic.
(x) “Provider” means a person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity that
provides basic local exchange service as defined by section 102(b) of the act, MCL
(y) “Service configuration” means identification of the type of serving arrangement
used by the local service provider to provide service to the end user, including resale,
facility-based service, and other arrangements.
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