Rule 241. Parties may stipulate to take depositions or may, by written motion, request to take
the testimony of any person, including a party, by deposition for the purpose of discovery or for
use as evidence in the contested case, or for both purposes, and the tribunal, in its discretion, may
order the taking of depositions.
History: 2013 AACS; 2015 AACS.
R 792.10243 Requests for production of documents and tangible things for inspection,
copying, or photographing; inspection of property.
Rule 243. (1) A party to a contested case may serve upon another party a request to produce
or permit the inspection and copying or photographing, by or on behalf of the requesting party, of
any designated documents, papers, books, records, accounts, letters, photographs, objects, or
tangible things, which are not privileged, which come within the scope of discovery permitted by
MCR 2.302(B), and which are in the party’s possession, custody, or control.
(2) A party to a contested case may serve upon another party a request to permit entry and
inspection of the property under appeal by or on behalf of the requesting party.
(3) A party upon whom a request is served under subrule (1) or (2) of this rule shall serve a
copy of the response to the request on the party or party’s attorney or authorized representative
submitting the request and on all other parties within 28 days after service of the request.
(4) If a party upon whom a request is served under subrule (1) or (2) of this rule does not
comply with the request, then the tribunal may, upon motion or its own initiative, order the party
to do either of the following:
(a) Produce or permit the inspection and copying or photographing, by or on behalf of the
requesting party, of any designated documents, papers, books, records, accounts, letters,
photographs, objects, or tangible things, which are not privileged and come within the scope of
discovery permitted by MCR 2.302(B), and which are in the party’s possession, custody, or
(b) Permit entry and inspection of the property under appeal.
(5) The order may specify the time, place, and manner of making the production or permitting
the inspection and copying or photographing of any designated documents, papers, books, records,
accounts, letters, photographs, objects, or tangible things or entry and inspection of the property
under appeal. The order may prescribe other terms and conditions as are just.
(6) If the party or person claims that the item is not in their possession or control or that they
do not have information calculated to lead to discovery of the item’s whereabouts, then they may
be ordered to submit to examination before the tribunal or to other means of discovery regarding
the claim.
History: 2013 AACS; 2015 AACS; 2023 MR 19, Eff. Sept. 29, 2023.
R 792.10245 Consequences of refusal to make discovery.
Rule 245. If a party refuses to comply with an order issued under R 792.10239(3) or R
792.10243(4), then the tribunal may, upon a motion, hold that party in default or issue other orders
in regard to the refusal as justice requires.
History: 2023 MR 19, Eff. Sept. 29, 2023.