by 14 inches and the printing size is at least 10-point. The caption or heading on the
poster must be in large type, not less than 36-point.
History: 1979 AC; 2025 MR 4, Eff. Mar. 4, 2025.
R 408.22321 Authority for inspection or investigation.
Rule 2321. (1) The department representatives, upon presenting appropriate
credentials, may enter, without delay and at reasonable times, any factory, plant,
establishment, construction site, or other area, workplace, or environment where work is
performed by an employee of an employer to inspect and investigate, during regular
working hours and at other reasonable times, within reasonable limits, and in a
reasonable manner, place of employment, and all pertinent conditions, structures,
machines, apparatus, devices, equipment, and materials; to question privately an
employer, owner, operator, agent, or employee; and to review records required by the act
and rules promulgated under the act, and other records that are directly related to the
purpose of the inspection or investigation.
(2) Before inspecting areas containing information that is classified by an agency of
the federal government in the interest of national security, departmental representatives
shall obtain the appropriate security clearance.
History: 1979 AC; 2025 MR 4, Eff. Mar. 4, 2025.
R 408.22322 Objection to inspection or investigation.
Rule 2322. (1) On a refusal to allow a department representative, in the exercise of
the department representative’s official duties, to enter, without delay and at reasonable
times, a place of employment or a place within a place of employment to inspect,
investigate, review records, or question an employer, owner, operator, agent, or employee
pursuant to R 408.22321, or to allow a representative of employees to accompany the
department representative during the physical inspection or investigation of a workplace
pursuant to R 408.22326, the department representative shall terminate the inspection or
investigation or confine the inspection or investigation to other areas, conditions,
structures, machines, apparatus, devices, equipment, materials, records, or interviews
concerning which no objection is raised.
(2) The department representative shall endeavor to ascertain the reason for the
refusal, and the department representative shall immediately report the refusal, and the
reason for the refusal, to the department director or authorized representative. The
department director or authorized representative shall take appropriate action and, if
necessary, apply to the proper judicial officer for a warrant commanding the sheriff or a
peace officer to aid the department in the conduct of an inspection or investigation as
provided in section 29 of the act, MCL 408.1029.
History: 1979 AC; 2025 MR 4, Eff. Mar. 4, 2025.
R 408.22323 Entry not a waiver.
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