(By authority conferred on the liquor control commission by section 40 of article IV
of the state constitution of 1963, sections 201 and 215(1) of the Michigan liquor control
code of 1988, 1998 PA 58, MCL 436.1201 and 436.1215, and Executive Reorganization
Order No. 2011-4, MCL 445.2030)
R 436.1951 Definitions.
Rule 1. As used in these rules "act" means 1998 P.A. 58, MCL 436.1101 et seq.
History: 1979 AC; 2003 AACS.
Editor's Note: An obvious error in R 436.1951 was corrected at the request of the promulgating
agency, pursuant to Section 56 of 1969 PA 306, as amended by 2000 PA 262, MCL 24.256. The rule
containing the
was published in Annual Administrative Code Supplement, 2003. The
memorandum requesting the correction was published in Michigan Register, 2003 MR 11.
R 436.1953 Notice of application and proposed location.
Rule 3. If the commission determines through investigation that the proposed
location of an applicant is within 500 feet of a church or school, as those terms are
defined in section 107 or 111 of the act, MCL 436.1107 or 436.1111, the
representative of the church or school shall be notified of the application and
the proposed location if the applicant desires 1 of the following:
(a) A new license to sell alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises or the
transfer of location of an existing license to sell alcoholic liquor for consumption on the
(b) A new specially designated distributor license or the transfer of location of an
existing specially designated distributor license.
(c) A new specially designated merchant license in conjunction with a license to sell
alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises or the transfer of location of an existing
specially designated merchant license in conjunction with a license to sell alcoholic
liquor for consumption on the premises.
History: 1979 AC; 2003 AACS; 2025 MR 3, Eff. Feb. 3, 2025.
R 436.1955 Filing of objection; copy to applicant; scheduling hearing.
Rule 5. (1) If the church or school objects to the issuance or transfer of location of
the license, then the governing body of the church or school, by resolution, shall file the
specific written objections with the Lansing office of the commission within 15 days
of receipt of notification, unless granted additional time by the commission.
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