Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules  
1. Agency Information  
Agency name:  
Superintendent of Public Instruction  
Name of person completing this form:  
Mary Fielding  
Phone number of person completing this form:  
E-mail of person completing this form:  
Name of Department Regulatory Affairs Officer reviewing this form:  
Mary Fielding  
2. Rule Set Information  
MOAHR assigned rule set number:  
2023-79 ED  
Title of proposed rule set:  
Teacher Certification Code  
3. Purpose for the proposed rules and background:  
General purposes of the proposed amendments include: to add, clarify, and update definitions and  
terminology; to clarify and add flexibility to certification requirements, including requirements  
relevant to individuals holding out-of-state credentials; to incorporate the concept of appropriate  
placement; to align the rules with the new certification structure and to incorporate current career and  
technical education certificates into the general certification structure; to provide flexibility and  
benefits for members of the military and their dependents; to update permit requirements; and to  
provide procedures for the denial, rescission, reinstatement, and removal of suspension of teaching  
4. Summary of proposed rules:  
The general purposes of the proposed Teacher Certification Code rules are to incorporate the concept  
of appropriate placement; to align the rules with the new certification structure; to integrate career  
and technical education certificates into the general certification structure; to provide benefits for  
members of the military, veterans, and their dependents; to update permit requirements; to provide  
procedures for the denial, rescission, reinstatement, and removal of suspension of teaching  
certificates; to add clarity and flexibility; and to update definitions.  
MCL 24.242 and 24.245  
Agency Report to JCAR-Page 2  
5. List names of newspapers in which the notice of public hearing was published and  
publication dates:  
Detroit Free Press – March 22, 2024  
Grand Rapids Press – March 26, 2024  
Marquette Mining Journal – March 23, 2024  
6. Date of publication of rules and notice of public hearing in Michigan Register:  
7. Date, time, and location of public hearing:  
4/9/2024 01:00 PM at 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Michigan Library & Historical Center, 1st Floor Forum or  
8. Provide the link the agency used to post the regulatory impact statement and cost-benefit  
analysis on its website:  
9. List of the name and title of agency representative(s) who attended the public hearing:  
Michigan Department of Education Office of Educator Excellence:  
Krista Ried, Manager, Certification Unit  
Scott Wertheim, Technician, Strategic Implementation Unit  
Katie Schmiedeknecht, Analyst, Data and Accountability Unit  
Beatrice Harrison, Higher Education Consultant, Certification Unit  
Allison Sandbrook, Technician, Certification Unit  
10. Persons submitting comments of support:  
11. Persons submitting comments of opposition:  
12. Persons submitting other comments:  
13. Identify any changes made to the proposed rules based on comments received during the  
public comment period:  
Name &  
Organization public hearing  
Comments made at Written  
Agency Rationale Rule number  
for Rule Change & citation  
and Description changed  
of Change(s)  
14.Date report completed:  
MCL 24.242 and 24.245  