PO Box 630491 Cincinnati, OH 45263-0491  
Mary Brennan Bureau Of Legal Affairs  
333 S. Grand Ave., Floor 5  
Administrative Rules for Rule Set "Food Assistance  
MOAHR Rule Division No. 2023-41 HS  
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services  
(Department) wllI hold a public hearing to receive public  
comments on amending the rule set, Food Assistance  
Lansing Ml 48933-2108  
June 12, 2024-9:00 A.M.  
Grand Tower Building  
235 5. Grand Avenue-Dempsey Room 1st Floor  
Lansing, Michigan 48933  
The Battle Creek Enquꢁrer, a newspaper published in the city of  
Battle Creek, Calhoun County, State of Michigan, and personal  
knowledge of the facts herein state and that the notice hereto  
annexed wasꢀublꢁshed in saꢁd newspapers ꢁn the issue:  
The rules provide the eligibility and expectations by the  
Department for the food stamp recipient In order to  
continue to receive food stamp assistance. The child support  
cooperation standard will be rescinded in the food assis-  
tance program (FAP) rules as it has been found to create  
barriers and suspension of the food assistance program to  
the detriment of the family, Families will continue to be  
eligible for child support services at any time they choose to  
and that the fees charged are legal.  
Subscribed and sworn to before me on 05/10/2024  
By authority conferred on the department director of health  
and human services by section 6 of 1939 PA 280, MCL 400.6.  
The rule set takes effect October 1, 2024. These rules are  
published on the Michigan Government web site at  
and in the Michigan  
Register in the June 1, 2024 edition. Copies of the draft rules  
may also be obtained by mail or electronic transmission at  
the following address:  
Department of Health and Human Services  
Attn: Mary E. Brennan/Nicole Denson Sogbaka  
Grand Tower Building  
235 5. Grand Avenue- 2nd Floor  
Lansing, Ml 48933  
Telephone: 517-242-9634  
ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄ ꢆꢇꢈjꢊꢋꢌjꢎꢏꢧꢐꢨꢩꢪꢫꢬ ꢭ  
Comments on the rules may be made In person at the hear-  
Ing or by mall or electronic mall until Friday, June 14, 2024.  
The public hearings will be conducted in compliance with  
the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act, in accessible build-  
ings with handicap parking available. Anyone needing assis-  
tance to take part in the hearings due to disability may call  
517-335-4276 to make arrangements.  
Notary Public State ofMichi an  
County ofLivingston  
BCE-10155993 05/09/2024  
My commission expires March 9, 2029  
Acting in the County of Macomb  
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Friday, May 10, 2024  
The Mining Journal 5A  
Spring is prime time  
for seasonal allergies  
By R.R. BRANSTROM (PA-C) Ashley Beaudry at to something besides aller-  
Escanaba Daily Prss  
Doctor’s Park in Escana- gies, a person should see  
ESCANABA — With ba. “Most people do well a doctor. Beaudry point-  
the onset of spring, many with nasal sprays. There’s ed out that since it’s the  
people experience season- a variety of those, whether upper respiratory system  
al allergies — also called it’s a nasal antihistamine that’s usually affected by  
hay fever or allergic rhini- or a nasal steroid spray. allergies, it can be “tricky”  
tis — caused by the pres- Those are usually a safe to know whether the root  
ence of pollen, mold, and first place to go. of one’s symptoms might  
other small particles in For the most part, said be something that presents  
the air. The most common Beaudry, antihistamines similarly, like the common  
symptoms, according to a are safe to take, and cold or a respiratory infec-  
local healthcare provider, some people take them tion.  
include runny nose or con- long-term. There are  
gestion; red, itchy, watery oral antihistamines that — allergy-specific — are  
eyes; postnasal drip, which come in pill form, like safe to take long-term,  
can lead to a sore throat, Claritin (loratadine), Al- other treatments are not.  
hoarseness and cough; and legra (fexofenadine) and The nasal spray Afrin  
occasionally plugged ears Zyrtec (cetirizine), which (oxymetazoline), for ex-  
from the sinus pressure. are also over-the-counter, ample, and other decon-  
Usually these symptoms but the recommendation gestants like Sudafed  
Among major projects scheduled for Fort Wilkins State Historical Park this summer is  
replacing the roofs of the three officers’ barracks. (Daily Mining Gazette photo)  
Visitors are welcome: Fort Wilkins  
State Park is open this summer  
By GRAHAM JAEHNIG ADA-compliant and that but we’re starting to see  
can be managed.  
While each person has a pecially if someone has cause rebound congestion  
different level of allergy other conditions or is on if used for longer than  
sensitivity and immunity, other drugs. the recommended period  
the general reaction to an “From one standpoint, (three days for Afrin, five  
is to consult a doctor, es- (pseudoephedrine)  
allergen is for the body they’re mostly safe, to seven for Sudafed).  
to create an immune re- but… because they can The resulting affliction,  
sponse by releasing his- cause some dryness and which often feels like an  
tamines with the intent of other side effects that extra-stuffy nose, can be  
protecting the body from might interfere with ei- even more unpleasant than  
the foreign substance. This ther other medicines or the original issue.  
Houghton Daily  
Mining Gazette  
COPPER HARBOR — $1,000,000 project is part  
sort of thing.”  
more and more decay and  
the parts falling down.”  
While the stockade is be-  
Despite rumors that the of proposed $2.23 million ing repaired, the original  
Fort Wilkins State Park in relief funding through the east gate, between the mar-  
will be closed this summer, American Rescue Plan Act ried enlisted men’s quarters  
can result in inflammation chronic conditions, it’s For severe allergic reac-  
and excessive mucus. probably safe to take, tions, a doctor may rec-  
the park, including the fort (ARPA).  
complex and the light-  
house, will be open as usu- ground will close in August,  
and the bakery will also be  
While the west camp- reconstructed.  
“Most people should be but always good to run ommend care from a spe-  
able to safely take over- by your provider just to cialist. Allergists perform  
the-counter medications, make sure that there’s tests to determine causes  
specifically things that are no overlapping interac- and in some cases perform  
not typically poorly toler- tions,” Beaudry said. allergen immunotherapy  
ated,” said Family Medi- If there is any doubt as to to reduce a person’s sen-  
cine Physician Assistant whether symptoms are due sitivity.  
“With that, we’re going  
al throughout the summer. the east loop, sanitation sta- to build, based on a historic  
However, from August tion and camper cabin will photograph from the 1860s,  
2024 through the spring of remain open. the original finials that sort  
2025, the park’s west loop The new shower and toi- of led people into the fort, as  
of the of the campground let facility is not the only well as the gate that was at-  
will be closed for the con- major project scheduled for tached to the east part of the  
struction of a new toilet this year. Other projects in- stockade.”  
and shower building.  
clude replacement of stock-  
The roofs all the three of-  
“The building will get a ade fence and glazing on ficers’ barracks, known as  
complete tear down/rebuild all windows, construct new Officers’ Row will be re-  
of the west campground roofs on officer quarters, placed.  
Delta County Administrator  
Young gets board review  
shower facility,” Barry replacement of siding as  
James, administrator at the needed on officer quarters, done was back in 1994,”  
Michigan Iron Industry Mu- at $870,000. James said. “The ARPA  
seum, Negaunee, and histor- James said the stockade, funds will also fund some  
“The last time those were  
Escanaba Daily Press  
of office as a result of the county and said the  
Tuesday’s recall elec- board had praised her  
ical exhibits and interpre- which spans two sides of the painting on larger portions  
tation at Fort Wilkins State fort, is in dire need of repair. of buildings and also some  
Park, Copper Harbor, said. Repairs include replacing foundation work.”  
ESCANABA — As one tion, which was spurred actions when the airport  
of the Delta County Board by the firing of Young’s was temporarily with-  
of Commissioner’s last predecessor, Former Del- out an administrator. He  
actions before the polls ta County Administrator also highlighted her work  
closed Tuesday and the Emily DeSalvo. Had the and relationships with the  
makeup of the board was review been postponed, county’s various depart-  
radically shifted by voters, the commissioners may ment heads.  
“That was built in 1964, more than 900 cedar posts  
so it’s had a good run, but that are nine to 12 inches in sets of chimneys throughout  
with these funds, we’re not diameter. the fort were repaired, and  
only able to build new, but “Those were put in by the there are some remaining,  
James said, in 2014, 14  
it will be a better experience WPA in 1941,” James said, along with the bakery, that  
for our visitors and more “so they’ve had a good run, need repairs.  
the board held a review not have been able to re-  
“We also agreed that  
of County Administrator view Young at all. Wheth- communication could be  
Ashleigh Young. The re- er or not they will be able improved in some areas,  
view served as the first to review her in the future these would be areas of  
— and potentially last — depends on the outcomes need and of timelines,”  
time Young was reviewed of the commissioners’ said Moyle.  
Iron Mountain city  
election workers to get  
pay increase  
by the board members re- re-election bids during the  
sponsible for her hire. August primary and the commissioners to speak  
The review was a late ad- November general elec- on her accomplishments  
dition to the commission- tion. since her hire. She also  
er’s agenda. Commission- The closed session was highlighted her work at  
Young was asked by the  
ers Steve Viau and John held after the final public the airport, but went on to  
Malnar argued the review comment period — a cour- include her work on updat-  
should be tabled to a later tesy employed by many ing county policies and to  
meeting, as they had not municipalities to prevent create a new department  
turned in their evaluation members of the public to be responsible for the  
sheets. However, com- from waiting around to county’s parks.  
Iron Mountain  
Daily News  
cheau, clerk-treasurer.  
The council’s approval tion cost.  
came Monday in a 4-1 vote,  
about $750 to a typical elec-  
In the Aug. 6 primary  
missioners Bob Petersen, speak — and lasted just  
Dave Moyle and Bob Bar- over a half hour.  
ron all voted to move for- “Certainly, she has come And since they are a des-  
ward with the review. in under a very atypical tination now, let’s keep  
“I would like to contin- situation. These last 16 them that way,” she said.  
ue with it. Just because months have been not very As she closed her state-  
“The parks are back in  
IRON MOUNTAIN — with council member Mark election, city voters will  
Election workers in Iron Wickman voting no. Coun- be asked to approve a pay  
Mountain will see a pay cil members Pam Maule increase for council mem-  
increase, their first since and Cathy Tomassoni were bers. They now receive  
2019, under a new scale ap- absent. the same as in 1985. The  
proved by the city council. Wickman said he’s not council learned Monday  
The highest new wage will against a fair wage but sug- that ballot language for the  
be $18 per hour for chair- gested waiting until there’s proposal was approved by  
persons, up from the current a problem recruiting staff the state.  
Delta County’s hands.  
we haven’t turned in our easy, and so I’m hoping ments, Young thanked the  
evaluation doesn’t mean that she will have smooth- commission and described  
we can’t meet with Miss. er sailing, as will the coun- the last 16 months with  
Young and discuss it with ty,” Moyle said upon the the commissioners as “an  
her. Whoever hasn’t turn board’s return to open ses- adventure.”  
$15. E-poll book operators before offering higher pay.  
If the change in the city  
will receive $17 per hour Some civic-minded people charter is approved, council  
while election inspectors are willing do the important member pay will rise to $30  
will receive $16 per hour, work regardless of the com- per meeting — up from the  
in their evaluation yet can sion.  
get that in to her tomor- In a report of the board’s by the commission about  
row,” said Petersen. review, Moyle stressed modifying Young’s com-  
Petersen, Moyle and Young’s financial back- pensation in any way fol-  
Barron were voted out ground as a benefit to lowing the review.  
There was no discussion  
both up from $13.50.  
Each election has three  
chairs, three E-poll opera- rates paid by neighboring rent cap is $500.  
tors and about 10 inspec- municipalities, ranging from The council, in other busi-  
tors, City Manager Jordan a high of $24.24 to $18.88 ness, scheduled a public  
Stanchina said. per hour for positions in hearing for 6 p.m. Monday,  
“The goal of the increased Breitung Township to a low May 20, on the proposed  
compensation is retain staff of $16 to $14 in Norway, 2024-25 fiscal year bud-  
and compensate for the where food is provided. get. A final copy will be  
complexity of running an Stanchina said the ap- available a week before the  
pensation, he said.  
current $10 — but capped  
Micheau provided the at $1,500 per year. The cur-  
election,” said Isaac Mi- proved increase may add hearing.  
Administrative Rules for Rule Set “Food Assistance Program”  
MOAHR Rule Division No. 2023-41 HS  
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (Department) will hold a public hearing to receive public  
comments on amending the rule set, Food Assistance Program.  
June 12, 2024-9:00 A.M.  
Grand Tower Building  
235 S. Grand Avenue-Dempsey Room 1st Floor  
Lansing, Michigan 48933  
The rules provide the eligibility and expectations by the Department for the food stamp recipient in order to continue to  
receive food stamp assistance. The child support cooperation standard will be rescinded in the food assistance program  
(FAP) rules as it has been found to create barriers and suspension of the food assistance program to the detriment of the  
family. Families will continue to be eligible for child support services at any time they choose to participate.  
By authority conferred on the department director of health and human services by section 6 of 1939 PA 280, MCL  
400.6. The rule set takes effect October 1, 2024. These rules are published on the Michigan Government web site at and in the Michigan Register in the June 1, 2024 edition. Copies of the draft rules  
may also be obtained by mail or electronic transmission at the following address:  
Department of Health and Human Services  
Attn: Mary E. Brennan/Nicole Denson Sogbaka  
Grand Tower Building  
235 S. Grand Avenue- 2nd Floor  
Lansing, MI 48933  
Telephone: 517-242-9634  
Comments on the rules may be made in person at the hearing or by mail or electronic mail until Friday, June 14, 2024.  
The public hearings will be conducted in compliance with the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act, in accessible  
buildings with handicap parking available. Anyone needing assistance to take part in the hearings due to disability may  
call 517-335-4276 to make arrangements.  