Term and Universal Life Insurance Reserve Financing  
Date Held: Tuesday, June 4, 2024  
Locaꢀon: Oꢁawa Building, Conference Room #6  
Julie Merriman  
No Other Aꢁendees  
This is a public hearing on proposed administraꢀve rules enꢀtled, “Term and Universal Life Insurance  
Reserve Financing.  
This hearing is being conducted pursuant to provisions of Administraꢀve Procedures Act of 1969, on  
behalf of the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services.  
This hearing is being called to order at 9:32 a.m., on June 4, 2024, at the Oꢁawa Building, in Lansing,  
Michigan, Conference Room #6.  
This hearing was published in three newspapers of general circulaꢀon, as well as the Michigan Register,  
published on May 15, 2024.  
My name is Julie Merriman, and I will be facilitaꢀng the hearing today.  
Please know, we are here today to receive your comments on the proposed rules. If you wish to speak,  
please make sure you have signed in and indicated your willingness to speak.  
We will call on speakers in the order in which names are listed on the sign in sheets. When you come  
forward to speak, please idenꢀfy yourself with your name, the organizaꢀon you represent, and both your  
mailing and e-mail address so that this informaꢀon may be transcribed into the hearing report.  
If you have addiꢀonal comments to submit in wriꢀng, you may submit them to our department no later  
than 5:00 p.m. today.  
Now we will call on any speakers that are present, in order that they appear on the sign-in sheet. Seeing  
no members of the public in aꢁendance wishing to speak at this ꢀme we are going to take a recess unꢀl  
9:45 a.m.  
We are reconvening at 9:50 a.m. Let the record reflect there are no members of the public present  
wishing to make a comment at this ꢀme. So, if there no further comments, I hereby declare the hearing  
closed. Any addiꢀonal comments regarding the proposed rules that you may wish to share must be  
submiꢁed in wriꢀng to: Michele Estrada at  
The record will remain open unꢀl today at 5:00 p.m. The current ꢀme is 9:51 a.m. Thank you for coming.  