Adam Smith  
1342 N Main St. #11, Ann Arbor, MI 48104  
734/ 926-5593 -  
April 4, 2024  
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA)  
Bureau of Construction Codes  
Re: Support for Mass Timber incorporated in 2022-57 LR Construction Code – Part 4. Building  
Code, “Draft Rule”  
Dear Bureau of Construction Codes Team,  
We support the adoption into the 2021 Michigan Building Code the 2021 International Building Code,  
particularly the mass timber elements identified as building types IV-A, IV-B, IV-C, and IV-HT. We request one  
amendment to Type IV-B 602.4.2.2 Interior Protection that, if adopted, will enable Michigan practitioners to  
deliver mass timber buildings more affordably and to optimize the architectural and sustainability benefits of  
the materials.  
Specifically, The Tall Wood Building Ad Hoc Committee (TWBAHC) had only wanted to include provisions in  
the 2021 IBC that had been tested. Since the time the Ad Hoc Committee finished their work until the Group  
A CAH period ended, additional testing was conducted on several building types. Based on based on testing  
and data provided by the RISE institute (ref 2-4), the 2021 TWBAHC recommended that the 2024 IBC  
update Type IV-B language to allow for up to 100% exposure of mass timber ceilings, based on the following  
“The proposed revisions above are based upon recently completed research conducted at the  
Research Institute of Sweden (RISE). These fire tests demonstrated that the proposed amounts  
of unprotected areas on the ceiling and walls, as a function of floor area, can be safely  
implemented while still achieving the performance objectives specified by the ICC Tall Wood  
Building Ad-Hoc Committee in the development of the tall building mass timber provisions in the  
2021 I-codes. Specifically, Test 1 of the test series conducted at RISE involved a ceiling in which  
100% of the area was unprotected mass timber. Tests 2 and 5 had unprotected mass timber on  
100% of the ceiling area, in addition to unprotected areas on the two opposing side walls,  
equivalent to 78% of the floor area. These tests exhibited satisfactory performance in that no  
significant fire re-growth was observed and temperatures within the compartment decreased  
continuously from the time of the fully-developed phase until the end of the four-hour test”  
- (ref. 1)  
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Based on this, we support sections 602. in the draft 2021 Michigan Building Code with the minor  
exceptions below which are presented below and have been adopted in the 2024 International Building  
602.4.2.2 Interior protection. Interior faces of all mass timber elements, including the inside face of  
exterior mass timber walls and mass timber roofs, shall be protected, as required by this section, with  
materials complying with Section 703.3.  
602. Protection time. Noncombustible protection shall contribute a time equal to or greater than  
times assigned in Table 722.7.1(1), but not less than 80 minutes. The use of materials and their  
respective protection contributions specified in Table 722.7.1(2) shall be permitted to be used for  
compliance with Section 722.7.1.  
602. Protected area. Interior faces of mass timber elements, including the inside face of exterior  
mass timber walls and mass timber roofs, shall be protected in accordance with Section 602.  
Exceptions: Unprotected portions of mass timber ceilings and walls complying with Section  
602. and the following:  
1. Unprotected portions of mass timber ceilings and walls complying with one of the following:  
Unprotected portions of mass timber ceilings, including attached beams, shall be  
permitted and shall be limited to an area less than or equal to 20100 percent of the floor area in  
any dwelling unit Or fire area.”  
Unprotected portions of mass timber walls, including attached columns, shall be  
permitted and shall be limited to an area less than or equal to 40 percent of the floor area in any  
dwelling unit or fire area  
As a practicing architect in Michigan, adding this amendment will help us deliver designs for buildings,  
particularly critically needed housing, that achieve the design and sustainability goals of our communities.  
Having to go through a variance for each project of this type adds cost and time onto an already long and  
expensive process in which the ultimate financial burden is placed on tenants of the building. Additionally  
removing the need to have extensive coverage of timber elements reduces construction cost and enhances  
livability without reduction in life safety.  
Adam Smith AIA, NCARB  
Director of Design - Synecdoche  
Lisa Sauve, AIA, NCARB  
Principal - Synecdoche  
Founder, Executive Director - Do Good Work  
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Steven Banchero  
Dr. R.J. Webber  
Steve Banchero  
Director of Operations  
April 4, 2024  
Tony Williamson  
State of Michigan  
Bureau of Construction Codes  
P.O. Box 30254  
Lansing, MI 48909  
Re: Rule Set 2022-57 LR-Public Comment  
Mr. Williamson,  
I am submitting a comment regarding the proposed rule changes to the Michigan Construction Code -Part  
4—Building Code rule set. The proposed rules incorporate by reference the 2021 International Building  
Code with Michigan amendments, additional or deletions. The topic of my comment is regarding Section  
423 Storm Shelters.  
My position at Northville Public Schools is the Director of Operations; part of my responsibilities is  
managing and overseeing capital projects within the school district. I have a Bachelor's degree in Civil  
Engineering from Michigan Technological University and a Master's in Applied Science and Construction  
Management from Eastern Michigan University. Before being employed by Northville Public Schools, I  
spent almost all of my career building and renovating public schools throughout southeast Michigan with a  
prominent construction management firm in Farmington Hills, Michigan.  
I am requesting the Michigan Bureau of Construction Codes evaluate the implementation of Section 423  
for use Group E. The Bureau adopted the 2015 IBC without the storm shelter provision in the prior code  
update cycle. The same concerns that moved the state to remove the requirement exist today.  
The State of Michigan does not fund capital improvements for local school districts. Outside of recent  
Federal and State grants, the vast majority of funding is accomplished by the local district asking voters to  
approve issuing bonds or local sinking funds. The process of assessing facilities, gathering community  
input, school board authorization, voting, design, and construction takes years to accomplish.  
During the capital improvement planning stages, care is taken to budget for current and future  
construction costs. If adopted, Section 423 will have a significant negative impact on projects that were  
planned for and financed without the requirement.  
In 2022, Northville Public Schools performed a facility evaluation. We gathered community input, and the  
Board of Education authorized a bond initiative to be put on the ballot. In March of 2023, the voters  
approved the bond initiative. Currently, two significant projects are in the design process. Part of the  
scope of the projects is building additions to an elementary and middle school. If the projects are  
submitted for plan review after the implementation of the new proposed code, it is likely that a significant  
amount of the proposed scope will have to be eliminated to fund the cost of the storm shelter requirement.  
Future projects will face a very similar situation as we budget the projects without the requirement of  
Section 423. We are not in a unique situation. School districts that already have financing in place will see  
considerable unanticipated cost increases with the storm shelter requirement.  
The State of Ohio faced a similar situation during a code cycle update. I have included a 2019 report from  
the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission and a 2022 memo from the Ohio Board of Building  
Standards. The summary of the two documents indicates an extensive study and review process for the  
implementation of Section 423. The stakeholders realized that it would have a significant impact on  
projects that had already secured financing. Ohio phased the implementation in and developed a specific  
timeline so that the planning for future projects could be budgeted at the appropriate level to incorporate  
the new code requirement.  
The State of Michigan BCC should develop a similar review and implementation process so that the new  
code requirement does not negatively impact projects already underway.  
Steve Banchero  
Northville Public Schools  
Director of Operations  
405 W. Main Street  
Northville, Michigan 48167  
Fax: 248.344.3506  
Ohio Board of Building Standards  
December 2, 2022  
6606 Tussing Road, P.O. Box 4009, Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068-9009  
December 2022 Update: The moratorium in R.C. 3781.1010 which prohibited the Board’s rules from  
requiring the installation of a storm shelter in any school building operated by a public or private school  
expired on November 30, 2022. The moratorium also expired for any school building undergoing or about  
to undergo construction, alteration, repair, or maintenance unless “financing has been secured” prior to  
November 30, 2022. The Ohio Attorney General issued Opinion 2019-027 in response to the Board’s request  
for guidance on the meaning of “financing has been secured” in R.C. 3781.1010. The Opinion is available  
September 2020 Update: HB 164 adopted by the Ohio General Assembly on June 11, 2020, amended R.C.  
3781.1010 to extend the storm shelter moratorium to November 30, 2022.  
August 2019 Update: HB 166 adopted by the Ohio General Assembly on July 17, 2019, amended R.C.  
3781.1010 to extend the storm shelter moratorium to September 15, 2020. Additionally, the Ohio Attorney  
General has issued Opinion 2019-027 in response to the Board’s request for guidance on the meaning of  
“financing has been secured” in R.C. 3781.1010. The Opinion is available here.  
On June 7, 2018, the Ohio General Assembly adopted House Bill (HB) 21 effective September 28, 2018  
which includes new Revised Code (R.C.) § 3781.1010 enacting a moratorium on the building code  
requirement for schools to have storm shelters until September 15, 2019. The 2017 Ohio Building Code  
(OBC) adopted by the Board last year and effective November 1, 2017 included new Section 423.4  
requiring storm shelters constructed in accordance with ICC 500 in Group E occupancies. New R.C. §  
3781.1010 provides:  
No rule of the board of building standards for the erection, construction, repair, alteration, and  
maintenance of buildings adopted under section 3781.10 of the Revised Code shall require the  
installation of a storm shelter in any school building operated by a public or private school prior to  
September 15, 2019, or in any such school building undergoing or about to undergo construction,  
alteration, repair, or maintenance for which financing has been secured prior to that date. Any rule  
adopted by the board that conflicts with this section shall not be effective with respect to any school  
building prior to September 15, 2019.  
As used in this section, ‘school building,’ ‘public school,’ and ‘private school’ have the same meanings  
as in section 3781.106 of the Revised Code.  
Building departments and school districts should consider the following when evaluating how new R.C. §  
3781.1010 may affect proposed school construction project designs and submittals:  
(1) Projects submitted before November 1, 2017: Proposed school building designs (new buildings,  
additions, alterations) submitted to the building department prior November 1, 2017 are subject to  
the requirements of the code in effect at the time of application. Therefore, OBC § 423.4 does not  
apply and would not be affected by HB 21.  
(2) Projects submitted between November 1, 2017 and September 28, 2018: In R.C. § 3781.1010, the  
General Assembly prohibited requiring storm shelters in schools until September 15, 2019. Building  
“An Equal Opportunity Employer and Service Provider”  
Officials should consult with their legal counsel regarding whether resubmittal of the project is  
needed for the moratorium to apply.  
(3) Projects submitted on or after September 28, 2018: The moratorium applies; therefore, a storm  
shelter constructed in accordance with ICC 500 is not required if the project is submitted prior to  
September 15, 2019. Additionally, if financing has been secured for a project prior to September 15,  
2019 the moratorium applies regardless of when the project is submitted. Building Officials should  
consult with their legal counsel regarding what constitutes the securing of financing for the purposes  
of R.C. § 3781.1010.  
After the expiration of the moratorium on September 15, 2019, a storm shelter constructed in accordance  
with ICC 500 will be required in Group E occupancies unless one of the above conditions apply, the project  
falls within a listed exception in OBC § 423.4, a variance is granted, or the project is for an alteration of  
an existing building and a storm shelter would not otherwise be required under OBC Chapter 34.  
to the 133rd Ohio General Assembly  
Prepared by the  
Ohio Facilities Construction Commission  
December 2019  
In July 2019, Amended Substitute House Bill 166 of the 133rd General Assembly included a  
statutory directive in Section 287.90, titled School Storm Shelter Study:  
The Ohio Facilities Construction Commission shall conduct a study to evaluate and make  
recommendations regarding appropriate requirements for storm shelters for Ohio  
school buildings. The Commission shall conduct this study in consultation with  
stakeholders, including school district officials, and submit a report of its findings to the  
General Assembly not later than December 31, 2019.  
OFCC is the central agency responsible for oversight of state-funded public building construction  
projects, including projects in K-12 schools, state agencies, and state-assisted colleges and  
universities. Under Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Chapter 3318, OFCC administers the state’s  
facilities assistance to certain public schools for the construction or renovation of its facilities,  
which to date has exceeded $12.3 billion. OFCC also provides grants to community and private  
schools under separate legislative authority. In order to manage state’s facilities assistance  
program, OFCC publishes the Ohio School Design Manual (OSDM), a set of design standards and  
specifications for schools choosing to participate in its state-funded programs. The manual was  
developed by Commission staff, in cooperation with architects and nationally recognized  
educational planners. The design manual is updated annually and sets standards of quality for  
the state’s educational facilities funded through OFCC programs.  
Consultation with Stakeholders  
Because the OSDM incorporates building code standards, in response to this legislative charge,  
the OFCC staff consulted with the Department of Commerce’s Ohio Board of Building Standards  
(BBS). BBS is the entity charged with adopting and enforcing rules governing the erection,  
construction, alteration, and maintenance of all buildings or classes of buildings specified in ORC  
Section 3781.06 (which is relevant to the school buildings). In addition to the statutory  
requirements, the rules regulating non-residential buildings are codified in Ohio Administrative  
Code Division 4101:1 and are collectively known as the Ohio Building Code (OBC). The OBC  
provides the minimum requirements for the construction of school buildings, and the OSDM  
provides additional standards, details or options above those required in code.  
OFCC staff also met with and sought input from the following stakeholders:  
School district officials suggested by the Buckeye Association of School Administrators  
(BASA) and the Ohio Association of School Business Officials (OASBO);  
Professional design experts suggested by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and  
the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC); and  
Representatives from the Ohio Department of Public Safety, Ohio School Safety Center  
Based on input from stakeholders, OFCC’s findings and recommendations are set forth below.  
December 2019  
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Building Code Requirements for School Storm Shelters  
In July 2000, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) published its first edition of  
FEMA P-361, Safe Rooms for Tornadoes and Hurricanes: Guidance for Community and Residential  
Safe Room. Now in its third edition, this document sets forth design and construction guidance  
for tornado and hurricane shelters. FEMA also helped develop the International Code Council  
(ICC) Standard for the Design and Construction of Storm Shelters, known as ICC 500, originally  
published in 2008 and updated in 2014. ICC, in partnership with the National Storm Shelter  
Association (NSSA), intended the ICC 500 standard to be adopted by government agencies and  
organizations in creating model codes for storm shelters.  
Beginning in 2009 and continuing through the present, the ICC 500 has been referenced in the  
IBC as the governing standard for storm shelters. The IBC may be adopted by local jurisdictions  
with or without amendments, and with the timing of adoption determined locally. The current  
OBC is based on the IBC’s 2015 edition and requires certain buildings, based upon building  
function and geographic location, to include storm shelters.  
For building code purposes, structures are classified into one of ten occupancy groups. In 2015,  
the IBC required the application of the storm shelter requirement to Educational Group E, which  
includes K-12 schools, among other structures. The IBC further narrowed the requirement to  
Educational Group E buildings in the geographic locations within the 250 mile per hour (mph)  
wind speed zone as identified in the ICC 500 standard. This requirement affects 23 U.S. states,  
including Ohio.  
December 2019  
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In June 2017, BBS adopted an update to the OBC that included a new Section 423.4, requiring  
buildings to include storm shelters constructed in accordance with ICC 500 in Group E  
occupancies. This code update, and storm shelter requirement, became effective on November  
1, 2017.  
The 2015 Storm Shelter code requires a design that buildings provide a space large enough to  
house all the typical occupants and strong enough to withstand a tornado. More specifically, the  
code requires:  
Space for at least five square feet per person, based upon total occupancy  
Designed to allow for two hour a minimum of 2 hour occupancy after the tornado  
Shelter envelope components including doors and windows designed for debris missile  
impact based on a design wind speed of 250 mph  
Protection of any shelter opening greater than 3 ½ sq. in. or 2 1/16 in. diameter  
Sanitation facilities within the shelter, including minimum number of toilets  
Mechanical or natural ventilation  
Design for roof live load of 100 pounds per square foot minimum  
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The storm shelter code also requires a quality assurance plan, special inspections, and peer  
review by an independent registered design professional. The peer reviewer provides a signed  
and sealed report, submitted with the construction documents to the code authority having  
jurisdiction over the proposed building, prior to the issuance of a permit. The report includes  
reference to structural design elements, means of egress and accessibility, fire safety, ventilation,  
and other essential features. The report describes the items reviewed, the compliance of those  
items, and a recommendation for acceptance or rejection.  
The storm shelter code requirement can be met through a stand-alone structure, or as a  
specifically designed hardened area within the existing building footprint.1  
Storm Shelter Cost Impact on OFCC Projects  
In anticipation of the November 2017 effective date, OFCC contracted with a consulting firm to  
develop an estimating cost model for the storm shelter requirements. OFCC also compiled a list  
of its K-12 projects that were then in design and could be affected by the code requirement.  
Using the estimating model, OFCC staff estimated a potential additional cost of about $40 million  
for 68 active projects within 31 school districts, with an estimated additional state share of $18.5  
million. This calculated to an average increase of 3.8% in construction costs or approximately  
$589,000 per school.  
At its October 2017 meeting, OFCC adopted a resolution authorizing co-funding of project-  
specific allowances to address the new storm shelter requirement. Because the referenced  
projects were in various stages of design, it was uncertain whether the requirement would apply  
to all projects as application of the storm shelter requirement dependent on the date designs  
were submitted to BBS or other applicable building department. Application of the requirement  
was addressed on a case-by-case basis in coordination with BBS and local code officials, which  
BBS later formalized by a BBS Memo on July 13, 2018. See Exhibit A.  
Of the original list of 68 projects, two have incorporated the storm shelter code requirement:  
Fairborn City School District and Dover City Schools. Both projects are currently in construction.  
2018 Moratorium  
As a result of concerns about costs and uncertainty about implementation that were raised by  
several school districts and the above-noted school associations, on June 7, 2018, the Ohio  
General Assembly adopted Substitute House Bill 21, effective September 28, 2018, which  
included a new ORC Section 3781.1010 enacting a moratorium on the school storm shelter  
requirement until September 15, 2019. In addition to the September 15, 2019 moratorium  
requirement, the new language stated that the requirement shall also not take effect if “financing  
has been secured prior to” September 15, 2019. On May 13, 2019, BBS requested a formal  
opinion from the Ohio Attorney General (OAG) for interpretation of the “financing has been  
To implement this solution, the designer would need to fortify the foundation, walls and roof  
of the designated area to provide a continuous load path and provide necessary life safety and  
anti-panic amenities.  
December 2019  
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secured” language. On August 7, 2019 the OAG issued Opinion No. 2019-027 providing clarity on  
the language, including multiple options for a school to satisfy its obligation to secure financing.  
See Exhibit B.  
2019 Moratorium and Study Requirement  
On July 17, 2019, the Ohio General Assembly adopted Amended Substitute House Bill 166, which,  
in addition to the above-noted study directive, amended ORC Section 3781.1010 to extend  
further the storm shelter moratorium until September 15, 2020.  
Study Findings  
Tornadoes as a Risk Factor  
Tornadoes are among the most destructive weather events on Earth. Although tornadoes occur  
worldwide, the United States has by far the most tornadoes of any country, averaging more than  
1,200 annually. Since tornadoes are short-lived and unpredictable, many are never seen or  
recorded. While most tornadoes do not result in fatalities, they are responsible for an average  
of 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries annually in the U.S.2  
In an average year, Ohio experiences 17 tornadoes causing four fatalities. Since 1950, every  
county in Ohio has experienced at least one tornado, with 14 counties experiencing more than  
$100 million in cumulative damages from 1950-2017. While Ohio is not among the top states for  
numbers of tornadoes, it ranks among the top 20 states for fatalities, injuries, and dollar losses.3  
And although tornadoes have struck school buildings in Ohio, including in the spring of 2019,  
there has been just one recorded fatality (1887).4  
Other states have not been as fortunate. Part of the reason for the storm shelter requirement  
addition to the 2015 IBC was the finding that even schools built to modern building codes are  
susceptible to collapse during tornadoes. For example, in 2013, seven school children died in  
Oklahoma at the Plaza Towers Elementary School during a tornado. The children were taking  
refuge in the hallway, which was their designated tornado safety area, when the masonry hallway  
walls collapsed on them.  
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Centers for Environmental  
Grazulis, Thomas P. (1993). Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of  
Events. St. Johnsbury, VT: The Tornado Project of Environmental Films. pp. 139–40.  
4 Ohio Department of Public Safety, Ohio Emergency Management Agency, 2019 State of Ohio  
Enhanced Hazard Mitigation Plan, February 2019, Section 2.3.  
December 2019  
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Stakeholder Feedback  
Throughout the meetings with the stakeholder groups, all participants noted the desire to ensure  
appropriate safety needs in schools, and there was universal recognition of the potential risk that  
tornados pose to building occupants.  
Understanding that student and staff safety is a paramount concern for building construction and  
renovation, stakeholder feedback noted two primary issues regarding implementation of the  
school storm shelter code requirement: (1) uncertainty about the conditions under which the  
storm shelter requirement would apply for school building renovations and additions, and the  
(2) cost impacts to school building construction and renovation.  
From the school district official perspective, participants noted that school districts plan for and  
address a multitude of health and safety issues daily. Among the issues facing school  
administrators are active shooter situations, fire, bomb threats, bullying and cyberbullying,  
physical health outbreaks, and mental health issues. Each of these health and safety issues  
requires the allocation of resources – money, people, planning time– to reduce risk and provide  
the best, safest educational environment for students and staff.  
In addition, while physical safety was important to all school districts providing input for this  
report, participants reported that tornado safety was not among the top concerns expressed by  
citizens, parents and staff to school administrators. When factoring in cost-effectiveness,  
participants suggested that the school districts would prefer the flexibility of an optional storm  
shelter requirement. Recognizing, however, that building code requirements typically are not  
options, participants indicated that should the storm shelter requirement remain in place after  
the expiration of the September 2020 moratorium, school district officials encouraged the code  
officials and design professionals to work to provide the enhanced safety requirements at the  
least possible cost.  
Representatives of the professional design community expressed confidence in designing spaces  
to meet any current storm shelter requirement. ICC 500 requires thoughtful design and  
configuration of known building materials and techniques, rather than the application of  
untested technologies or materials. Design officials noted, however, that much of the  
professional experience with these storm shelter requirements currently lies out of state, as  
there is limited real-world experience with building ICC 500 compliant storm shelters in Ohio.  
Based on this limited experience and the information provided, OFCC staff notes that there is not  
currently one specific path for designing a cost-effective and compliant storm shelter.  
While there are many potential compliance paths, the goal would be to provide the most cost-  
effective solution to meet the requirements for a particular school’s design. The design industry  
was open to any avenues for clarification of the code’s requirements. During the meeting  
discussions, questions were raised about the applicability of the code and whether the  
requirements extended beyond tornadoes to the hurricane requirements of ICC 500 (which have  
additional hardening requirements and cost impacts). Though it was later clarified that the  
hurricane requirements do not apply, the feedback received suggested that additional discussion  
between the design community and BBS would help all involved parties better understand  
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requirements and lead to better and more cost-effective implementation. The group offered  
some alternative, lower cost compliance paths if certain code elements were modified.  
Clarification could also take the form of additional detailed guidance from BBS, local code  
officials, and training on the requirements. As Ohio gains more experience in these  
requirements, it is expected that the compliance cost will be reduced.  
Neighboring State Implementation  
Ohio is not alone in addressing and evaluating the storm shelter requirements. Despite the  
adoption of the ICC 500, not all states in the 250 mph wind zone have adopted the storm shelter  
requirement. For those neighboring states within the 250 mph zone, adoption of the  
requirements has been varied. Michigan initially adopted the storm shelter requirement for  
schools in 2017, but it then added emergency rules that suspended that adoption and  
implementation. Kentucky’s mandatory requirement became effective on January 1, 2019.  
Indiana has no formal requirement, but this past summer, several news stories began reporting  
additional calls for its implementation. Outside of Ohio’s border neighbors, Illinois adopted the  
requirement in 2014.  
Other states in the 250 mph wind zone have considered adoption but have not yet made it  
mandatory. In 2013 the Governor of Oklahoma requested that schools consider constructing  
shelters, but that state has not adopted the code requirement. From all available accounts,  
resistance to mandatory adoption is primarily triggered by cost impact concerns. Ohio is unique  
in the scope of its state supported school construction program administered by OFCC.  
New building code requirements, especially those requirements that have cost impacts, are often  
met with initial concerns. This happened previously with Americans with Disabilities Act  
requirements. It also happened with non-code requirements for OFCC’s implementation of the  
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) requirements. The initial concerns, consistent  
with the feedback received from this study’s participants, are typically based on cost impacts,  
particularly for early adopters. And cost is certainly an important factor, especially when  
evaluating proposed new construction and renovation projects in the current tight construction  
But history also shows that these concerns often dissipate once the early cost impacts are  
mitigated. As with other requirements, including OFCC’s experience with the LEED  
implementation in its school programs, the additional cost associated with the storm shelter  
requirement is anticipated to decrease as the storm shelter designs become more widespread.  
With full implementation and much wider design and use of storm shelters, the storm shelters  
will become much less of a specialty item from a design and construction standpoint. Similarly,  
once the market widens for the products included in the storm shelters, then we anticipate that  
other cost reductions will follow.  
Consistent with this context, these recommendations are made within the context of the  
moratorium ending and are offered for incorporating the storm shelter requirement for Ohio  
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schools scheduled to take effect on September 15, 2020. These recommendations should be  
implemented prior to the effective date of the requirement.  
1) School district officials are encouraged to participate directly in the BBS rule development  
process, either formally or informally, to share their perspective on building code impacts  
on their districts.  
2) BBS is encouraged to provide additional detailed guidance on the code requirement for  
school renovations and additions. This guidance should address the conditions under which  
the requirement is applicable, and the design occupancy for the shelter space in the case of  
renovations or additions.  
3) BBS and the design community are encouraged to meet for technical discussions on the  
interpretation of ICC 500, with particular attention to requirements that may be modified  
for tornadoes. The focus should be on compliance paths that provide the necessary level of  
safety for the least cost. The result of these discussions could be communicated through  
written guidance and/or training opportunities  
4) To the extent possible with a small sample size of projects, OFCC and the design and  
construction community should widely share real-world experiences on storm shelters in  
Ohio, with the goal of reducing risk and cost through lessons learned. Information may be  
shared through conferences, webinars, meetings or other appropriate venues.  
December 2019  
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Brain Craig  
April 3, 2024  
Bureau of Construction Codes  
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA)  
via email to  
Re: Public Comment on the Proposed 2021 Michigan Building Code  
Dear Bureau of Construction Codes,  
As a Michigan architect since 1981, an educator of future architects, and Board Chair of the  
Michigan Forest Biomaterials Institute (MIFBI), I am writing to express strong approval and  
support for the mass timber elements incorporated in 2022-57 LR Construction Code – Part 4.  
Building Code, the “Draft Rule,” as presented for review.  
Having been part of this conversation over the last several years, I very much appreciate the  
effort that the Bureau has put into making the new Code forward thinking and of benefit to both  
the AEC industry and public health, safety, and welfare. Perhaps as importantly, as an educator  
of future architects I see this code leading in the same direction that they are heading. There is  
tremendous interest in a sustainable future among students and young architects. Mass timber  
is a realistic tool in reaching that future, one that my students have been exploring at their own  
initiative since 2018 and before.  
The increased options and clarity provided by incorporating the 2021 IBC mass timber elements  
will enhance our ability to build safe, efficient, and beautiful mass timber buildings in Michigan,  
creating places that support the State’s net zero carbon goals as well as its role as a mass  
timber leader in the Great Lakes region. Please adopt the mass timber elements of the Draft  
Rule as presented. Thank you for your time and consideration.  
Brian K Craig, FAIA, Architect  
Board Chair, Michigan Forest Biomaterials Institute  
Founding Director Emeritus, Graduate Program in Architecture  
Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University  
Janelle Rai  
April 4th, 2024  
Janelle Rai  
Grand Rapids, MI  
Michigan Department of Licensing and Affairs (LARA)  
Bureau of Construction Codes  
Ottawa Building  
611 W. Ottawa  
P.O. Box 30004  
Lansing, MI 48909  
Dear Bureau of Construction Codes Team:  
I am a structural engineer in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I work in the building industry and support the use  
of Mass Timber as a structural system in buildings. Mass Timber is an important building material.  
Removing obstacles within the Michigan Building Code to use Mass Timber extensively is a good idea.  
We structural engineers in the building industry are trying to make buildings more sustainable, so future  
generations can enjoy life in Michigan. If we can use Mass Timber as a structural system in buildings in  
Michigan, we can better achieve that goal. Our goals as building designers align directly with State of  
Michigan climate and sustainability goals.  
I support Michigan joining the 22 U.S. states and Puerto Rico in adopting the Mass Timber elements of the  
2021 International Building Code. Michigan is behind schedule when it comes to updating its codes, even  
as demand for mass timber quickly rises in our state. I urge the State of Michigan to adopt the 2021  
Michigan Building Code with all the mass timber elements included in the draft intact.  
Janelle Rai  
Structural Engineer, EIT  
Grand Rapids, MI  
Diane Hallinen  
Hallinen <>  
Wednesday, March 13, 2024 12:14 AM  
Building code suggestions  
CAUTION: This is an External email. Please send suspicious emails to  
All new construcon should be able to be fully electried without retrots. For example, roofs ready for solar panels,  
ability to have bidireconal charging for an EV, heat pump ducng in place. Also energy recovery venlaon in homes, to  
be energy ecient means a ght house, which means too many VOCs. Building codes to make it easy for local building  
inspectors to approve energy upgrades. Also, we need ground sourced hot water systems at the ulity scale instead of  
methane geng pumped to homes. I don’t know if that’s something a building code can help facilitate, but we have to  
stop using methane.  
Use the Internaonal Code Council, including appendices, as a guide.  
Building for zero carbon saves money, sure, it costs more up front, but we can’t aord not to eliminate fossil fuels in  
Diane Hallinen  
Highland, Mi  
Fabrice Smieliauskas  
Fabrice Smieliauskas <>  
Wednesday, April 3, 2024 10:42 AM  
public comment in support of Mass Timber elements of 2022-57 LR Construction Code – Part 4.  
Building Code, “Draft Rule”  
CAUTION: This is an External email. Please send suspicious emails to  
Dear Bureau of Construction Codes Team,  
Mass timber construction, defined and provided for in building types IV-A, IV-B, IV-C, and IV-HT in the 2021 International  
Building Code (2021 IBC), is quickly increasing in popularity in Michigan and across the United States. Since 2018, the  
number of mass timber projects in the U.S. has more than quadrupled and demand is expected to at least double every  
two years until the mid-2030s. At the time of this writing, project teams in Michigan are developing at least 45 projects  
where mass timber will definitely comprise the building’s structure, or where mass timber is the top choice, and teams  
are researching the best path to deliver it to their clients. A key part of clearing that path is to ensure that the 2021  
Michigan Building Code (2021 MBC) provides the greatest possible permission and clarity as relates to mass timber. I  
commend the BCC for including all the 2021 IBC mass timber elements in the 2022-57 LR Construction Code – Part 4.  
Building Code, “Draft Rule,” and I strongly encourage and support their adoption in the final code.  
Mass timber is an umbrella term for an array of engineered wood building materials used in structural and non-  
structural applications to construct beautiful, strong, safe, cost-effective, and sustainable buildings, including large and  
taller buildings. By providing for the greatest permission and clarity for mass timber in the 2021 Michigan Building Code,  
the State will open a door that will allow a broad array of Michigan stakeholders to harness the myriad benefits of mass  
timber, which include:  
Constructing safe, cost-effective buildings, faster  
o Mass timber buildings are constructed with thick manufactured floor and wall panels, and posts and beams  
comprising multiple layers of wood. These large pieces usually arrive at the building site as a prefabricated kit-of-parts,  
which can:  
. Minimize construction noise and waste; and  
. Reduce construction times and costs. That means building occupants can start living and working in buildings  
sooner, which has important positive implications for State goals related to business and economic development as well  
as housing, including affordable housing.  
o Mass timber is a high-performance material that fares well in high winds as well as in fire; only the outer layers of  
mass timber are likely to char in fire and can be repairedand replaced without threatening the building’s structure.  
Creating economic development opportunities  
o Ensuring Michigan has the most up-to-date mass timber building codes could help attract a mass timber  
manufacturer to Michigan as major companies seek to build headquarters or hubs using sustainable materials.  
o Making mass timber from wood sourced from Michigan forests or reclaimed from Michigan buildings can help  
spur economic development opportunities in both rural and non-rural areas.  
Realizing climate and sustainability benefits  
o Trees absorb carbon dioxide and store it as carbon in their branches, trunks, roots, and ultimately in forest soils.  
Harvesting forests sustainably contributes to forest health and overall carbon storage. Making mass timber buildings  
from sustainably harvested wood stores the trees’ carbon in the building for as long as it stands. By deconstructing and  
re- using mass timber at the  
end of a building’s life, we extend the wood’s carbon storage, keeping carbon  
dioxide out of the atmosphere where it contributes to climate change.  
o Mass timber, made from a renewable resource, can substitute for more carbon-intensive building materials made  
from non-renewable resources.  
o These benefits align directly with State of Michigan climate and sustainability goals, which is why the MI  
Healthy Climate Plan highlights mass timber construction as an important way to reduce the carbon footprints of our  
buildings and promote the carbon benefits of forests.  
It is worth noting that at least 22 U.S. states and Puerto Rico have already adopted the mass timber elements of the  
2021 International Building Code. That puts Michigan behind schedule when it comes to updating its codes, even as  
demand for mass timber quickly rises in our state. Adopting the 2021 MI Building Code with all the 2021 IBC mass timber  
elements in place will enable these projects to move forward without unnecessary barriers and enable Michigan to  
secure its place as the mass timber leader in the Great Lakes Region, and the Eastern United States.  
Acknowledging the myriad benefits of mass timber and embracing it as an important emerging technology in our  
industry in Michigan, the Great Lakes region, and across the United States, I urge the State of Michigan to adopt the  
2021 Michigan Building Code with all the mass timber elements included in the draft intact. This action will enhance  
demand for safe, efficient, and beautiful mass timber buildings in Michigan and the likelihood that mass timber  
manufacture will take place here. Both activities support the State’s net zero carbon goals as well as its role as a mass  
timber leader in the Great Lakes region.  
Fabrice Smieliauskas  
Troy, MI  
Gerald McClelland  
Pages 22-23  
Gerald E.McClelland <>  
Friday, February 16, 2024 2:44 PM  
Code update  
CAUTION: This is an External email. Please send suspicious emails to  
Attn: Tony Williamson,  
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns regarding the recent  
announcement of storm shelter requirements being added to the upcoming building codes,  
particularly in relation to its impact on school building budgets.  
While I understand the importance of ensuring safety and resilience in our built environment, the  
timing of this change presents significant challenges for schools that have already budgeted for  
construction projects prior to the implementation of these new regulations, set to take effect this  
The addition of storm shelters to school buildings represents a commendable effort to enhance  
preparedness and protect students and staff during severe weather events. However, the financial  
implications of retrofitting or integrating these shelters into existing construction plans can be  
substantial, potentially leading to delays or cancellations of vital projects aimed at improving  
educational facilities.  
School districts across Michigan have meticulously planned and allocated funds for construction  
projects based on the prevailing building codes and requirements at the time. The sudden  
introduction of storm shelter mandates jeopardizes the feasibility of these plans and puts undue  
strain on already constrained budgets.  
I urge the Michigan Bureau of Construction Code to consider the potential negative impact on school  
building budgets and the broader educational community. It is essential to assess the feasibility of  
implementing these new requirements in a manner that minimizes financial burdens on school  
districts while still prioritizing safety.  
I propose exploring alternative solutions or phasing in the storm shelter requirements over a  
reasonable timeline to allow for proper planning and budget adjustments. Additionally, providing  
support or incentives for schools to comply with the new regulations could help mitigate the financial  
burden and ensure equitable access to safe learning environments for all students.  
I appreciate your attention to this matter and urge you to carefully consider the concerns raised by  
stakeholders in the education sector. Collaborative efforts between regulatory bodies and educational  
institutions are crucial to achieving a balance between safety enhancements and fiscal responsibility.  
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to a constructive dialogue on this issue and  
finding mutually beneficial solutions.  
Gerry McClelland, CPE, LEED AP BD+C |  
AUCH Construction  
Jason Wadaga  
Pages 24-25  
43636 Woodward Avenue  
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302-3204  
Phone: (248) 972-1000  
Fax: (248) 972-1001  
February 20, 2024  
Dear Michigan Bureau of Construction Code,  
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns regarding the recent  
announcement of storm shelter requirements being added to the upcoming building codes,  
particularly in relation to its impact on school building budgets.  
While I understand the importance of ensuring safety and resilience in our built environment, the  
timing of this change presents significant challenges for schools that have already budgeted for  
construction projects prior to the implementation of these new regulations, set to take effect this  
The addition of storm shelters to school buildings represents a commendable effort to enhance  
preparedness and protect students and staff during severe weather events. However, the financial  
implications of retrofitting or integrating these shelters into existing construction plans can be  
substantial, potentially leading to delays or cancellations of vital projects aimed at improving  
educational facilities.  
School districts across Michigan have meticulously planned and allocated funds for construction  
projects based on the prevailing building codes and requirements at the time. The sudden  
introduction of storm shelter mandates jeopardizes the feasibility of these plans and puts undue  
strain on already constrained budgets.  
I urge the Michigan Bureau of Construction Code to consider the potential negative impact on  
school building budgets and the broader educational community. It is essential to assess the  
feasibility of implementing these new requirements in a manner that minimizes financial burdens  
on school districts while still prioritizing safety.  
I propose exploring alternative solutions or phasing in the storm shelter requirements over a  
reasonable timeline to allow for proper planning and budget adjustments. Additionally, providing  
support or incentives for schools to comply with the new regulations could help mitigate the  
financial burden and ensure equitable access to safe learning environments for all students.  
I appreciate your attention to this matter and urge you to carefully consider the concerns raised  
by stakeholders in the education sector. Collaborative efforts between regulatory bodies and  
educational institutions are crucial to achieving a balance between safety enhancements and fiscal  
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to a constructive dialogue on this issue  
and finding mutually beneficial solutions.  
Kevin N. Koehler  
Construction Association of Michigan  
Cell: 248-421-4500  
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs  
Bureau of Construction Codes/Administrative Section  
Point of Contact:  
Kerry Sutton  
Pages 26-28  
Attn: Amanda Johnson Attn:Katherine Place Attn: Tony Williamson  
Cell: (517) 582-5519  
Cell: (517) 388-3613  
Cell: (517) 388-3536  
Submission Options:  
PO Box 30254, Lansing, MI 48909  
Fax (517) 241-0130  
REAPRmESeENrTicINaG:n Concrete Institute  
section, indicate “new”)  
New Section to amend the 2021 IBC: 1901.2.1 Structural concrete with GFRP reinforcement.  
PROPOSED LANGUAGE: Show proposed text in accordance with the following format: Strikeout/Bold & underline proposed added text  
Add new text as follows:  
1901.2.1 Structural concrete with GFRP reinforcement. Cast-in-place structural concrete internally  
reinforced with glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) reinforcement conforming to ASTM D7957 and  
designed in accordance with ACI CODE 440.11 shall be permitted where fire resistance ratings are not  
required and only for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category A.  
REASON: Thoroughly explain the need and reason for the proposed change to include the following:  
-Identify the problem.  
-Explain the rational for the proposed change.  
-Describe the environmental impact.  
-Is the proposed change comparable to federal rules or national or regional standards in similarly situated states, based upon geographic location,  
topography, natural resources, commonalities, or economic similarities? If the proposed change exceeds standards in those states, explain why and  
specify costs and benefits.  
-Identify individuals and groups affected by the proposed change and the impact on these groups.  
-Are there any reasonable alternatives to the proposed change? If so, please provide those alternatives.  
-What is the fiscal impact for the proposed change? Provide a cost/benefit analysis.  
-Estimate the actual statewide compliance costs of the proposed rule.  
-What are the primary and direct benefits of the rule?  
-Estimate any cost increases or reductions to businesses, individuals, groups, or governmental units as a result of the rule.  
As well as any other information appropriate to assist with a clear understanding of the issue. During the rulemaking process, the need and reasoning  
of all proposed rule changes should be identified. By including a detailed explanation, the general public will gain a better understanding on all aspects  
of the proposal. Providing an explanation on the need and rationale for the proposal is optional; however, MCL 24.245 requires the department to pro-  
vide proper justification for each proposal. Without this important information, the department may not be able to document appropriate justification  
and merit for a proposal. For further information, please refer to the Administrative Procedures Act of 1969.  
See Attached Reason Statement.  
Back Up/Graphic Material Included  
BCC-3016 (11/22)  
2021 IBC Option for ACI 440.11  
Chapter 19 – Concrete  
Section – 1901 General  
1901.2 Plain and reinforced concrete. Structural concrete shall be designed and constructed in accordance with  
the requirements of this chapter and ACI 318 as amended in Section 1905 of this code. Except for the provisions of  
Sections 1904 and 1907, the design and construction of slabs on gradeshallnotbegovernedbythischapterunless  
theytransmitverticalloads orlateralforces fromotherparts ofthestructuretothesoil.  
Add new text as follows:  
1901.2.1 Structural concrete with GFRP reinforcement. Cast-in-place structural concrete internally  
reinforced with glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) reinforcement conforming to ASTM D7957 and  
designed in accordance with ACI CODE 440.11 shall be permitted where fire resistance ratings arenot  
requiredandonly forstructures assignedtoSeismic DesignCategory A.  
Add new standard(s) as follows:  
American Concrete Institute  
38800 Country Club Drive  
Farmington Hills, MI 48331  
Referenced in code  
section number  
reference Title  
ACI CODE-440.11-22: Building Code Requirements for Structural  
Concrete Reinforced with Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP)  
Bars – Code and Commentary  
International 100 Barr  
Harbor Drive, PO Box C700  
West Conshohocken, PA 19428  
Referenced in code  
section number  
Standard Specification for Solid Round Glass Fiber Reinforced  
Polymer Bars for Concrete  
Background and rationale - This proposaladds anewreferencedstandard: ACI CODE440.11-22: Building  
Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Reinforced with Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bars –  
CodeandCommentary. Theadditionofthis newstandardallows thedesignandconstructionofcast-in-place  
reinforcedconcreteusing non-metallic reinforcementbars. While the design and construct requirements  
contained in the standard are limited to use in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category A and structural  
elements not part of seismic force-resisting systems in SDC B and C, for simplicity this proposal limits the use to  
structures assigned to SDC A. ACI Committee 440 developed this standard to provide for public health and safety by  
establishing minimum requirements for strength, stability, serviceability, durability, and integrity of GFRPreinforced  
concrete structures.  
GFRPreinforcedconcrete,butfor acceptance of design and construction of GFRP reinforced concrete structures by  
the building officials or their designated representatives.  
Due to the performance of other types of FRP reinforcement and the lack of research and testing of other types, the  
standard only applies to reinforced concrete structures designed and constructed with GFRP manufactured in  
accordance with ASTM D7957 Standard Specification for Solid Round Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars for  
GFRP reinforced concrete is especially beneficial for satisfying a demand for improved resistance to corrosion in  
highly corrosive environments, such as reinforced concrete exposed to water and de-icing salts.  
This standard establishes minimum requirements for GFRP reinforced concrete in a similar fashion as ACI 318 -19  
Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete establishes minimum requirements for structural concrete  
reinforced with steel reinforcement. A separate standard is needed, as GFRP reinforcement behaves differently than  
steel reinforcement. The preliminary results of the ICC Online Governmental Consensus Voting show approval of the  
inclusion of ACI CODE 440.11 in the 2024 International Building Code.  
Currently GFRP is accepted for use toreinforce highway bridge decks. Acceptanceis primarily inareas where  
deicingsalts are used onthe roads andcause severe corrosiontoconventionalsteelreinforcement. This proposed  
changeprovides minimum requirements for other applications where GFRP reinforced concrete is being  
considered, such as marine and coastal structures, parking garages, water tanks, and structures supporting MRI  
machines. Design reasons to use GFRP bars in structures are: resistance to corrosion in the presence of chloride  
ions, lack of interference with electromagnetic fields, and low thermal conductivity.  
Currently the standard prohibits the use concrete internally reinforced with GFRP for applications where fire  
resistance ratings are required. Chapter6oftheMichigan BuildingCodecitesapplicationsforfloors,roofs,walls,  
partitions,andprimaryandsecondarystructuralframeswherefire resistance ratings are notrequired.  
Cost Impact: The code change proposal will not increase or decrease the cost of construction  
DesignCategoryAanddoes notprecludetheuseofconventionalreinforcedconcrete. Thus, thereisnocostimpact.  
Mark Stimac  
Pages 28-31  
Compliant by Design LLC  
Building Code Consulting  
31695 Karolyn Lane  
Fraser, MI 48026  
April 4, 2024  
Tony Williamson  
Bureau of Construction Codes  
P.O. Box 30254, Lansing, MI 48909  
Re: Public Comment on proposed Michigan Building Code  
Part 4 Rules of Public Act 230 of 1972  
Dear Sir:  
I will be unable to attend the public hearing scheduled for 4/4/24. Enclosed are my comments on the  
proposed rules which would adopt and amend the 2021 International Building Code to become the 2021  
Michigan Building Code.  
Rule 401  
Section 104.2 is proposed to be excepted from the MBC. However, Section 104.2.1 is proposed to be  
adopted as written. Since the topic of Section 104.2.1 is dealing with applications for reconstruction,  
rehabilitation, repair, alteration, addition, or other improvement of existing buildings these provisions  
should be located in the Michigan Rehabilitation Code for Existing Buildings based upon the provisions  
of Section 101.4.7.  
Sections 2902 through 2902.6 are proposed to be excepted from the MBC. However, Sections 2902.7  
and Section 2903 are proposed to be adopted as written. If the intent is to direct users to the Michigan  
Plumbing Code for the requirements for the installation of plumbing fixtures these other “orphaned  
sections” should be deleted as well.  
Rule 412  
Section 111.2 and 111.2.1 are proposed to be amended. These sections address requirements for the  
change of occupancy of an existing building. In accordance with the provisions of Section 101.4.7 these  
topics are regulated by the Michigan Rehabilitation Code for Existing Buildings. If the language is  
desired it should be located there.  
Rule 415a  
The definition of "Registered design professional" is intended to be amended to mean an individual who  
is licensed under the occupational code, 1980 PA 299, MCL 339.101 to 339.2919 339.2677.  
Compliant by Design LLC  
Building Code Consulting  
31695 Karolyn Lane  
Fraser, MI 48026  
There are numerous professions that are licensed under 1980 PA 299. These include barbers,  
accountants and appraisers. The correct reference should be to individuals who is licensed under article  
20 of the occupational code, 1980 PA 299. That is the article that licenses architects, engineers and land  
surveyors who should be the licensed professionals that are submitting plans for approval with building  
permit applications.  
Rule 418  
Rule 418 proposes to modify Section 1203.1 to read as follows:  
R 408.30418 Maximum floor area allowances per occupant. Occupiable space heating systems.  
Rule 418. Table 1004.1.21004.5 1203.1 of the code is amended to read as follows:  
1203.1. Equipment and systems. Interior spaces intended for human occupancy shall be provided  
with heating facilities capable of maintaining a minimum interior room temperature of 68 degrees  
Fahrenheit at a point 3 feet above the floor and 2 feet from exterior walls at the required design  
temperature. The installation of portable space heaters shall not be used to comply with this section.  
(a) Interior spaces where the primary purpose is not associated with human contact.  
(b) Group F, H, S, or U occupancies.  
(c) Interior, seasonal spaces unoccupied during cold weather months, including restrooms, shower  
buildings, day-use restrooms, concession stands, press boxes, ticket booths, and locker rooms.  
Although titlesdo not contain enforceable language, the word “maximum” in the title should be  
deleted along with the rest of the current title. The term “human contact” in Exception (a) is perhaps a  
“typo” and should read “human comfort” as it does in the Michigan Mechanical Code.  
Rule 419  
Part of Rule 419 is to amend Section 1210.5 to read as follows:  
1210.5. Baby changing stations. A building or structure that has with baby changing stations in the  
women's restrooms shall have baby changing stations in the men's restrooms.  
As proposed, the rule would not require that a baby changing station be provided in a women’s  
restroom if one were installed in a men’s restroom. It is my belief that the intent of this rule was to be  
gender neutral and require equal facilities. The language should be revised to require equal facilities be  
provided in both genders toilet rooms.  
Proposed new rule.  
I proposed that Section 101.4.8 be added to the code to read as follows:  
101.4.8 Electrical. The provisions of the Michigan Electrical Code shall apply to the installation,  
alterations, repairs and replacement of electrical equipment.  
Compliant by Design LLC  
Building Code Consulting  
31695 Karolyn Lane  
Fraser, MI 48026  
Reason for Code Change:  
Within Section 101.4 we have provisions for the application of the other International (Michigan) codes  
relating to gas, mechanical, plumbing, property maintenance, fire protection, energy, and existing  
buildings. The one category that is currently missing from the section is electrical. This proposed code  
change would close that hole.  
I appreciate the opportunity to submit these public comments. I can be reached via email at  
Respectfully submitted.  
Mark Stimac, R.A., C.B.O.  
Compliant by Design LLC  
Ron Ritchey  
Pages 32-33  
NFSA Proposed Rule Change  
Proposed DraPart 9A. Mechanical Code Eecve March 12, 2024  
Add New Excepon, Secon 5 below.  
107.1 Construcon documents.  
(1) Construcon documents, engineering calculaons, diagrams, and other data shall be submied in 2  
or more sets with each applicaon for a permit. Code ocials may require addional construcon  
documents at any point during construcon. The code ocial shall require construcon documents,  
computaons, and specicaons to be prepared and designed by a registered design professional,  
licensed in accordance with the occupaonal code, 1980 PA 299, MCL 339.101 to 339.2677.  
1. The code ocial may waive the submission of construcon documents, calculaons, or other data if  
the nature of the work applied for is such that reviewing of construcon documents is not necessary to  
determine compliance with the code.  
2. Construcon documents shall not be required when obtaining a permit from the bureau of  
construcon codes for any of the following circumstances:  
a. Alteraons and repair work determined by the mechanical ocial to be of a minor nature.  
b. Business, mercanle, and storage use group buildings having HVAC equipment only, with 1 re area  
and not more than 3,500 square feet.  
c. Work completed by a governmental subdivision or state agency cosng less than $15,000.00.  
(2) Where special condions exist, the code ocial may require addional construcon documents to be  
prepared by a registered design professional.  
(3) Construcon documents shall be drawn to scale and shall be of sucient clarity to indicate the  
locaon, nature, and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that the work conforms to the  
provisions of this code.  
(4) Construcon documents for buildings more than 2 stories in height shall indicate where penetraons  
will be made for mechanical systems, and the materials and methods for maintaining required structural  
safety, re-resistance rang, and re blocking  
(5) Automac Fire Sprinkler Plans submied by an individual who possesses at least a Water-Based  
Systems Layout Level III or IV cered by the Naonal Instute of Cercaon in Engineering  
Technologies (NICET).  
107.1 Construcon Documents.  
The State of Michigan currently permits “Cercaon of Firms for Fire Alarm Systems and Fire  
Suppression Systems in State-Regulated Facilies, under 1941 PA 207, MCL 29.1 et seq., plans and  
specicaons to be submied for high-risk facilies by “Qualied” individual under R29.2805 (g) to  
maintain a NICET LEVEL III or higher category.  
Addionally, an overwhelming majority of the state and local jurisdicon across the country accept  
NICET Leve III or higher as qualied to submit re sprinkler drawings to the authority having jurisdicon.  
Ryan Leestma  
Page 34  
Ryan Leestma <>  
Friday, March 1, 2024 12:20 PM  
Mass Timber  
CAUTION: This is an External email. Please send suspicious emails to  
As the leading developer in the State of Michigan for Mass timber constructed buildings, I would like to wholeheartedly  
support the adoption of the 2021 international building code without any amendments or supplemental notations  
related to Mass timber construction. I believe that this construction method is important for Michigan to develop as  
sustainability and environmental preservation are critical to the long-term future of the state.  
Ryan Leestma  
Ryan M. Leestma  
Founder and Owner  
Leestma Management, LLC  
(M) 616-633-6020  
Sandra Lupien  
Pages 34-36  
April 2, 2024  
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA)  
Bureau of Construction Codes  
Via email to  
Re: Support for Mass Timber incorporated in 2022-57 LR Construction Code – Part 4. Building Code,  
“Draft Rule”  
Dear Bureau of Construction Codes Team,  
Mass timber construction, defined and provided for in building types IV-A, IV-B, IV-C, and IV-HT in the  
2021 International Building Code (2021 IBC), is quickly increasing in popularity in Michigan and across  
the United States. Since 2018, the number of mass timber projects in the U.S. has more than quadrupled  
and demand is expected to at least double every two years until the mid-2030s. At the time of this  
writing, project teams in Michigan are developing at least 45 projects where mass timber will definitely  
comprise the building’s structure, or where mass timber is the top choice, and teams are researching the  
best path to deliver it to their clients. A key part of clearing that path is to ensure that the 2021  
Michigan Building Code (2021 MBC) provides the greatest possible permission and clarity as relates to  
mass timber. I commend the BCC for including all the 2021 IBC mass timber elements in the 2022-57  
LR Construction Code – Part 4. Building Code, “Draft Rule,” and I strongly encourage and  
support their adoption in the final code.  
Mass timber is an umbrella term for an array of engineered wood building materials used in structural  
and non-structural applications to construct beautiful, strong, safe, cost-effective, and sustainable  
buildings, including large and taller buildings. By providing for the greatest permission and clarity for  
mass timber in the 2021 Michigan Building Code, the State will open a door that will allow a broad array  
of Michigan stakeholders to harness the myriad benefits of mass timber, which include:  
Constructing safe, cost-effective buildings, faster  
Mass timber buildings are constructed with thick manufactured floor and wall panels,  
and posts and beams comprising multiple layers of wood. These large pieces usually  
arrive at the building site as a prefabricated kit-of-parts, which can:  
Minimize construction noise and waste; and  
Reduce construction times and costs. That means building occupants can start  
living and working in buildings sooner, which has important positive implications  
for State goals related to business and economic development as well as  
housing, including affordable housing.  
Mass timber is a high-performance material that fares well in high winds as well as in  
fire; only the outer layers of mass timber are likely to char in fire and can be repaired  
and replaced without threatening the building’s structure.  
Creating economic development opportunities  
Ensuring Michigan has the most up-to-date mass timber building codes could help  
attract a mass timber manufacturer to Michigan as major companies seek to build  
headquarters or hubs using sustainable materials.  
Making mass timber from wood sourced from Michigan forests or reclaimed from  
Michigan buildings can help spur economic development opportunities in both rural and  
non-rural areas.  
Realizing climate and sustainability benefits  
Trees absorb carbon dioxide and store it as carbon in their branches, trunks, roots, and  
ultimately in forest soils. Harvesting forests sustainably contributes to forest health and  
overall carbon storage. Making mass timber buildings from sustainably harvested wood  
stores the trees’ carbon in the building for as long as it stands. By deconstructing and re-  
using mass timber at the end of a building’s life, we extend the wood’s carbon storage,  
keeping carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere where it contributes to climate change.  
Mass timber, made from a renewable resource, can substitute for more carbon-  
intensive building materials made from non-renewable resources.  
These benefits align directly with State of Michigan climate and sustainability  
goals, which is why the MI Healthy Climate Plan highlights mass timber  
construction as an important way to reduce the carbon footprints of our  
buildings and promote the carbon benefits of forests.  
It is worth noting that at least 22 U.S. states and Puerto Rico have already adopted the mass timber  
elements of the 2021 International Building Code. That puts Michigan behind schedule when it comes to  
updating its codes, even as demand for mass timber quickly rises in our state. Adopting the 2021 MI  
Building Code with all the 2021 IBC mass timber elements in place will enable these projects to move  
forward without unnecessary barriers and enable Michigan to secure its place as the mass timber leader  
in the Great Lakes Region, and the Eastern United States.  
Acknowledging the myriad benefits of mass timber and embracing it as an important emerging  
technology in our industry in Michigan, the Great Lakes region, and across the United States, I urge the  
State of Michigan to adopt the 2021 Michigan Building Code with all the mass timber elements  
included in the draft intact. This action will enhance demand for safe, efficient, and beautiful mass  
timber buildings in Michigan and the likelihood that mass timber manufacture will take place here. Both  
activities support the State’s net zero carbon goals as well as its role as a mass timber leader in the  
Great Lakes region.  
Director, MassTimber@MSU  
Michigan State University  
480 Wilson Road #121  
East Lansing, MI 48824  
Tom Archie  
Pages 37-45  
Words from Director IRVIN J. POKE, AIA  
summer 2011  
When a governmental subdivision is granted the authority to administer and  
enforce the Michigan Construction Codes, they must also enforce the Stille-  
DeRossett-Hale Single State Construction Act, 1972 PA 230. As an enforcing  
agency, it may not amend the code or any provision of the Act. The enforcing  
agency does not adapt codes which are adopted by the state. It is the director  
of the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) who is vested  
with the sole authority to adopt the codes. The enforcing agency must adopt an  
ordinance or ordinances to enforce the Act and the codes, set up an agency, adopt  
a fee structure, and establish a board of appeals.  
What’s inside  
*Page 1* Words from the director  
*Page 2 *board & commission  
*Page 2*certificate inspections  
and insepctor’s duties  
*Page 3* vestibule requirements in  
the 2009 michigan uniform energy  
*Page 3* asme b20.1 safety  
standard for conveyors and  
related equipment  
While the primary function of an enforcing agency is to issue permits, conduct  
plan reviews, inspections, and issue certicates of use and occupancy, there are  
other functions that are sometimes overlooked. The enforcing agency is the front  
line of license enforcement. The enforcing agency must take reasonable action  
to assure that properly licensed personnel perform all work. This includes and  
is not limited to the building, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing trades as well  
as professional services of architects and professional engineers. When there is  
a licensing investigation, the enforcing agency is responsible for providing any  
records and conducting necessary inspections.  
*page 4 & 5* Michigan Residential  
Smoke Alarm Requirements  
*page 5* bcc contact information  
*page 6* do you hold the proper  
license classification?  
*Page 6* license renewal  
dependent upon 2009 plumbing  
code update  
*page 7* Wiring methods for  
patient care areas in health care  
It is also important that the enforcing agency have a process in place to handle  
complaints. One of the most critical complaints is that of a dangerous building.  
If a governmental subdivision elects to enforce the codes, the responsibility for  
investigating such complaints goes with this authority. The Bureau of Construction  
Codes will not intervene and the enforcing agency is responsible for any legal  
action that may ensue as a result of an investigation.  
*Page 7* Michigan codes & rules  
*page 8* title vesting authority  
of vacated public areas within  
recorded subdivisions  
*Page 9* license examination dates  
*Page 9* online services  
Finally, a code enforcement program is not a means of generating revenue for  
a unit of government. Section 22, MCL 125.1522, makes it clear that the fees must  
be set to resemble the cost of services and that revenue from the program can be  
used only for code administration and enforcement. The Michigan Department  
of Treasury issued two memorandums, 200-2 and 200-6 dated March 31, 2000,  
and June 2, 2000, respectively, which detail how an enforcing agency must handle  
its nances. These memorandums are available on the Department of Treasury  
In conclusion, every enforcing agency must have a working knowledge of 1972  
PA 230, all licensing statutes, environmental regulation, Freedom of Information  
Act (FOIA), Open Meetings Act, and the Administrative Procedures Act. All of  
which should be in the agency’s library, along with all codes and standards, and  
available for public review. These documents should be periodically reviewed to  
assure that the agency operates correctly.  
bcc oFFICES closed  
September 5  
November 11  
Board and Commission Meetings  
Barrier Free Design Board  
Board of Boiler Rules  
Construction Code Commission  
Electrical Administrative Board  
Elevator Safety Board  
Manufactured Housing Commission  
Board of Mechanical Rules  
State Boundary Commission  
Sep 9, Nov 18  
Sep 13  
Oct 5  
Aug 25, Nov 3  
Aug 24, Nov4  
Aug 17, Oct 19  
Aug 24, Nov 16  
Sep 15  
9:30 am  
9:30 am  
9:30 am  
9:30 am  
9:30 am  
10:00 am  
9:00 am  
10:00 am  
1:30 pm  
10:00 am  
Okemos – Conf Room 3  
Okemos – Conf Room 3  
Okemos – Conf Room 3  
Okemos – Conf Room 3  
Okemos – Conf Room 3  
Okemos – Conf Room 3  
Okemos – Conf Room 3  
Okemos – Conf Room 3  
Oct 20  
Sep 20  
State Plumbing Board  
Okemos – Conf Room 3  
Dates and times are subject to change. Visit the BCC website for updates.  
Certificate Inspections and Inspector’s Duties  
By William Vallance, Chief  
Boiler Division  
PA 290 of 1965, as “an inspection, the report of which is  
used by the chief inspector to decide whether a certicate  
Boilers coming under the jurisdiction of the State of . . . shall be issued. The certicate inspection shall be an  
Michigan boiler law fall into three categories of inspection internal inspection if construction allows; otherwise the  
certicate inspection shall be as complete an inspection as  
possible [emphasis added].” The denition of “certicate  
inspection” in the law requires an internal inspection on all  
High pressure boilers that produce steam at pressures  
boilers where construction allows. Inspectors should refer to  
above 15 psi, or those that produce hot water at pressures rule R 408.4057 (c) and (g) which grants some discretion for  
above 160 psi and/or temperatures above 250 deg. F.  
Low pressure process boilers that evacuate more than  
10% of their capacity.  
hot water heating, hot water supply, and cast boilers.  
Rule 57 allows an inspector to forego the internal  
inspection on hot water heat and hot water supply boilers  
because historically boilers in this use category do not usually  
degrade internally. A main cause of internal degradation in  
this type system is the introduction of scale and corrosion.  
Draining and opening a system for internal inspection can  
allow the introduction of scale and corrosion. The inspector  
must be critical during the inspection to look for external signs  
that would indicate a problem. The same concern is true for  
cast boilers because their typical construction does not make  
an internal inspection practicable.  
Boilers that produce steam for heating and operate at  
pressures of 15 psi or less.  
Boilers used for hot water heating and hot water  
supply that do not operate above pressures of 160 psi or  
temperatures above 250 deg. F.  
Boilers must receive a certicate inspection by a licensed  
In-service and internal inspection of all boilers is to be  
conducted in accordance with the National Board Inspection  
Code and the Michigan Boiler Rules as specied in boiler  
rule R 408.4057. Please refer to these documents for further  
information on boiler inspection. If you have questions or  
concerns contact the Boiler Division at (517) 241-9334.  
boiler inspector at least once during the inspection frequency.  
Once a boiler has passed its certicate inspection and a  
certicate has been issued the boiler is approved for operation  
until the next certicate inspection is due.  
A certicate of inspection is dened in the Boiler Act,  
If you know of an organization or individual that would benet from the  
information posted in BCC’s newsletter, please direct them to our website at Then, click on the “Publications/Bulletins/Interpretations/Advisories” link  
for more information on how to subscribe to and receive an electronic notication of when each quarterly  
newsletter is posted.  
plan review Division  
d. Building entrances in buildings located in climate  
zone 1 or 2.  
By Todd Cordill, NCARB, Chief  
Plan Review Division  
e. Building entrances in buildings located in climate  
zone 3 or 4 that are less than four stories  
above grade and less than 10,000 square feet in area.  
Under what circumstances are vestibules required for  
new buildings or building additions? For buildings other than  
one-and two-family dwellings or low-rise residential buildings  
(three or fewer stories above grade) the requirements are found  
in section 501.1 of the 2009 Michigan Uniform Energy Code  
that references ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007.  
Section of the standard states:  
Building entrances in buildings located in climate  
zone 5,6,7, or 8 that are less than 1,000 square feet in  
g. Doors that open directly from a space that is less  
than 3,000 square feet in area.  
Building entrances that separate conditioned space from the  
exterior shall be protected with an enclosed vestibule, with  
all doors opening into and out of the vestibule equipped  
with self-closing devices. Vestibules shall be designed so  
that in passing through the vestibule it is not necessary for  
the interior and exterior doors to open at the same time.  
Section and its exceptions are clear except for the  
application to tenant spaces. When we consulted the staff  
at ASHRAE we did not get a clear answer regarding tenant  
space. To apply this section we will look to the denition of  
“building entrance” in section 3.2 of the standard. When the  
denition is applied it is clear that a tenant space entrance is  
not a “building entrance.” We then may apply exception g, and  
if the tenant space is less than 3,000 square feet, a vestibule is  
not required.  
a. Building entrances with revolving doors.  
b. Doors not intended to be used as a building  
Questions may be addressed to the Plan Review Division  
at (517) 241-9328 or the Building Division at (517) 241-9317.  
c. Doors opening directly from a dwelling unit.  
ASME B20.1 Safety Standard for Conveyors and Related Equipment  
of the letters and gures should be not less than 3.2 mm  
(0.125 in.). The data plate should help assure the device is  
not mistaken for a device which the Elevator Safety Division  
does regulate. All warning signs as required by the B20.1  
Safety Standard for Conveyors and Related Equipment must  
also be properly posted or we may assume the device to be  
an elevator, and enforce the Michigan Elevator Rules, ASME  
A17.1 requirements, and write violations accordingly.  
By Cal Rogler, Chief  
Elevator Safety Division  
The Elevator Safety Division has reviewed the Michigan  
Elevator Laws and the Michigan Elevator Rules with regard  
to a conveyor built to the American Society of Mechanical  
Engineers (ASME) B20.1 Safety Standard for Conveyors and  
Related Equipment. It is our determination that conveyors and  
conveying systems which are designed, constructed, installed,  
maintained, inspected, and operated to the provisions of  
the ASME B20.1 Standard, do not fall within the scope the  
Elevator Safety Board Act, PA 227 of 1967, as amended. This  
means the Elevator Safety Division does not have jurisdiction  
of and will not regulate equipment which is certied compliant  
with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)  
B20.1 and maintained and operated accordingly.  
The installation of a B20.1 device shall comply with  
the Michigan Building Code and requires a building permit  
be obtained for supports, structures, etc. Local zoning  
requirements must also be followed. The B20.1 Standard  
contains requirements for the safe installation, maintence and  
use of the device.  
The Michigan Elevator Rules may be found on the Elevator  
Safety Division website  
However, it is recommended that a data plate should be  
securely attached in plain view to the main line disconnect or  
controller. The data plate should indicate the Standard and  
the edition in effect at the time of installation. The data plate  
should be of such material and construction that the letters  
and gures stamped, etched, cast, or otherwise applied to the  
face shall remain permanently and readily legible. The height  
If you have any questions or need assistance with accessing  
the website, please call the Elevator Safety Division at (517)  
building division  
Michigan Residential Smoke Alarm Requirements  
By Larry Lehman, Chief  
Building Division  
2. Installation, alteration or repairs of plumbing or  
mechanical systems are exempt from the requirements of  
this section.  
Must smoke alarms be hard wired with battery back up and  
interconnected as required for newly constructed residential  
dwellings? Must these smoke alarms be installed in the same  
manner when alterations, repairs, and additions requiring a  
permit occur in existing residential dwellings?  
This section applies a unique provision in the code  
requiring smoke alarms to be installed and located as required  
for new dwellings when a building or an electrical permit is  
required for building or electrical installations, while exempting  
work involving exterior surfaces, the addition of a porch or  
deck, and the installation, alteration, or repairs of plumbing or  
mechanical systems.  
There are different installation requirements for smoke  
alarms depending on whether the installation is in a newly  
constructed dwelling or is part of an alteration, repair, or  
addition to an existing dwelling.  
The 2009 MRC, R314.4 requires smoke alarms to receive  
their primary power from the building wiring when such wiring  
is served from a commercial source, and requires smoke alarms  
to be interconnected.  
New dwelling requirements:  
The 2009 Michigan Residential Code (MRC) R314.3  
requires the installation of smoke alarms for new construction  
in the following locations:  
1. Smoke alarms shall be permitted to be battery operated  
when installed in buildings without commercial power.  
2. Interconnection and hard-wiring of smoke alarms  
in existing areas shall not be required where the  
alterations or repairs do not result in the removal  
of the interior wall or ceiling nishes exposing the  
structure, unless there is an attic, crawl space or basement  
available which could provide access for hard wiring  
and interconnection without the removal of interior  
1. In each sleeping room.  
2. Outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate  
vicinity of the bedrooms.  
3. On each additional story of the dwelling, including  
basements and habitable attics but not including crawl  
spaces and uninhabitable attics. In dwelling units with  
split levels and without an intervening door between the  
adjacent levels, a smoke alarm installed on the upper level  
shall sufce for the adjacent lower level provided that  
the lower level is less than one full story below the upper  
The second exemption clearly indicates interior nishes do  
not need to be removed. Additionally, this code section does  
not address the shing of wiring that may be necessary for the  
interconnection and hard wiring of smoke alarms, which also  
may require the removal and replacement of building insulation  
and vapor retarders, penetration of required reblocking, and  
installationof wiringinstudcavitiesnecessarytoaccommodate  
the shing of wires.  
The 2009 MRC, R314.3 also requires smoke alarms to be  
interconnected when there is more than one alarm device in  
such a manner that the activation of one alarm will activate all  
the alarms in the individual unit..  
Existing dwelling requirements concerning alterations,  
repairs and additions:  
The 2009 MRC, R314.3.1 provides language for alterations,  
repairs, and additions. When alterations, repairs or additions  
requiring a permit occur, or when one or more sleeping rooms  
are added or created in existing dwellings, the individual  
dwelling unit shall be equipped with smoke alarms located as  
required for new dwellings.  
Section 4, (3) (d) of the Stille-DeRrossett-Hale-Single  
State Construction Code Act, 1972 PA 230, states: “The code  
shall be designed to effectuate the general purposes of this act  
and the following objectives and standards: . . . To eliminate  
restrictive, obsolete, conicting, and unnecessary construction  
regulations that tend to increase construction costs  
unnecessarily or restrict the use of new materials, products,  
or methods of construction, or provide preferential treatment  
to types or classes of materials or products or methods of  
1. Work involving the exterior surfaces of dwellings, such  
as the replacement of roong or siding, or the addition or  
replacement of windows or doors, or the addition of a  
porch or deck, are exempt from the requirements of this  
building division (con’t)  
is exposed, the smoke alarms shall be interconnected and  
hard-wired when the building has wiring from a commercial  
source except as noted in the 2009 MRC 314.4, Exception 2.  
The 2009 MRC, R104.10 states in part “Wherever there are  
practical difculties involved in carrying out the provisions  
of this code, the building ofcial shall have the authority to  
grant modications for individual cases, provided the building  
ofcial shall rst nd that special individual reason makes the  
strict letter of this code impractical and the modication is in  
compliance with the intent and purpose of this code and that  
such modication does not lessen health, life and re safety . .  
. .”  
When interior nishes have to be removed such  
as cutting out interior nishes to mount an electrical  
box, and shing wires to accomplish hard-wiring and  
interconnection, additional smoke alarms may be battery  
operated smoke alarms in accordance with MRC 314.4,  
Exception 2, and the additional smoke alarms are not  
required to be interconnected.  
The requirements for smoke alarms to be installed in  
buildings and structures at specied locations comes from  
chapter 9 of the Michigan Building Code (MBC) and NFPA  
72. Therefore, since they are referenced standards from  
the 2009 Michigan Residential Code (MRC), the Building  
Ofcial or Building Inspector shall determine when smoke  
alarms or additional smoke alarms are required, if they are to  
be hard-wired or wireless systems, and whether they require  
It should also be noted, 2009 MRC, Section 314.3.1,  
exception 1, exempts work on the exterior of a structure.  
As an example, when the installation of a swimming pool or  
hot tub occurs on the exterior of a home, exception 1 would  
allow the installation of a swimming pool or hot tub without  
expanding the project to include smoke alarms regardless of  
whether a building or electrical permit are required as part  
of the swimming pool or hot tub installation. Exception  
2 exempts the installations, alterations or repairs of  
plumbing or mechanical systems from the requirements  
of adding smoke alarms regardless of whether a building  
or electrical permit is required as part of the plumbing or  
mechanical system. As an example, this exception would allow  
the replacement of equipment such as a furnace without  
expanding the project to include smoke alarms regardless of  
whether a building or electrical permit are required as part of  
a furnace replacement.  
The building ofcial or building inspector should consider  
that wireless smoke alarms which are part of an interconnected  
system are widely available, and provide an acceptable cost  
effective and safe solution when installed in accordance with  
manufacturers’ installation instructions and are adequately  
maintained. Removing interior nish and shing wires presents  
a practical difculty while greatly increasing construction  
Furthermore, it is the building ofcial or building inspector  
who determines whether additional smoke alarms are required,  
if they are to be hard-wired or wireless systems, and whether  
they require interconnection.  
When alterations, repairs, or additions requiring a building  
or electrical permit occur, or when one or more sleeping  
rooms are added or created in existing dwellings, the individual  
dwelling unit shall be equipped with smoke alarms located as  
required for new dwellings. When access is provided by means  
of a crawl space, basement, or attic, and the building framing  
Questions may be directed to the Building Division at  
(517) 241-9317.  
BCC Contact Information  
Facsimile Numbers:  
Telephone Numbers:  
Administration & Ofce of Administrative Services (517) 241-9570  
Ofce of Management Svcs, & Plumbing Division(517) 373-8547  
Building, Electrical, Mechanical, Plan Review, (517) 241-9308  
Ofce of Land Survey & Remonumentation, Elevator Safety &  
Boiler Divisions (517) 241-6301  
Administration (517) 241-9302  
Ofce of Administrative Services ( 517) 335-2972  
Ofce of Management Services (517) 241-9313  
Boiler Division (517) 241-9334  
Building Division (517) 241-9317  
Act 54 Registration (517) 241-9317  
Electrical Division (517) 241-9320  
Elevator Safety Division (517) 241-9337  
Mechanical Division (517) 241-9325  
Ofce of Land Survey & Remonumentation (517) 241-6321  
(includes State Boundary Commission)  
Plan Review Division (517) 241-9328  
Plumbing Division (517) 241-9330  
Mailing Addresses:  
P.O. Box 30254 (Codes: general correspondence)  
P.O. Box 30255 (Codes: permits, licenses, and other documents  
containing payment)  
P.O. Box 30704 (Ofice of Land Survey & Remonumentation)  
Lansing, MI 48909  
By Kevin Kalakay, Chief  
Mechanical Division  
denial, revocation, or suspension of the license. A licensee  
may also be required to pay restitution to the party for whom  
the unlicensed mechanical work was performed.  
The Mechanical Division receives calls daily concerning  
the validity of a mechanical contractor’s license and the scope  
of work that can be performed with such license. Routinely,  
it is found that the licensee in question does not possess  
the proper license classications for the work he or she has  
performed or has contracted to perform.  
It is appropriate to le licensing complaints with the  
Ofce of Adminstrative Services regarding contractors that  
performed mechanical work for which they are not properly  
licensed. Complaint information can be found at www.  
Performing unlicensed mechanical work is a direct  
violation of the Forbes Mechanical Contractors Act, 1984 PA  
Denitions of the licensing classications are located in  
the Forbes Mechanical Contractors Act, 1984 PA 192, Sec,1607,7-154-10575---,00.html.  
Any individual, partnership, association, or corporation  
found performing mechanical work without rst obtaining  
the proper license and classication(s) through written  
examination is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to nes,  
imprisonment, and sanctions, including, but not limited to,  
Any questions may be directed to the Mechanical Division  
at (517) 241-9325.  
plumbing division  
By Robert Konyndyk, Chief  
Plumbing Division  
Individuals who have not completed the class will not  
receive license renewal notices and will not be able to renew  
The State Plumbing Act, 2002 PA 733, Sections 23 (2) their plumbing license as required by law. Further, the act  
and 25 (2), requires licensed master and journey plumbers to clearly states that a license not renewed within a three-year time  
complete approved code update classes within 12 months after frame becomes void and the individual will have to reexamine.  
the plumbing code change.  
Section 15 of the act claries who shall be licensed to install  
plumbing and Section 49 mandates that individuals not licensed  
The ve hours of instruction addressing the 2009 Michigan and performing plumbing will be guilty of a misdemeanor  
Plumbing Code and the State Plumbing Act began on the 2009 punishable by a ne of not less than $1,000 per day.  
code, effective date of August 20, 2010. For that reason, master  
and journey plumbers shall complete an approved course for  
We urge you to take the class as soon as possible and call  
the 2009 code by August 19, 2011. Notices have been provided the Plumbing Division if you have any questions. Class course  
to all licensees reminding them of the requirement. The law instructor’s information is available on the Bureau website at  
requirement was enacted to insure that all licensees have the  
most recent code information to operate in a safe manner  
while serving the public.  
Questions regarding this matter may be directed to the  
Plumbing Division at (517) 241-9330.  
Providing for Michigan’s Safety  
in the Built Environment  
Electrical division  
Wiring Methods for Patient Care Areas in Health Care  
By Dan O’Donnell, Chief  
are used for simple interviews or invasive procedures.  
Electrical Division  
Health care facilities offer many challenges for both  
electrical contractors and electrical inspectors with respect to  
the proper wiring method required given the complexity that  
these types of buildings present. The current electrical code  
for health care facilities in effect in the State of Michigan is the  
2008 Michigan Electrical Code (MEC). The MEC includes  
the Electrical Part 8 Rules and by reference adopts the 2008  
National Electrical Code (NEC)/ NFPA 70 with the Michigan  
amendments. Article 517 in the 2008 NEC deals with health  
care facilities. The scope of article 517.1 as dened in the code  
states that “the provisions of this article shall apply to electrical  
construction and installation criteria in health care facilities  
that provide services to human beings.” Health care facilities  
are dened in the code as “buildings or portions of buildings  
in which medical, dental, psychiatric, nursing, obstetrical or  
surgical care are provided.” The denition further states that  
“health care facilities include but are not limited to hospitals,  
nursing homes, limited care facilities, clinics, medical and dental  
ofces, and ambulatory care centers, whether permanent or  
movable.” Patient care areas are also clearly dened in the  
code as “any portion of a health care facility wherein patients  
are intended to be examined or treated.” There is no reference  
in the denition of patient care areas as to whether these areas  
Article 517.1 states that “a doctor’s examining room  
located within a limited care facility would be required to  
meet the provisions of 517.10.” Article 517.10 (A) states  
that “part II shall apply to patient care areas of all health care  
facilities”. Article 517.10 (B) points out the areas where part II  
of Article 517 would not apply and includes “business ofces,  
corridors, waiting rooms, and the like in clinics, medical and  
dental ofces, and outpatient facilities.” Simply put, the code  
is clear that areas other than the patient examining rooms in  
doctors’ ofces, clinics, and the like may be wired using an  
acceptable wiring method recognized in chapters 1 through 4  
of the code which would include Type NM Cable. However,  
the patient examining rooms must be wired in accordance  
with the requirements specied in Article 517.10.  
Electrical inspectors and contractors alike need to be  
mindful of the requirements for health care facilities as  
specied for in article 517 of the NEC. Researching the code  
and communication between contractors and inspectors can  
help avoid costly mistakes and jobsite delays.  
If you have questions feel free to contact the Electrical  
Division at (517) 241-9320.  
****** electrical reminders******  
Code update classes will not be required for renewal of 2012 licenses for master and journey electricians, re alarm  
specialty technicians, and sign specialist.  
Apprentice electrician registrations expire on August 31. Each electrical apprentice currently registered with the State of  
Michigan was sent a renewal form in mid June which was due in our ofce by July 31, 2011 for processing. Hope everyone is  
enjoying a safe and prosperous summer.  
michigan codes & rules currenlty in effect  
Boiler Fees  
Boiler Rules - General  
Boiler Operators & Stationary Engineers Qualication & Registration Program Rules  
Building/Residential Codes (Part 4)  
Electrical Code (Part 8)  
Elevator Safety - General  
Manufactured Housing General Rules  
Mechanical Code  
Plumbing Code (Part 7)  
Rehabilitation Code  
Subdivisions of Land  
Uniform Energy Code  
FOR CODE/RULE UPDATES - Visit BCC’s website to monitor updates on code review processes.  
office of land survey and  
Title Vesting Authority of Vacated Public Areas Within Recorded  
By Nicholas J. Clever, P.S.  
Traverse Closure [R 560.112]  
Amended plats led under section 229  
State Plat Review Fee and Filing and Recording Fee [MCL  
560.229 & 560.241]  
Floodplain Restrictions (if applicable) [MCL 560.194]  
Recorded County Road Commission Resolution (if  
applicable) [MCL 560.226]  
Ofce of Land Survey and Remonumentation  
The Ofce of Land Survey and Remonumentation  
(OLS&R) is the agency responsible for the review and approval  
/ rejection of subdivision plats led with the State of Michigan  
under the Land Division Act, 1967 PA 288, MCL 560.101 et  
seq. (LDA).  
Recorded Municipal Resolution (if applicable) [MCL  
560.226 & 560.256]  
When a subdivision plat is submitted for review to the  
OLS&R pursuant to either section 169 (proprietor plats),  
section 210 (assessor plats) or section 229 (amended plats) of  
the LDA, it shall be accompanied by the following:  
Recorded Court Judgment [MCL 560.228]  
Final Plat on Approved Material [R 560.104]  
Land Corner Recordation Certicates [R 560.112]  
Recorded Easements (if applicable) [R 560.112]  
Title Search for Easements of Record [R 560.112]  
Traverse Closure [R 560.112]  
Proprietor plats led under section 169  
Preliminary Plat [MCL 560.111]  
Preliminary plat approvals (as applicable):  
Road Commission [MCL 560.113]  
Drain Commissioner [MCL 560.114]  
State Transportation [MCL 560.115]  
Natural Resources and Environment [MCL 560.116 &  
In accordance with section 171 of the LDA and upon  
OLS&R’s completion of the plat review the plat will be either:  
(1) approved and forwarded to the county register of deeds  
for recording or (2) rejected. Upon rejection of a plat, a letter  
providing the reasons for rejection shall be provided to the  
following parties as follows:  
Health Department [MCL 560.118]  
Municipality [MCL 560.120]  
(1) Proprietor plats – Rejection letter, plat mylar, and  
markup copies will be issued to the proprietor with the  
majority interest, with copies of the rejection letter being  
provided to other proprietors and the surveyor of record.  
Upon authorization by the proprietor, the plat mylar  
and markup copies may be provided to the surveyor of  
State Plat Review Fee and Filing and Recording Fee [MCL  
560.142 & 560.241]  
Certied True Copies of Plat [MCL 560.169]  
Floodplain Restrictions (if applicable) [MCL 560.194]  
Owner’s Policy of Title Insurance [MCL 560.245]  
Governmentally Imposed Subdivision Restrictions [R  
Final Plat on Approved Material [R 560.104]  
Land Corner Recordation Certicates [R 560.112]  
Recorded Easements [R 560.112]  
(2) Assessor plats – Rejection letter, plat mylar and markup  
copies will be issued to the surveyor of record, with a copy  
of the rejection letter being provided to the assessor.  
Traverse Closure [R 560.112]  
State Issued Constructions Permits and Proof of Surety  
(if applicable) [R 560.121]  
(3) Amended plats – Rejection letter, plat mylar and markup  
copies will be issued to the surveyor of record, with copies  
of the plat rejection letter being provided to the Ofce of  
the Attorney General and the plaintiffs attorney.  
Assessor plats led under section 210  
State Plat Review Fee and Filing and Recording Fee [MCL  
560.142& 560.241]  
Subdivision plat re-submittals, resulting from the rejection  
of a plat by the OLS&R, are considered new submittals and  
shall be accompanied by a new state plat review fee and any of  
the above listed required documentation, as applicable.  
Municipal Resolution Ordering Assessor Plat [MCL  
Current Year’s Tax Roll & Preliminary Map [MCL  
Recorded Lot Line Agreements [MCL 560.206]  
Proof of Public Notice [MCL 560.209]  
Final Plat on Approved Material [R 560.104]  
Land Corner Recordation Certicates [R 560.112]  
Recorded Easements [R 560.112]  
Questions regarding this matter may be directed to the  
Ofce of Land Survey and Remonumentation at (517) 241-  
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Editor in Chief  
Keith Lambert  
Deborah Young  
Hillary Cushman  
Created under the authority of  
1972 PA 230.  
LARA is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids, services and other  
reasonable accommodations are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.  
Scott Walkowicz  
Pages 46-48  
March 21, 2024  
Tony Williamson, Bureau of Construction Codes  
Via email:  
RE: Storm Shelter Provisions in 2021 Michigan Building Code  
Dear Mr. Williamson and LARA:  
I am writing to oppose late amendments to the proposed rules that would adopt the 2021 IBC as  
our next MBC. I am writing as a Michigan resident; as a parent who has had students in  
Michigan schools; as a son whose mother survived the 1953 Flint-Beecher EF5 tornado; as a  
friend to police, firefighters, doctors and nurses and others would benefit from storm shelters in  
their new buildings; as a Professional Engineer who practices structural engineering; as an  
engineer who has a great deal of experience working with systems that can provide economical  
storm shelter; and, as a consultant for the Michigan Masonry Coalition.  
First, I have watched the current, proposed rules since their inception and there previously were  
no exceptions to the storm shelter requirements provided in Section 423. I am currently traveling,  
and on a whim and prior to tomorrows Public Hearing, I went to the BCCs website. There I  
found two notable changes - Sections 423.3 and 423.4 were now excepted in the proposed rules,.  
These added exceptions were not in reference to any written comments that were shared in the  
BCC documents related to the proposed new MBC I reviewed the published letters/comments.  
I had seen that there were comments related to other aspects of the code, but none related to the  
storm shelter provisions. As such, I was going to write a brief letter in support of maintaining the  
full adoption of Section 423. It appears, however, and as in prior adoption processes, that actions  
have taken place outside of the Public Hearing process and without public knowledge, that led to  
the new storm shelter exceptions. A person would not have known of those recent changes  
unless, and until, they had re-visited the BCCs website and notices the undated but changed  
proposed rules. I have checked various websites every couple months, through the 2021 adoption  
process, and was becoming convinced that Section 423 was going to be adopted in wholeuntil  
this evening. This seems entirely inappropriate for a public safety related process both with  
regard to the lack of announcement of changes and with regard to the late timing of the changes.  
Second, during the 2018 MBC adoption process, previously withdrawn, I, and others, had spoken  
in support of maintaining the storm shelter provisions and in opposition to poorly or unsupported  
letters of objection to shelters, particularly in schools. I will recap my general opinions here and  
would very much like to share updated data with you, and other appropriate bodies of influence  
for our code adoption process, in the future and prior to finalizing the proposed rule language.  
With regard to storm (tornado) shelters being required in Michigans Building Code:  
▄▀ Specialists in Masonry and Structures ▀▄  
5870 Chartres Way ■ East Lansing ■ Michigan 48823 ■ (517) 648-9319  
Part 4 Building Code Proposed Rules  
Page 2 of 3  
Storm (Tornado) Shelter Requirements Exceptions  
April 3, 2024  
1. Tornadoes happen in Michigan. Prior data that I had cited noted 58 significant tornadoes  
(EF3-5) having occurred in Michigan between 1950 and 2017. 2510 injuries and 195  
deaths occurred from those tornados according to NOAA. That data can be updated, and  
please note we have already had tornadoes in Michigan this year.  
2. Storm shelters requirements were retained, in the former proposed rules, for Critical  
Emergency Operations buildings.  
3. There was strong opposition to the late addition of storm shelter requirement exceptions  
for Group-E buildings in the former proposed rules.  
4. While conventional construction for schools and critical emergency operations buildings  
is done to higher wind design standards than for typical use buildings, their conventional  
construction design IS NOT SUFFICIENT for tornado level wind loads and flying debris  
a. Current shelter spaces in schools would be classified as best availableshelter  
space and they may or may not have better protective structural capacity than  
other parts of the building, but they will definitely not have sufficient structural  
capacity to protect occupants during an EF3 or greater tornado. They may, also,  
prove insufficient for lesser level tornadoes.  
b. EF3 tornadoes have wind speeds 36.5% greater than typical school design wind  
speeds, and the resulting design wind pressure is 89% greater (load is 189% of  
design capacity).  
c. EF4 tornadoes have wind speeds 66.7% greater, and design wind pressures 175%  
greater (275% of design capacity).  
d. EF5 tornadoes have wind speeds 100% greater, and design wind pressures 332%  
greater (432% of design capacity).  
e. Structural failure often occurs at 200 % to 250% of design capacity.  
5. It had been said, during the former process, that Michigan was the only state that would  
require tornado shelter construction in schools that didnt fully fund school construction.  
My former research showed that many states were constructing school shelters without  
any funding, or with very low funding, from the state. I, also, noted that FEMA provided  
(and still provides) grants for the premium costs associated with shelter construction.  
6. It was also previously presented that school districts, especially small, rural districts,  
could not afford to construct new schools, or school additions, due to the significant cost  
of shelter construction.  
a. Shelters are typically constructed using spaces planned for other activities and the  
only cost is the premium cost for the shelter construction which will include  
greater structure for the roofs, walls and possibly the foundations. That premium  
cost, however has been shown to be very small relative to the overall construction  
budget typically a percent or two.  
b. One of the apparent strongest objections was related to small additions for rural  
schools. Note that occupancies less than 50 do not require shelter spaces. For  
spaces with 50, or more, occupants a shelter space will be required for at least the  
occupants of the addition.  
c. I previously ran, and presented, a quick financial analysis for a small, 6,000  
square foot addition, or about six classrooms and ancillary space. The whole  
space was considered as a shelter, rather than only a portion of it, to shelter only  
the occupants of the addition so a net increase in sheltered students beyond the  
Part 4 Building Code Proposed Rules  
Page 3 of 3  
Storm (Tornado) Shelter Requirements Exceptions  
April 3, 2024  
addition at increased cost for the whole addition. The base construction at time  
would have been approximately $1.8 million while the shelter cost would have  
been approximately $2.4 million, or about $600 thousand more. That number  
could be off-putting, but when considering the bonded cost, it amounted to about  
$10/year in my small community of Bath Township, based on our taxable units,  
values and rates. That is a very palatable cost to any community member and  
would be easily presentable and defensible. The cost of the shelter would not have  
to be in place of other aspects of construction, with proper presentation and  
education of the local public.  
d. The premium cost differential decreases as the overall construction project size  
7. There is a premium cost to building shelter spaces. There is also a cost to not sheltering  
students or other occupants in tornado prone areas. The current data for 2022, from the  
U.S Department of Transportation, lists the value of a statistical life (VSL) as $12.5  
million. With one statistical life valued at $12.5 million, the relative cost of a tornado  
shelter is very small in comparison. We cannot afford to not shelter where the code  
currently suggests that shelters should be provided.  
8. Masonry and concrete provide economical envelope and structural systems to create  
shelter spaces within new construction. They have been, and are being, used in many  
states around Michigan and occupants of Critical Emergency Operations and Group-E  
buildings are being properly protected. Many, possibly most of those states (Id need to  
update my research) are doing so with no state funding or low state funding levels.  
Additional systems are being developed to provide other options for the structure and  
9. Other aspects of shelter construction can be managed via the code language to limit the  
nature, and related costs, of hand-washing, toilet and lighting facilities. Ventilation  
systems are recommended and must be protected, but other options are available to  
provide natural ventilation. The MEP system costs can be managed, and to some degree,  
mitigated if needed.  
There are, likely, other points that I could make, and certainly updated and greater depth of detail  
can be provided as the process proceeds. I encourage you to review the substance of the  
information submitted during the prior process. I invite you to further consider the above points  
and to allow the process to properly and fully address the realities of the benefits and potential  
costs related to shelter construction. I, and others, are happy to assist with that process.  
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding WCE’s evaluation relative to this  
information. Please, also, let me know if/when alternative viewpoints and data can be provided.  
Thank you for your time in considering my comments.  
Scott W. Walkowicz  
Adoption/Walkowicz Letter - Support of Storm Shelter Provisions 20240403.docx  
William Hordyk  
Pages 49-50  
To Whom it may concern,  
In review of the proposed changes to the Michigan Building Code, I present the following on behalf of  
the Metro Building Inspectors Association of Greater Grand Rapids, and myself.  
In several modifications to rule language there appears a change from a metric  
measurement symbol to a metric word. For example, “mm millimeter” the symbol "mm"  
appears 2,434 times in the model code. To be clear, the short forms for metric units (such as  
mm for millimeter) are symbols, not abbreviations. These correct ways to use the Système  
international d’unités, and other related units are set by the international standards that  
define the SI. There is no need to create additional confusion of measurements or additional  
rules that will need to be reviewed in the next promulgation process. Please allow the  
symbol mm to remain where used in the model code.  
Rule 401  
It is proposed to newly except 18 sections of chapter one of the model building code from  
being included in the Michigan Building Code including 104.2, 104.3, 104.8.1, 104.10, 105.3,  
105.3.1, 105.3.2, 105.6, 111.2, 111.3, 113.2, 113.3, 113.4, 114.1, 114.2, 114.4, and 115.1 to  
115.4. We ask the director to specifically identify why these sections, which have been  
allowed to remain in prior versions of the Michigan Building Code are now being removed.  
The Stille DerosettHale Single State Construction Act which grants authority to promulgate  
the Building Code has not changed in a manner that would affect the sections proposed to  
be removed. Nor, has the model code changed these sections in such a way that they would  
contradict the authority of Public Act 230. Given that the enacting legislation and the model  
code have not changed language and I know of no judicial rulings pertaining to the sections  
in question, there should not be a change in the rules to remove them now.  
Rule 415a  
The definition for “Act” should not be written into code language. There are references  
within established rules and draft rules that reference different Public Acts of Michigan,  
such as the Skilled Trades Regulation Act, the Occupation Code, the Adult Foster Care  
Licensing Act, as well as the Stille DerosettHale Single State Construction Act. Where any  
Act is referenced within code language it is, and properly so, identified using it’s full name.  
PA 230 is named the “Stille DerosettHale Single State Construction Act” within the Act. It  
does not need to be redefined in code language that is subordinate to the Act.  
"Cold Weather Months" should not be added as a definition. The language used here  
should, instead, be added to the code section you intend to modify; that being 1203.1  
The definition of “Occupiable Space” should not be changed. This definition is a bedrock  
definition applicable to every other section of code in some manner. The seemingly minor  
change will have many unforeseeable issues with interpretation of the code. As an  
alternative to redefining “Occupiable Space”. The desired exceptions to it should be  
identified in sections 1203.1 of this code and 309.1 of the Mechanical Code.  
Rule 418  
To effect the desired outcome of defining “cold weather months” and redefining  
“occupiable space” the draft language of 1203.1 should word the proposed exception 2 as  
“Exception 2: Interior, seasonal spaces that are unoccupied during November 1 through  
April 1 in climate zone 5A and from October 15 through May 1 in climate zones 6A and 7,  
including spaces such as restrooms, shower buildings, day use restrooms, concession stands,  
press boxes, ticket booths and locker rooms.”  
Rule 421  
Rule 421 was not proposed to be modified, however,  
The modifications to section 1025.1 can be struck from rule 421.  
Rule 421 was not proposed to be modified, however, with the striking of the Michigan’s  
definition of “HighRise Building” (408.30415a), Rule 421 does not need to correct the  
language of the 2021 model code.  
Rule 421 proports to modify section 1030.1 retaining to Emergency escape and rescue  
opening. The model code section has been renumbered to 1031.2. The rule needs to be  
changed to reflect the renumbering. In addition, the model code language should be  
reviewed considering the changes made to this section of the model code, the prior  
Michigan language is substantially similar to the 2021 model code and can be rescinded.  
Rule 429  
Rule 429 was not proposed to be modified, however,  
With the striking of the Michigan’s definition of “HighRise Building” (408.30415a), Rule 429  
does not need to correct the language of the 2021 model code.  
Rule 429 can be rescinded.  
Rule 429b  
Rule 429 was not proposed to be modified, however,  
The section references within this existing Michigan rule do not point to the correct 2021  
model code sections.  
More appropriately this rule can be rescinded to allow 3006.3 clear directions on when  
elevator lobbies are required.  
Rule 447  
Rule 429 was not proposed to be modified, however,  
The reference to section 1023.11 needs to be changed to 1023.12.  
Thank you for the consideration of these items and honestly (honestly, because inflection can be  
misread in written communication) thank you for your diligence in updating the codes.  
William A Hordyk, MCP  
Tracie Pack  
Page 51  
Tracie Pack <>  
Thursday, April 4, 2024 11:57 AM  
Building Code Rules  
CAUTION: This is an External email. Please send suspicious emails to  
Good afternoon. I'm recommending that the Bureau of Construction Codes keep the current building code rules as they  
are with no amendments.  
Thank you,  
Tracie Pack  