Michigan Board of Real Estate Appraisers
Meeting Minutes
March 16, 2021
Page 4 of 5
Rules Update
Ditschman stated that the draft was in the last stage of promulgation and should be
approved soon. She provided an overview of the major changes to the rules.
Judeh expressed a concern with the 60-day timeframe required to request approval for
continuing education. She stated that it is unrealistic to submit the application with the
speakers 60 days in advance. She also stated that not being able to advertise prior to
approval was an issue, as attendees desire to register months in advance to get the class
on their schedule.
Ditschman stated that 30-day emergency approval was included in the new draft, to allow
for circumstances, such as a change in speaker, that were out of the applicant’s control.
She stated that advertising is not allowed in order to protect the licensee who is
registering. The licensee should be assured that the course is approved when registering.
Wheeler asked if the continuing education process for the Board of Real Estate Brokers
and Salespersons was similar. Przybylo stated that continuing education for Real Estate
Brokers and Salespersons is approved through the state real estate association which is
a different process. Real Estate Appraisers’ continuing education is approved through
the Department with the same 60-day requirement for applications.
Hartman stated that, just because the rules state 60 days, that does not mean that it
would necessarily take that long.
MOTION by Wheeler, seconded by Judeh, to open the rules once the current sent has
been promulgated.
A roll call vote was taken:
Yeas: Howard, Judeh, Mook, Watson, Wheeler, Hartman,
Nays: None
Chair Report
Denkins stated that the Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) has extended the Uniform
Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) date to December 31, 2022.
Denkins stated that the Department has asked for assistance with investigation overflow.
He asked that Board Members remember to check their state email in order to receive
and respond to requests in a timely manner.