Rule 10. (1) An applicant for renewal shall satisfy the requirements of the code and the
rules promulgated under the code.
(2) An applicant for license renewal who has been licensed in the 2-year period
immediately before the expiration date of the license shall complete not less than 20
hours of continuing education in activities approved under these rules during the 2 years
before the end of the license cycle.
(3) Submission of an application for renewal constitutes the applicant's certification of
compliance with the requirements of this rule. The licensee shall maintain
documentation of satisfying the requirements of this rule for 4 years after the date of
applying for license renewal. Failure to satisfy this rule is a violation of section 16221(h)
of the code, MCL 333.16221.
(4) An applicant shall submit a request for a waiver of continuing education
requirements to the department for the board’s consideration not less than 30 days before
the last regularly scheduled board meeting before the expiration date of the license.
R 338.11 Acceptable continuing education; requirements; limitations.
Rule 11. (1) As used in this rule, "instruction" means education time, exclusive of
breakfast, lunch, or dinner periods, or any other breaks in the program.
(2) The 20 hours of continuing education required under R 338.10(2) for the renewal of
an audiologist license must satisfy the following requirements:
(a) Not more than 10 hours of continuing education may be earned during a 24-hour
(b) The licensee may not earn credit for a continuing education program or activity that
is equivalent or substantially equivalent to a program or activity the licensee has already
earned credit for during the license cycle.
(c) Under section 16204 of the code, MCL 333.16204, at least 1 hour of continuing
education must be earned in pain and symptom management. Continuing education
hours in pain and symptom management may include, but are not limited to, courses in
behavior management, behavior modification, stress management, and clinical
applications, as they relate to professional practice under part 168 of the code, MCL
333.16801 to 333.16811.
(d) Completion of implicit bias training under R 338.7004 during the 2 years before the
end of the license cycle may be used towards satisfaction of the requirements of R
338.10(2) and this subrule.
(3) Any of the following activities are considered acceptable continuing education:
Activity Activity and Proof Required
Number of continuing education
hours granted/allowed per
Initial presentation of a continuing
education program related to the
practice of audiology provided to a
state, regional, national, or international
audiology organization.
Three hours of continuing
education are granted for each 50
to 60 minutes of presentation.
No other credit is granted for
preparation of a presentation.
To receive credit, the presentation must
not be a part of the licensee's regular