Agency Report to JCAR-Page 3
James Blundo, Executive Director, Michigan Mental Health Counselors Association
Floyd Booker, Director of Diversity and Inclusion, Hope Network
Margaret Bruder
Martina T. Caldwell, Medical Director of Diversity & Inclusion, Henry Ford Medical Group
Adam Carlson, Vice President, Advocacy, Michigan Health & Hospital Association
Alisha Cottrell, Vice President, Advocacy, Ascension Michigan
Rhonda Dailey
Victoria Dinkin
Chris Farrell, Oral Health Program Director, Division of Child and Adolescent Health, Michigan
Department of Health and Human Services
Anthony Flevaris, BHMS School Counselor
Bridget Hurd, Vice President, Inclusion and Diversity, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Michigan
Ellen Sugrue Hyman, Executive Director, Michigan Oral Health Coalition
Michael Joy
Malarie Luft
Edward Mathis, President, American Physical Therapy Association, Michigan
Mark McWilliams, Disability Rights Michigan
Michelle Mertic, Guidance Center
Julie Novak, Chief Executive Officer, Michigan State Medical Society
Kelli Pierce, Vice President for Advocacy, Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Jodee Fishman Raines, COO, New Detroit, Inc.
Julia Rice, Executive Director, American Physical Therapy Association, Michigan
Lee Roosevelt, Clinical Assistant Professor, School of Nursing University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
Feyrouz Saad, Executive Director, Office of Global Michigan, Michigan Department of Labor and
Economic Opportunity
Laura Schmidt
Shannon McKenney Shubert, Executive Director, Michigan Breastfeeding Network
Gregory J. Spray, President, Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Sherrie Springer
Beth Straebel, System Director, Organizational Effectiveness, Munson Healthcare
James Sullivan
Sandy Sutton, Greater Detroit Dental Hygienist’s Association
Kendra Thelen
Steve Tobocman, Executive Director, Global Detroit
Sara Van Tongeren
Kimberlydawn Wisdom, Department of Community Health, Equity, Wellness and Diversity, Henry
Ford Health System
11. Persons submitting comments of opposition:
12. Identify any changes made to the proposed rules based on comments received during the
public comment period:
MCL 24.242 and 24.245