Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules
611 W. Ottawa Street
Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: 517-335-8658 Fax: 517-335-9512
1. Agency Information
Agency name:
Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Bureau of Professional Licensing
Name of person completing this form:
Dena Marks
Phone number of person completing this form:
E-mail of person completing this form:
Name of Department Regulatory Affairs Officer reviewing this form:
Elizabeth Arasim
2. Rule Set Information
MOAHR assigned rule set number:
2020-43 LR
Title of proposed rule set:
Optometry - General Rules
3. Purpose for the proposed rules and background:
This rule set pertains to the licensure, relicensure, and license renewals of optometrists.
The rules will be amended to provide clarity pertaining to continuing education and licensure by
endorsement. The rule pertaining to the minimum English language standard will be rescinded. All
rules will be reviewed and may be revised for clarity or to provide up-to-date information.
4. Summary of proposed rules:
The proposed revisions to the rules rescind the rule requiring an applicant to demonstrate a working
knowledge of the English language because the requirement has been relocated to the Public Health
Code – General Rules, update educational standards, amend and add CPR certification requirements
if an applicant is applying for or renewing a certification to administer topical ocular diagnostic
pharmaceutical agents, revise the requirements for verification of licenses held in other jurisdictions,
add licensure by endorsement requirements for individuals licensed in a province of Canada, and
revise and clarify continuing education and CPR requirements for relicensure and license renewal.
MCL 24.242 and 24.245