Agency Report to JCAR-Page 2
Michigan Physician's Orders for Scope of Treatment (MI POST) is an optional, 1 page, 2-sided
medical order documenting a person's wish regarding his or her care in a health crisis. MI POST is a
part of the advance care planning process that include choices about Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
(CPR), critical care, and other wanted care. It is intended to guide care only if the person cannot tell
others what to do at that time. The purpose of these rules is to comply with the statutory mandate of
MCL 333.5676(1)(c) in creating this form and instructions on how to complete the form, reauthorize,
and/ or revoke the form.
5. List names of newspapers in which the notice of public hearing was published and
publication dates:
Oakland Press, November 10, 2021; Battle Creek Enquirer, November 10, 2021; Marquette Mining
Journal, November 9, 2021.
6. Date of publication of rules and notice of public hearing in Michigan Register:
7. Date, time, and location of public hearing:
12/6/2021 09:00 AM at South Grand Tower-First Floor, Room 1A , 333 South Grand Avenue,
Lansing, MI 48933
8. Provide the link the agency used to post the regulatory impact statement and cost-benefit
analysis on its website:
9. List of the name and title of agency representative(s) attending public hearing:
Brad Barron, Manager, Policy and Strategic Planning
10. Persons submitting comments of support:
Shannon Orlowski RN, BSN, Graham Healthcare Group
11. Persons submitting comments of opposition:
12. Persons submitting other comments:
Gabe Schneider, Munson Healthcare; Paige Fults, Michigan Health and Hospital Association; Diane
Shields, MyMichigan Health; Monica Ward, Michigan Health Information Network Shared Services
(MiHIN); Karen Smith, LCSW, Ph.D.,HEC-C, Henry Ford Health System; Amy Vandenbroucke, JD,
National POLST; L. Raquel Clary-Lantis, DO, CMD, Trinity Health; Rena Ruehle, Spectrum Health;
Linda Caurdy-Bess, LMSW Clinical & Macro, ACSW, ACM-SW
13. Identify any changes made to the proposed rules based on comments received during the
public comment period:
MCL 24.242 and 24.245