Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules
1. Agency Information
Agency name:
Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Bureau of Professional Licensing
Name of person completing this form:
Dena Marks
Phone number of person completing this form:
E-mail of person completing this form:
Name of Department Regulatory Affairs Officer reviewing this form:
Elizabeth Arasim
2. Rule Set Information
MOAHR assigned rule set number:
2022-49 LR
Title of proposed rule set:
Optometry – General Rules
3. Purpose for the proposed rules and background:
This rule set pertains to the licensure, relicensure, and license renewals of optometrists.
The rules will be amended to provide clarity pertaining to continuing education. All rules and
assigned rule numbers will be reviewed, updated, and revised as needed for clarity, to provide up-to-
date information, and to comply with current drafting rules.
4. Summary of proposed rules:
The proposed rules rescind the rule pertaining to opioid and controlled substances training as it is no
longer needed in this rule set; provide for the approval and adoption of the National Board of
Examiners in Optometry examination; update accreditation standards of approved educational
programs; clarify the requirements for renewal of a limited license; clarify rules pertaining to
preapproved continuing education programs; update the Council on Optometric Practitioner
Education categories; clarify the requirements for requesting a continuing education waiver; and
rescind and relocate some rules for organization and clarity.
5. List names of newspapers in which the notice of public hearing was published and
publication dates:
MCL 24.242 and 24.245