Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules  
1. Agency Information  
Agency name:  
Superintendent of Public Instruction  
Name of person completing this form:  
Mary Fielding  
Phone number of person completing this form:  
E-mail of person completing this form:  
Name of Department Regulatory Affairs Officer reviewing this form:  
Mary Fielding  
2. Rule Set Information  
MOAHR assigned rule set number:  
2023-78 ED  
Title of proposed rule set:  
School Social Worker Certification Code  
3. Purpose for the proposed rules and background:  
On October 8, 2019, the State Board of Education adopted standards for the preparation and practice  
of school social workers, who provide services to students with disabilities whose individualized  
education programs require social work services. The standards were developed by a stakeholder  
group that included representatives of P-12 schools, educator preparation institutions, and  
professional organizations. The general purpose of the rules is to implement the strong  
recommendation of the stakeholder group that the Department of Education develop a school social  
worker certificate to replace the current “approval” letters issued by the department to allow the  
employment of individuals as school social workers. The proposed rules describe a certification  
process that is similar to the process in place for other professional educators, thus formally  
recognizing the professional status and vital importance of school social workers.  
4. Summary of proposed rules:  
MCL 24.242 and 24.245  
Agency Report to JCAR-Page 2  
The general purpose of the proposed School Social Worker Certification Code rules is to provide a  
pathway into the profession, along with temporary staffing options, by replacing the system of  
approval of school social workers with a certification and permit process for these educators who  
provide social work services to students with disabilities in accordance with individualized education  
programs requiring those services. The new process will be similar to the process in place for other  
professional educators.  
5. List names of newspapers in which the notice of public hearing was published and  
publication dates:  
Detroit Free Press – March 22, 2024  
Grand Rapids Press – March 26, 2024  
Marquette Mining Journal – March 23, 2024  
6. Date of publication of rules and notice of public hearing in Michigan Register:  
7. Date, time, and location of public hearing:  
4/9/2024 01:00 PM at 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Michigan Library & Historical Center, 1st Floor Forum or  
8. Provide the link the agency used to post the regulatory impact statement and cost-benefit  
analysis on its website:  
9. List of the name and title of agency representative(s) who attended the public hearing:  
Michigan Department of Education Office of Educator Excellence:  
Krista Ried, Manager, Certification Unit  
Scott Wertheim, Technician, Strategic Implementation Unit  
Katie Schmiedeknecht, Analyst, Data and Accountability Unit  
Beatrice Harrison, Higher Education Consultant, Certification Unit  
Allison Sandbrook, Technician, Certification Unit  
10. Persons submitting comments of support:  
Sara Berlin  
Candice Cook  
Rebecca Smith  
Diana Wheatley  
11. Persons submitting comments of opposition:  
MCL 24.242 and 24.245  
Agency Report to JCAR-Page 3  
Shelly Bailey  
Alexandra Ball  
Sara Berlin  
Tracy L. Bullock  
Carolyn Clark  
Candice Cook  
Stephanie Conflitti  
Gabrielle L. Fessender  
Alonda Fletcher  
Maia Gleason-Teener  
Cari R. Griffin  
Maureen Gumbel  
Kristina M. Hughes  
Ellen Karafa  
Jennifer Makowski  
Beth Marra  
Sarah Mignano  
Maleah Montney  
Elizabeth G. Niedowicz  
Christian D. Olson  
Sarah Prendergast  
Carly Salisbury  
Meranda Schroeder  
Melissa Smith  
Rebecca Smith  
Alexandra Stieve  
Holly K. Triestram  
Karla Vandenberg  
Kristen Whiston  
Steven P. Whitmore  
Valerie Zager  
12. Persons submitting other comments:  
Alexandra Ball  
Holly Triestam  
Karla Vandenberg  
Diana Wheatley  
13. Identify any changes made to the proposed rules based on comments received during the  
public comment period:  
Name &  
Organization public hearing  
Comments made at Written  
Agency Rationale Rule number  
for Rule Change & citation  
and Description changed  
of Change(s)  
Carolyn Clark  
“Regarding the  
The Department of R 340.1001  
MCL 24.242 and 24.245  
Agency Report to JCAR-Page 4  
suggestion that  
Education (MDE)  
SSW will need to recognizes a  
earn and pay for possible lack of  
an additional 75 understanding  
clock hours of  
among school  
social workers  
education, this is about what are  
concerning to me education-related  
since there are  
rarely, if ever,  
learning (ERPL)  
hours and what a  
state continuing  
offerings within education clock  
the district that  
are relevant to  
school social  
hour (commonly  
known as SCECH)  
is. Adding the  
workers. While definition of state  
we can always continuing  
look for offerings education clock  
in the summer, it hours will add  
may be difficult clarity and help to  
to meet this  
alleviate this  
standard during confusion. An  
the school year. extensive list of  
There are no  
substitutes to  
approved SCECH  
sponsors is  
serve in our roles available on the  
if we are away  
from our  
buildings like  
there are for  
MDE website.  
Many SCECHs  
are available for  
self-selection at no  
teachers, so our cost to educators.  
work essentially  
piles up on days With further  
in PD.  
respect to the  
Thanks for your ERPL  
considerations!” requirement, as  
explained in the  
request for  
rulemaking, 1  
purpose of the  
amendments is to  
recognize the  
(including the  
necessity and  
MCL 24.242 and 24.245  
Agency Report to JCAR-Page 5  
value of  
development) of  
school social  
workers and to  
align their  
requirements with  
those of other  
educators (i.e.,  
teachers, school  
psychologists, and  
Renewal of other  
requires 150 ERPL  
hours every 5  
years. For school  
social workers, the  
education required  
to retain a valid  
social worker  
license issued by  
the department of  
licensing and  
regulatory affairs  
(45 hours every 3  
years) accounts for  
one-half of these  
150 hours.  
Requiring school  
social workers to  
have 75 ERPL  
hours (which can  
include SCECHs)  
to maintain their  
therefore brings  
them into the  
process applicable  
MCL 24.242 and 24.245  
Agency Report to JCAR-Page 6  
to all professional  
14.Date report completed:  
MCL 24.242 and 24.245  