RFR-Page 2
These rules specify the minimum quality standards for provision of unbundled network elements
(UNEs) and local interconnection services applicable to incumbent local exchange carriers
(ILECs) interconnecting with competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs), to enable efficient
competition in the marketplace in the provision of basic local exchange service. R 484.74 requires
that the minimum quality standards for the provision of UNEs and local interconnection by an
ILEC be either the standards set out in the final order in an industrywide proceeding before the
Commission, or, where there is no such order, the standards adopted by the interconnecting parties
pursuant to their interconnection agreement (ICA) approved by the Commission. The only current,
final order in an industry-wide proceeding—the September 24, 2020 order in Case No. U-11830—
applies to AT&T Michigan (the ILEC) and all CLECs interconnecting with AT&T Michigan.
Thus, all other ILECs are subject to the alternative standard; that is, those standards adopted by the
ILEC and CLEC in their ICA approved by the Commission.
The rules apply to large ILECs in their offering of wholesale UNEs and interconnection. Small
ILECs typically do not offer UNEs on a wholesale basis. The few CLECs engaged in offering
wholesale services are excluded from these rules due to the small amount of activity that they
generate and the costs that would be incurred to implement processes to address and monitor such
rules. The rules are based upon existing negotiation processes between ILECs and CLECs, as
provided for by 47 USC 251 and 252, and standards established through industry-wide
proceedings that occur between the individual ILECs and participating CLECs before the
Creating an intricate set of rules for the provision of unbundled network elements and local
interconnection services is unnecessary due to market forces and the effective negotiation
processes between providers already in existence. When such processes already exist and allow
for certainty, there is no need for additional regulatory intervention. There is presently no known
reason to believe there will be any negative effects from adopting these rules. The Commission
proposes to repromulgate the rules with no changes. There were already repromulgated and put
into effect in 2013, 2016, and 2019.
8. Please cite the specific promulgation authority for the rules (i.e. department director,
commission, board, etc.).
By authority conferred on the Commission by MCL 484.2202 and MCL 484.2213.
A. Please list all applicable statutory references (MCLs, Executive Orders, etc.).
MCL 484.2202 and MCL 484.2213.
B. Are the rules mandated by any applicable constitutional or statutory provision? If so, please
Per MCL 484.2202(1)(c)(ii), the Commission shall promulgate rules under Section 213 to
establish and enforce quality standards for the provision of unbundled network elements and local
interconnection services to providers that are used in the provision of basic local exchange service.
9. Please describe the extent to which the rules conflict with or duplicate similar rules,
compliance requirements, or other standards adopted at the state, regional, or federal level.
The Commission is not aware of any conflict or duplication.
10. Is the subject matter of the rules currently contained in any guideline, handbook, manual,
instructional bulletin, form with instructions, or operational memoranda?
11. Are the rules listed on the department’s annual regulatory plan as rules to be processed
for the current year?
MCL 24.239