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Under MCL 333.16204, if the completion of continuing education is a condition for renewal, the
board shall by rule require an applicant for renewal to complete an appropriate number of hours or
courses in pain and symptom management.
Under MCL 333.16287, the department, in consultation with the board, shall promulgate rules to
implement MCL 333.16284 and MCL 333.16285.
Under MCL 333.16811, the department, in consultation with the board, shall promulgate rules to
require licensees seeking renewal to furnish evidence acceptable to the department and board of
the successful completion, during the preceding license year, of at least 10 clock hours of
continuing education courses or programs related to the practice of audiology and designed to
further educate licensees.
9. Please describe the extent to which the rules conflict with or duplicate similar rules,
compliance requirements, or other standards adopted at the state, regional, or federal level.
The rules do not conflict with or duplicate similar rules, compliance requirements, or other
standards adopted at the state, regional, or federal level.
10. Is the subject matter of the rules currently contained in any guideline, handbook, manual,
instructional bulletin, form with instructions, or operational memoranda?
The subject matter of the rules is not currently contained in any guideline, handbook, manual,
instructional bulletin, form with instructions, or operational memoranda.
11. Are the rules listed on the department’s annual regulatory plan as rules to be processed
for the current year?
12. Will the proposed rules be promulgated under Section 44 of the Administrative Procedures
Act, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.244, or under the full rulemaking process?
Full Process
13. Please describe the extent to which the rules exceed similar regulations, compliance
requirements, or other standards adopted at the state, regional, or federal level.
The rules do not exceed similar regulations, compliance requirements, or other standards adopted
at the state, regional, or federal level.
14. Do the rules incorporate the recommendations received from the public regarding any
complaints or comments regarding the rules? If yes, please explain.
The rules do not incorporate the recommendations received from the public regarding any
complaints or comments regarding the rules.
15. If amending an existing rule set, please provide the date of the last evaluation of the rules
and the degree, if any, to which technology, economic conditions, or other factors have changed
the regulatory activity covered by the rules since the last evaluation.
Amendment of the rules last took place effective March 29, 2023. No technological factors,
economic conditions, or other factors make amendment of the rules necessary.
16. Are there any changes or developments since implementation that demonstrate there is no
continued need for the rules, or any portion of the rules?
There are no changes or developments since implementation that demonstrate that there is no
continued need for the rules.
17. Is there an applicable decision record (as defined in MCL 24.203(6) and required by MCL
24.239(2))? If so, please attach the decision record.
MCL 24.239