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Representatives from businesses were involved in the development of the rules. However, the Department is not
aware if they meet the definition of a “small business.”
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Rules (independent of statutory impact)
28. Estimate the actual statewide compliance costs of the rule amendments on businesses or groups.
The estimated compliance cost would be the cost of entities to have their programs accredited.
A. Identify the businesses or groups who will be directly affected by, bear the cost of, or directly benefit from the
proposed rules.
There are approximately 15,231 pharmacy technicians and 1,346 limited pharmacy technicians in Michigan. There
are 69 pharmacies that have been approved by the Board to offer a pharmacy technician employer-based training
program and examination. In addition, employers such as Meijer, Walgreens, Walmart and Sam’s Club, Kroger
Company, Rite Aid, Costco, and CVS Drugs offer programs at multiple locations. There are seven proprietary
schools offering a pharmacy technician program.
A licensee may work in a small business, but no matter what type of business environment the licensee works in, he
or she will have to comply with the proposed rules. The rules do not impact small businesses differently than any
other entity that desires to offer a pharmacy technician training program and examination.
The probable effect on entities that offer a training program and examination is that they must have the program
accredited or they will no longer be able to offer the program after July 1, 2022.
The public will be directly affected by the proposed rules. If an entity that offers a Boar- approved pharmacy
technician training program qualified as a small business, and the Department determined to set lesser standards for
compliance, the impact on the public interest would be being served by pharmacy technicians who were trained at a
lower level than pharmacy technicians educated in accredited programs.
B. What additional costs will be imposed on businesses and other groups as a result of these proposed rules (i.e.
new equipment, supplies, labor, accounting, or recordkeeping)? Please identify the types and number of businesses
and groups. Be sure to quantify how each entity will be affected.
For all Board-approved pharmacy technician training programs, the cost of compliance will include the cost for
accreditation. The cost of accreditation depends on the accreditor, the type of entity being accredited, as well as the
number of sites being accredited. The cost is estimated at $3,500.00 annually for an educational site to $10,000.00
annually for a chain pharmacy.
No additional costs will be imposed on any businesses or groups.
29. Estimate the actual statewide compliance costs of the proposed rules on individuals (regulated individuals or
the public). Include the costs of education, training, application fees, examination fees, license fees, new
equipment, supplies, labor, accounting, or recordkeeping.
The estimated cost for submitting fingerprints for a background check by applicants is $30.00. The estimated cost for
human trafficking training is zero as the training may be found online. The background check and training will
benefit Michigan citizens by requiring an applicant for licensure to demonstrate that he or she is of good moral
character and knowledgeable about human trafficking.
A. How many and what category of individuals will be affected by the rules?
The individuals affected are applicants for licensure, relicensure, and renewal.
B. What qualitative and quantitative impact do the proposed changes in rules have on these individuals?
The estimated cost for submitting fingerprints for a background check by applicants is $30.00. The estimated cost for
human trafficking training is zero as the training may be found online. The background check and training will
benefit Michigan citizens by requiring an applicant for licensure to demonstrate that he or she is of good moral
character and knowledgeable about human trafficking.
30. Quantify any cost reductions to businesses, individuals, groups of individuals, or governmental units as a result
of the proposed rules.
MCL 24.245(3)