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The proposed amendments and additions to the billing rules add clarity to the current rules.
8. Describe how the proposed rules protect the health, safety, and welfare of Michigan citizens while promoting a
regulatory environment in Michigan that is the least burdensome alternative for those required to comply.
The rules protect the health, safety, and welfare of Michigan’s citizens by prohibiting utilities from shutting off
customers’ service without proper notice or billing/failing to refund charges for power that customers did not consume
due to incorrect meter registration or other issues, and by ensuring that customers are able to access information about
their right to a hearing and the procedures to request a hearing so that any prohibited behavior by a utility may be
appropriately addressed by the Commission. The proposed changes are intended to be clear, concise, well-organized,
and written in plain English without legalese so that electric and natural gas utilities regulated by the Commission and
utility customers may easily access and understand the desired information.
9. Describe any rules in the affected rule set that are obsolete or unnecessary and can be rescinded.
None of the proposed amendments or additions to billing rules are obsolete or unnecessary.
Fiscal Impact on the Agency
Fiscal impact is an increase or decrease in expenditures from the current level of expenditures, i.e. hiring additional staff,
higher contract costs, programming costs, changes in reimbursements rates, etc. over and above what is currently
expended for that function. It does not include more intangible costs for benefits, such as opportunity costs, the value of
time saved or lost, etc., unless those issues result in a measurable impact on expenditures.
10. Please provide the fiscal impact on the agency (an estimate of the cost of rule imposition or potential savings
for the agency promulgating the rule).
There are no additional costs or savings related to the proposed billing rule amendments and additions.
11. Describe whether or not an agency appropriation has been made or a funding source provided for any
expenditures associated with the proposed rules.
No agency funding source is required because the proposed amendments and additions to the billing rules will not
require any additional funding.
12. Describe how the proposed rules are necessary and suitable to accomplish their purpose, in relationship to the
burden(s) the rules place on individuals. Burdens may include fiscal or administrative burdens, or duplicative
The proposed additions and amendments to the billing rules do not add any burden to individuals; the changes are
intended to ease difficulties in researching and understanding the rules by clarifying their meaning, consolidating
related rules in one ruleset, and formalizing the Commission’s expectations regarding the manner in which electric
and natural gas utilities under the Commission’s jurisdiction respond to customer calls.
A. Despite the identified burden(s), identify how the requirements in the rules are still needed and reasonable
compared to the burdens.
The proposed additions and amendments to the billing rules are intended to ease the burden of researching and
interpreting consumer standards and billing practices. The proposed additions and amendments to the rules are
reasonable and needed so that electric and natural gas utilities under the jurisdiction of the Commission and utility
customers in the state of Michigan are able to easily access and understand their rights and responsibilities related to
consumer standards and billing practices. The proposed changes clarify and consolidate rules in one ruleset, and
formalize expectations for utility responses to customer inquiries. The proposed amendments and additions do not
subject utilities or individual customers to any additional fiscal or administrative burdens or duplicative acts.
Impact on Other State or Local Governmental Units
13. Estimate any increase or decrease in revenues to other state or local governmental units (i.e. cities, counties,
school districts) as a result of the rule. Estimate the cost increases or reductions for other state or local
governmental units (i.e. cities, counties, school districts) as a result of the rule. Include the cost of equipment,
supplies, labor, and increased administrative costs in both the initial imposition of the rule and any ongoing
No increase or decrease in revenues or costs are expected for any state or local governmental unit.
MCL 24.245(3)