RIS-Page 5
A. What is the rationale for changing the rules instead of leaving them as currently written?
The rationale for changing the rules is to eliminate ambiguous and outdated language, provide greater transparency of
the licensure requirements, update standards to ensure sanitary conditions, eliminate practices that exceed the
authority granted under the code, clarify standards for operating a mobile salon, and provide licensees and the
department with clarity that will assist in understanding and complying with the requirements under the rules.
8. Describe how the proposed rules protect the health, safety, and welfare of Michigan citizens while promoting a
regulatory environment in Michigan that is the least burdensome alternative for those required to comply.
The proposed rules provide a regulatory mechanism for the practice of cosmetology. To protect the health, safety, and
welfare of the public, it is important that members of the profession adhere to professional standards.
9. Describe any rules in the affected rule set that are obsolete or unnecessary and can be rescinded.
There are no current rules that are obsolete or unnecessary, but R 338.2158 and R 338.2180 will be rescinded and the
substance of the rule relocated for organization and to comply with current drafting requirements. R 338.2171c will
be rescinded and the substance of the rule recodified in proposed R 338.2183 for organization and clarity.
Fiscal Impact on the Agency
Fiscal impact is an increase or decrease in expenditures from the current level of expenditures, i.e. hiring additional staff,
higher contract costs, programming costs, changes in reimbursements rates, etc. over and above what is currently
expended for that function. It does not include more intangible costs for benefits, such as opportunity costs, the value of
time saved or lost, etc., unless those issues result in a measurable impact on expenditures.
10. Please provide the fiscal impact on the agency (an estimate of the cost of rule imposition or potential savings
for the agency promulgating the rule).
The proposed rules are not expected to have a fiscal impact on the agency.
11. Describe whether or not an agency appropriation has been made or a funding source provided for any
expenditures associated with the proposed rules.
No agency appropriation has been made or a funding source provided because there are no expenditures associated
with the proposed rules.
12. Describe how the proposed rules are necessary and suitable to accomplish their purpose, in relationship to the
burden(s) the rules place on individuals. Burdens may include fiscal or administrative burdens, or duplicative
The proposed rules are required by statute to provide regulatory requirements for cosmetologists, cosmetology
establishments, and cosmetology schools. The proposed rules are written to impose no more burden on individuals
than is necessary to accomplish the statutory requirements and to provide for the public health and safety. There is
no financial or administrative burden on individuals as a result of the proposed rules.
A. Despite the identified burden(s), identify how the requirements in the rules are still needed and reasonable
compared to the burdens.
The proposed rules do not place any new burden on an individual.
Impact on Other State or Local Governmental Units
13. Estimate any increase or decrease in revenues to other state or local governmental units (i.e. cities, counties,
school districts) as a result of the rule. Estimate the cost increases or reductions for other state or local
governmental units (i.e. cities, counties, school districts) as a result of the rule. Include the cost of equipment,
supplies, labor, and increased administrative costs in both the initial imposition of the rule and any ongoing
There are no anticipated increases or reductions for other state or local governmental units as result of the proposed
14. Discuss any program, service, duty, or responsibility imposed upon any city, county, town, village, or school
district by the rules.
There are no anticipated or intended programs, services, duties, or responsibilities imposed on any city, town, village,
or school district as a result of these proposed rules.
MCL 24.245(3)