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The actual statewide compliance cost of the proposed rules on individuals will be the $160.00 certificate application
evaluation fee. Based on data compiled from the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS) over the
last five years, it is expected that 600 to 700 school social workers will obtain a school social worker credential
annually as a result of promulgation of the proposed rules, with an estimated actual statewide compliance cost of
between $96,000.00 and $120,000.00 for the initial certification of 600 to 700 school social workers. However, the
cost may be less in the early years of implementation of the proposed rules because school social workers who are
currently “approved” will receive an initial school social worker certificate at no cost. For certificate renewal (with
an application evaluation fee of $160.00), school social workers will be required to complete 75 hours of education-
related professional learning, opportunities for which include some continuing education that is offered at no cost. In
addition, the proposed rules require that the applicant for a school social worker certificate hold a social work license
issued by the department of licensing and regulation. Because continuing education required for renewal of a social
work license will satisfy the continuing education requirements for renewal of a school social worker certificate, the
holder of a school social worker certificate may incur no additional continuing education costs for renewal of the
A. How many and what category of individuals will be affected by the rules?
School social workers and individuals applying for certification as school social workers will be affected by the rules.
There are approximately 2,800 currently employed individuals for whom the Department of Education has issued
“approvals” as school social workers.
B. What qualitative and quantitative impact do the proposed changes in rules have on these individuals?
The proposed rules will recognize the profession of school social worker as on par with the professions of other
certified educators, will provide school social workers with the opportunity to hold portable certification, and will
ensure adherence to standards for the preparation and practice of school social workers recently adopted by the State
Board of Education and to continuing education requirements that seek to ensure that school social workers possess
current information and training in the field of school social work. With the exception of the 2,800 school social
workers who are currently “approved,” individuals applying for school social worker certification will be charged the
application evaluation fee of $160.00 for an initial school social worker certificate.
30. Quantify any cost reductions to businesses, individuals, groups of individuals, or governmental units as a result
of the proposed rules.
No cost reductions are anticipated to businesses, individuals, groups of individuals, or governmental units as a result
of the proposed rules.
31. Estimate the primary and direct benefits and any secondary or indirect benefits of the proposed rules. Please
provide both quantitative and qualitative information, as well as your assumptions.
The primary and direct benefits of the proposed rules will include:
1. Recognition of the expertise, additional training, and professional learning required of school social workers, of
whom there are currently approximately 2,800 who hold “approvals” issued by the Department of Education.
2. Decoupling credentialing from employment so that a school social worker will hold a readily recognizable,
portable, professional credential.
3. Enhanced ability of the Department of Education to gather data about school social workers, to monitor school
social workers for compliance with statutory requirements related to school safety, and to dedicate staff to support
school social worker credential applicants, school social worker credential holders, and their employers. In 2022-
2023, 520 Michigan school districts employed school social workers.
Secondary benefits of the proposed rules may include:
1. Increased expertise of school social workers serving both students with disabilities whose IEPs require social work
services and their families.
2. Increased professionalism of special education personnel employed in public schools.
32. Explain how the proposed rules will impact business growth and job creation (or elimination) in Michigan.
The proposed rules will not impact business growth in Michigan. It is unknown if the proposed rules will result in the
employment of more individuals as school social workers in Michigan.
33. Identify any individuals or businesses who will be disproportionately affected by the rules as a result of their
industrial sector, segment of the public, business size, or geographic location.
MCL 24.245(3)