MR. MACINTOSH: Right. As long as, I mean, there is nothing in 3931, I believe is the
proposed rule as far as renewals. There is nothing in the renewal, other than that you have to fill
out the application and keep renewing the registration. Its if you lapse, that you could potentially
run into an issue. Especially, you know, what we call reregistration, in this situation. For instance,
if you let it lapse for three years, then you may have to take the exam, you may have to meet
additional requirements. But if you are continuing to renew the registration, that’s not going to be
an issue. We are not including within that rule, that final rule, as far as renewal, additional
requirements that current registrants would have to.
MR. DRAUTZ: Okay. And then the REHS from NEHA is the credential that you would
accept in Michigan to get your registration. You wouldn’t accept reciprocity from a registered
Sanitarian from another state; let’s say. Correct?
MR. MACINTOSH: There is a couple of provisos related to registration by endorsement.
It’s going to depend on the circumstances, but if you hold the NEHA RS credential, then that is
the automatic gateway. So, if you hold that NEHA RS credential, and it’s current, in good
standing, then that it the gateway in.
MR. DRAUTZ: Thank you so much. I appreciate it.
MR. MACINTOSH: Yes, certainly. Good question.
MR. MACINTOSH: Any other questions related to Sanitarians or Occupational Code
Renewals? I’m not seeing any other hands. Are you Kerry? I see YoungR15 has a thumbs up.
MS. YOUNG: Yes, that is correct. This is Regina Young and I am a Registered Sanitarian
and I am representing myself. It is a comment about regarding Sanitarian Registration. It is a
question, so I’ll have to submit it as a comment. Michigan has various guidelines and/or state
laws that adopt, by reference, a Michigan criteria for subsurface sewage disposal. That’s adopted
under NAREPA, Part 31 and regarding ground water discharge permitting or discharge permit
exemptions. There are also rules that are relative to development of land with onsite, wastewater
onsite water supply systems. And the rules that the State of Michigan has for reviewing those
also references Registered Sanitarians in private practice as having certain credentials. And so,
my concern is whether or not this rule change would have any impact on those other rules. I
believe it would not, but that is my comment. It is whether that has been considered to have any
impact or not, to other rules that reference Registered Sanitarians and their credential.
MR. MACINTOSH: If you could submit your comment, perhaps in writing, so that - and
when you do that include maybe a citation to the other rules, or statutory 30, that you’re concerned
about whether it’s going to affect. Because, obviously these would pertain to the registration of
Sanitarians as far as these rules. So, if there is some other code out there that pertains to
sanitarians, inaudible, that would be appreciated. Thanks.
MS. YOUNG: Thank you.
MS. PRZYBYLO: Ms. Young, do you know the email address to send it to?
MS. YOUNG: I do. I did send and I received an automatic generated email reply back
that it would be a seven-day response time and so I sent to the Board, BPL-board again. I will
send another one with specific citation and reference. Thank you.