Thursday, April 21, 2022
6A The Mining Journal
Good advice
Dear Annie
Even the smallest
add-on can add
up to millions
At the end of my rope
with husband’s family
ear Annie: My
husband and I
have been mar-
ried for three
He also said he didn’t
think his son was “follow- Somehow, I suddenly real-
ing his earlier beliefs any- ized I was not being a good
more,” and that he was
anxious to “get this
ford to buy basic groceries.
ear Car Talk: I
love your column
and wouldn’t
role model for our sons. I
asked myself what advice I
would have for a stranger
in the same situation. I
found an attorney. I gave
my husband 60 days to
land a job — any job, even
part-time — or I would
file for divorce.
years. Life together has
been good since our rela-
tionship blossomed al-
most five years ago. But
my in-laws have never
supported our relation-
ship because I’m not a
member of the Latter-day
Saints church, and be-
cause our relationship
started while we were
both separated but not di-
vorced from our previous
miss it. Here’s
my question: Why don’t
car manufacturers put
two sun visors on cars —
one for the windshield
and one for the side win-
It’s interesting that af-
ter all this time and sepa-
ration, he is thinking
about proselytizing to his
son, rather than just
meeting him wherever he
is in life. Perhaps the son
wanted to escape from
this aspect of his father.
The fact that he wants to
“fix” his son’s beliefs is a
I live where there are
lots of winding roads, and
every time I go around a
bend, the sun “shifts” and
ends up right in my eyes.
Years ago, I had a Vol-
vo with two visors, so
when I was driving, I did-
n’t have to keep flipping
the visor back and forth
from front to side as I
drove. Thanks. — Fran
A handful of cars I’ve
After 30 days, I remind-
ed him of my ultimatum
and said that I was still se-
rious. At 60 days, I said I
was going to the lawyer to-
They are toxic, and I am
much happier, and my
red flag for me, and possi- day. He asked for counsel-
bly a clue to the estrange- ing. I said it was too late. I
that the demand is not uni-
versal. Not that many peo-
ple regularly drive on the
kinds of roads you drive
on, Fran.
While we do hear from
people who want two vi-
sors, it’s not what we’d call
a groundswell. It’s current-
ly tied with electronic butt
scratchers as the 131st
most-requested new car
It would be nice if you
could order it as an option.
But it’s not necessarily
easy to add on after the car
is built, since it’s mounted
to the underside of the
car’s roof. So you’ll proba-
bly have to do what your
fellow sun-in-your-eyes-
on-winding-roads compa-
triots do, Fran. Get a good
pair of sunglasses or a strip
of tinted plastic and some
double-sided tape for the
top of your side window.
Happy squinting!
When we get together
for family events or vaca-
tions, my in-laws ignore
marriage is much healthi- ment. The father might be checked out as soon as the
er, without them. My hus- better off doing some self- 60-day timer went off.
me entirely (won’t look or band wants to spend time
speak to me for days). If I with his family. What
reflection. — Skeptical in
NY State
Staying for the sake of the
children is noble in
am spoken to, anything I
say is manipulated and
turned into something it
isn’t. Nobody in my hus-
band’s family attended
our wedding, and nobody
reached out when I gave
birth to our son over a
year ago.
should I do? — Impossi-
ble In-Laws
Dear Impossible In-Laws: as you say, is often a cru-
Family is a gift, and I usu-
ally suggest that we do ev-
erything in our power to
hold our families close and
make amends in times of
Dear Annie: Meeting our
loved ones where they are,
thought, but not worth it
for anyone involved. —
Been There, Got Out and
driven have had them,
Fran. But off the top of my
head, I can’t remember
which ones.
cial part of maintaining dif- Lived Happily Ever After
ficult relationships. Thank
you for your wise perspec-
Dear Annie: I resem-
bled the woman who
wrote to say that she was
staying married for the
Dear Been There: You
were really being taken ad-
vantage of, and your resolve
is admirable. Sounds like
your husband pushed as far
as he could, figuring you
would cave, but you did not.
If you really are living hap-
pily ever after, more power
to you.
I know I’ve driven older
Ford Explorers with them,
and older Nissan Pathfind-
ers. And I occasionally see
them on some higher-end
cars like Porsches and
Range Rovers, when cus-
tomers let me sit in them.
Why doesn’t everybody
do it? Well, I don’t want to
accuse the automotive in-
dustry of being cheap, but
I’m guessing that the extra
cost is a factor. Maybe it
only costs a few dollars to
add a second visor, but you
multiply that by a million
vehicles a year and sudden-
ly your customers are say-
ing, “Wait, the tire tread is
My husband is aware of
Your case is different;
their treatment, but he ig- you must set boundaries to
nores them and pretends
that everything is fine
even though this has hurt
protect your marriage, your sake of her son. My then-
happiness and your son,
husband quit his job
who deserves an abundance shortly after the birth of
our fourth son, and it
me quite deeply. After my of love and not the os-
If, on the other hand, you
mother-in-law didn’t
show up for our son’s
birth, spread lies, said I
wasn’t welcome in her
home and stopped com-
tracism of his father’s fami- took me seven years to re- want to allow your husband
ly. Exposing him to such
negativity will do only
alize that honor, mar-
riage, family and commit- ingness to enter counseling
back into your life, his will-
ment mean partnership
— not martyrdom.
I worked full time, went
back to grad school to en-
hance my earning power
and did nearly all of the
could be a healthy first step
toward reconciliation. The
good news is that the deci-
sions about your future are
up to you, and not anyone
else, because of your
strength of character.
Thanks for sharing your sto-
Do not allow such toxici-
municating with us for al- ty in your home. If your
most a year, she wants to
begin visiting to see her
grandson. She visited a
couple of weeks ago but
didn’t interact with our
son, and when we ex-
plained how much she
husband wishes to see his
family, he can visit them
question about cars? Email to
Car Talk by visiting the Car Talk
Dear Annie: After read- housework while he re-
ing the letter from “Des-
perate for my Son,” from
the parents whose son
mained unemployed. As
time wore on, the environ-
ment grew toxic, as I was
constantly angry and wor-
I think the other factor is
your questions for Annie Lane
to To
find out more about Annie Lane
and read features by other Cre-
ators Syndicate columnists and
cartoonists, visit the Creators
hurt us and how much we was ignoring them, I no-
wished she was a part of
our lives, she just blew us
off without taking any
ownership of her actions.
I don’t want to be
ticed something that you
didn’t mention. Toward
the end of the letter, the
father mentioned that he
and his wife were Chris-
One night, I came home
in tears at 10:30 p.m. be-
cause I had gone to the
grocery store after night
Visit the Journal on the web:
around these people.
tians and “love the Lord.” classes and could not af-
Public Notice
Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Bureau of Professional Licensing
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Behavioral and Physical Health and Aging Services
May 12, 2022
9:00 a.m.
Lead Service Section – Children’s Health Insurance Plan
State Plan Amendment Request - Lead in Water Removal of
Galvanized Plumbing and Blood Lead Reference Value Change
Location: G. Mennen Williams Building Auditorium
525 W. Ottawa Street, Lansing, Michigan
The hearing is held to receive public comments on the following administrative rules:
Accountancy – General Rules (MOAHR #2021-046 LR)
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)
plans to submit a State Plan Amendment (SPA) request to the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to establish
protocol within the Children’s Health Insurance Program lead
abatement Health Services Initiative to include the following:
Authority: MCL 339.205, MCL 339.308, MCL 339.721, MCL 339.725, MCL 339.726, MCL 339.728, and MCL 339.729, and Executive
Reorganization Order Nos. 1991-9, 1996-2, 2003-1, 2008-4, and 2011-4, MCL 338.3501, MCL 445.2001, MCL 445.2011, MCL
445.2025, and MCL 445.2030.
Overview: The proposed revisions to the rules: clarify the meaning of terms used in the proposed rules and removal of definitions
that are no longer necessary or are duplicative of definitions found in the Occupational Code; include the most current accounting
standards published and supplies the cost for obtaining copies of the adopted standards; updated educational standards and supply
the cost for obtaining copies of the adopted standards; clarify that the responsibility for compliance with the rules of professional
conduct extends to officers, employees, partners, and principals; clarify that an individual licensee, a firm licensee, an individual
with practice privileges, or an out-of-state firm may perform attest services of an enterprise only if they are independent from the
enterprise; clarify that commission means any consideration paid to an individual licensee, a firm licensee, an individual with practice
privileges, or an out-of-state firm by a third party in connection with a recommendation or referral of a person to the third party; and
clarify that qualified sponsoring organizations include the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) peer review
program, other entities that adhere to the standards under R 338.5102(1)(a) as decided by the board, and a peer review sponsoring
organization approved by another state.
Lead in Water Removal of Galvanized Plumbing
Remove any galvanized plumbing components identified between a
lead in water exceedance and the faucet. Galvanized plumbing can be
a continued source of lead exposure, even when the lead plumbing
components are removed. This will allow for better protection of all
Blood Lead Reference Value (BLRV) Change
Current language in the CHIP-SPA states, “Medicaid or CHIP-eligible
beneficiaries that have a blood lead level ≥ 5 ug/dL in non-target
areas will also be eligible for abatement activities.”
To align with our pending change to the BLRV, revise language to
state, “Medicaid or CHIP-eligible beneficiaries that have a blood
lead level ≥ 3.5 ug/dL in non-target areas will also be eligible for
abatement activities.”
Licensed Midwifery (MOAHR #2020-129 LR)
Authority: MCL 333.16145, 333.16148, 333.16174, 333.16178, 333.16181, 333.16182, 333.16186, 333.16201, 333.16204,
333.16205, 333.16215, 333.16287, 333.17107, 333.17111, 333.17112, 333.17115, 333.17116, 333.17117, and 333.17121, and
Executive Reorganization Order Nos. 1991-9, 1996-2, 2003-1, and 2011-4, MCL 338.3501, 445.2001, 445.2011, and 445.2030.
The anticipated effective date for the above amendments to the SPA
is May 1, 2022.
Overview: The proposed rules will require endorsement and relicensure applicants to disclose all licenses with other entities, report
current discipline or sanctions on a license, and meet the human trafficking, English language and implicit bias training requirements.
The proposed rules will also rescind the English language requirement as the requirement has been added to the Public Health Code
– General Rules, require licensed midwives to consult with or refer a patient if an infant has an abnormal blood spot infant screening,
or failed critical congenital heart defect screening, modify and add drugs to the Table 1 and Table 2 for the treatment of patients, and
allow licensed midwives in to use the two required hours of implicit bias training for credit toward the two required hours of cultural
awareness training.
The State Plan Amendment is not expected to change the overall
There is no public meeting scheduled regarding this notice. Any
interested party wishing to request a written copy of the SPA or
wishing to submit comments may do so by submitting a request
in writing to: MDHHS/ Behavioral and Physical Health and Aging
Services Administration, Program Policy Division, PO Box 30479,
Lansing MI 48909-7979 or e-mail MSADraftPolicy@michigan.
gov by May 18, 2022. A copy of the proposed State Plan
mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-73970_5080-108153--,00.html .
The rules will take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State, unless specified otherwise in the rules. Comments
on the proposed rules may be presented in person at the public hearing. Written comments will also be accepted from date of
publication until 5:00 p.m. on May 12, 2022, at the following address or e-mail address:
Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Bureau of Professional Licensing– Boards and Committees Section
P.O. Box 30670
Lansing, MI 48909-8170
A copy of the proposed rules may be obtained by contacting Board Support at (517) 241-7500 or the email address noted above.
Electronic copies also may be obtained at the following link:
Licensed Midwifery
To allow for broad public attendance and participation, including for persons with disabilities, members of the public
may access this meeting by both web and phone and provide either oral or written comments. Closed captioning will be
provided, when available. Members of the public who are speech or hearing impaired may also attend and participate
in this meeting by dialing 7-1-1 and using the Michigan Relay service. More information about this service may be found at
People with disabilities requiring additional accommodations (such as materials in alternative format) to participate in the meeting,
or those that have questions should contact the department at